1 Post – 396 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Old, angry, white men wanting to control women's bodies...a tale as old as time.

People like this are scared and weak. They can't handle a strong, opinionated woman or someone on equal standing on them, so they must strip away their rights. It's fucking scummy.

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Agreed. How anyone can go, "This is our truth. This book is our law." And then explain how they just ignore all the parts that aren't convenient for them, and brush it away as of it's nothing.

The concept of a divine being is fine, but religion is disgusting. What it does to people is horrible.

From the article, it sounds like he knew they were a minor and still leaned into the conversations. Why? Why TF would you even be curious about it?

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Not only do they wholeheartedly support it, but they emphatically push it. The irony of pushing for something that you don't have to actually fight for, like they are "better" than other Israelis.

They are also the ones that are rabid supporters of Netanyahu as well, apparently because he tried to give them preferential treatment.

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Y'allqueda in full swing in the US.

Ain't no hate like Christian love.

Ah yes, the "Fuck you, got mine" the Boomer Conservatives are so famous for.

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Me and my wife are both members of TST and we LOVE the work they do. The Tenets they promote are loving, self-respecting, and do justice towards an ideal world of Individualism, anti-authoritarianism, and critical thinking - i.e. everything that Christianity and modern conservatism in general are eager to suppress. We regularly donate to them, and we constantly purchase stuff through their store to help support them.

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Damn dude. This guy stood up and protested about something that meant something to him, and you're busting his kneecaps because it wasn't soon enough.

The fuck have you done lately?

No one is ever going to be perfect. The least you can do is be happy that some people are legitimately trying to take a stand against the IDF's genocidal actions.

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This is fucked. They are allowing your tax dollars to be used for Christian Fundamentalist Schools. All that fear mongering about "brainwashing" your kids with CRT and the LGBT-agenda in public schools that never existed, and the Republicans are literally trying to push a religious agenda down the throats of this citizens of this state.

How long before girls are banned from the higher level STEM classes and instead required to take Home Ec and urged to be stay at home mothers and wives, you know, like Harrison Butker and his wife suggested?

We are fucking backsliding as a society....

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Hot diggity do I love me some TST. They're the best. We donate to them regularly, and their shop has some of the coolest merch.

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You want to know why China is so absurdly cheap for everything? This is part of the reason why. I wonder how many prison mining camps, prison garment/textile camps, etc. Are operating with the sole goal of keeping costs as absolutely rock bottom as possible. China is making a killing by undercutting the global market on costs for just about everything.

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Remember kids, don't ever plug something in to your computer that you don't trust or are unsure about. Picking up flashdrive off the street and plugging them in is one of the easiest ways to get malware installed on your computer.

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Yes, China, well known for it's cleanliness and sanitation, is worried about "food safety". Sure.

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I'm worried that they DID know, and are using this as an excuse to further their agenda against Palestinians.

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We're atheists, and our son was not, this is the printer he was using when he was raptured.

How embarrassing for Republicans, that their party is being gutted from the inside by a poor, orange, dementia-ridden blow-hard. He's stealing from their coffers to pay his debts and killing off the RNC to make room for the Trump Party.

Really wonder how centrist Republicans feel about it. Abject horror? Or do you guys support it?

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Check out the Podcast Knowledge Fight. They've been going over Tucker Carlson's podcast...and holy fuck, Carlsons gone off the deepend. Now that he don't have a team of writers, you get to see this dingus's true colors, and trust me, they are dark.

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What a boomer question...

They want the US to stop supplying weapons to a genocidal state and actually put pressure on Israel to stop with the wanton destruction. The US is propping up it's ally with millions of $ in bombs, missiles, and other such weapons in what are ultimately being used to murder men, women, and children that have nothing to do with this war besides live in Gaza. The IDF is murdering, raping, executing, humiliating, mauling, torturing, and harming men, women, and children. Fuck them. The US should not be supporting this sort of treatment of civilians. Did that answer your pedantic, little "gotcha" question gramps?

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Fuck the IDF. How anyone can suggest that they are "morally right" to do what they are doing is just as monstrous and cold-hearted.

1,400 people died in the Hamas attack. Over 10,000 people have died SO FAR in the Israeli attacks - almost half of which are children. Israel has one of the most technologically advanced militaries in the world thanks to the U.S. Let that sink in for a moment....they have one of THE. MOST. ADVANCED. MILITARIES. On the entire fucking planet. If they wanted to, they could avoid these casualties....but they don't. This is purposeful.

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You ever have your whole trip get fucked up because you checked your bag and they lost it? I have.

Also, by queuing up like that, you get dibs on limited overhead luggage space - 15 minutes in a queue is 30-45 minutes you don't have to wait waiting for your baggage to arrive in Baggage Claim because you decided to not be one of those losers waiting for "reserved seats".

It's a good travel strategy to save time and energy later.

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Fuck Israel for doing this. Displacing an entire population of people. I'd bet money that MOSAD knew about this attack (maybe not to this degree), but expected that it'd give them all the political ammunition that they'd need to fuck over Palestinians even worse than they already have it.

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The absolute dumbest of takes.

All anyone has to do is say, "'s for the children," and you just line up, ready to sign away your rights and privacy.

Yes, let's not rush into to taking any sort of precaution to protect our kids. Much better to have this wild West situation we have going on now just in case me, Clyde, and Peepaw need to go toe-to-toe with the US Government in some sort of hypothetical hyperbolic David vs Goliath scenario. Totes makes fucking sense, dunnit.

