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Joined 1 years ago

Every time I see a picture of her, my brain immediately says: "howler monkey."

I wonder if the thinking is that once the proverbial seal on that lid is broken, the next administration would just Uno-reverse it by adding more of its preferred justices?

And, it's not like (aside from the first two damn years when it should have been done) they had a trifecta; although you could be assured Manchin or Senema(?) would have fucked them over.

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Iron a wool suit?

That's the most depressing