As a gun owner, I recognize how absolutely lax the gun laws are. Let them make it harder to buy a gun. It won't hurt you. At least then I know fucking "Off-His-Meds" Jeb down the street from me won't be able to buy an AR-15 and mow down my family because my weeds keep "blowing on his lawn" or whatever inane shit he constantly yells as me about.

Maybe you could stop being susceptible to all of the gun lobbyists arguments and learn to think for yourself at some point. I don't know. That's just my 2¢. Maybe once you have a kid or grandkid going through school your tune will change.

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That would be John Stuart, if he ever decided to run for office. And holy fuck, he'd kill it. I mean, he says he doesn't want to do it, but he knows more about policy, politics, and how the game is played than most politicians.

I get it, I wouldn't want to either, but daaaaamn. He'd rip conservative a politics about 5 new assholes.

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The cross examination of the defense's real estate expert, which was expected to last at least two hours, ended abruptly after he appeared to contradict his own findings in the expert report he had compiled.

Fucking lawl.

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I wonder if they'll ever do Bootcamps for any other engineering positions. I mean a Bootcamp Electrical Engineer would be absolutely comical, but I could honestly see there being something like Bootcamp for specific focuses. For degrees like electrical, where the items you learn about in school are often outdated, offering some sort of "What's New" per field (microelectronics, processor designs, fiber optics, quantum computing, etc) might actually be pretty useful.

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I want to be very clear here - the alarm bells should be going off for people. This is whole thing is genocide.. There are 10 Stages of Genocide.


  1. PERSECUTION: Victims are identified and separated out because of their ethnic or religious identity. Death lists are drawn up. In state sponsored genocide, members of victim groups may be forced to wear identifying symbols. Their property is often expropriated. Sometimes they are even segregated into ghettoes, deported into concentration camps, or confined to a famine-struck region and starved. They are deliberately deprived of resources such as water or food in order to slowly destroy them. Programs are implemented to prevent procreation through forced sterilization or abortions. Children are forcibly taken from their parents. **The victim group’s basic human rights become systematically abused through extrajudicial killings, torture and forced displacement. **Genocidal massacres begin. They are acts of genocide because they intentionally destroy part of a group. The perpetrators watch for whether such massacres meet any international reaction. If not, they realize that that the international community will again be bystanders and permit another genocide.

    At this stage, a Genocide Emergency must be declared. If the political will of the great powers, regional alliances, or U.N. Security Council or the U.N. General Assembly can be mobilized, armed international intervention should be prepared, or heavy assistance provided to the victim group to prepare for its self-defense. Humanitarian assistance should be organized by the U.N. and private relief groups for the inevitable tide of refugees to come.

Edit: apparently Lemmy double posted. I've removed the lower copy.

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Okay....let's divide the foot fetish and the racist thing. Both are totally different things. I can have a foot fetish without being a racist. I mean when you have feet near/around your face when you have sex, eventually your brain starts to associate the two unintentionally. Eventually, your brain like....bridges a connection between the two, and holy shit, feet become weirdly sexy. Iono.... "Different strokes for different folks," and all that jazz...

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This man is going to be remembered and revered for centuries. I'm in awe of his gumption and sheer drive to win this war.

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"We have our own intelligence..." " ...that CONVINCES us."

You know if they found proof, that they'd fucking say it. These fuckers would have been up there in a heartbeat, "We have definitive proof that Hamas was using Al Shifa Hospital..." And then paraded around photos in a fucking press package. They didn't find shit, and they're too embarrassed to own up to the fact that they're supporting terrorists trying to fight other terrorists.

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Neo-nazis are an abhorrent stain upon America. They are essentially fearful little men, whose only accomplishments in life are being born a white male in America.

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Well, education in general..... Which is why they are so absolutely desperate to dismantle our education system.

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Good fucking luck to the next guy. Lol

Shits going down like the Hindenburg.

I would really love it if a Pro-lifer could come and comment here about how this is such a good thing. And how this will benefit both the mother and child. How this is going to foster such a wonderful happy family...

...but they won't. Their support is surface level. "Babies good, abortion bad." God forbid you take off their rose-tinted glasses and expose them to the fucking realities of this world. Fuck them and their ignorance. They're ignorance fueled these policies and the politicians that pushed them.

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I'm not disagreeing with you. But the only people that get the right to travel in a car are the rich. Rather than it be based on a needs-based system or lottery system. The rich get the right, but normal people don't. That's the point he's trying to make.

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Do people actually give these things merit on 4chan, or is it just a joke/dog whistle? I mean, it's sort of funny seeing someone go down the most braindead "critical thinking" episode I've ever seen, but there's no way anyone goes, "Holy.... shit... he's so right!" and mean it seriously. I refuse to believe people are literally that stupid.... But that could be on me, I guess.

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I mean, I got the joke while reading the comic, but your breakdown was so thorough that I am highly interested in seeing how you can break it down further. Please... Continue.

Except for supporting the genocide of Gazan children, sure.

Don't get me wrong, if my only options are a vindictive Orange wannabe dictator, and Biden, I'm still voting for Biden...but fuck, his support for Israel's genocidal crusade is really fucking bad.

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Weird that a policy article has a thumbnail of random's not even mentioned in the article.

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US citizens. I hope your taking notes. This is how you protest. We may need these sorts of strategies in a year.

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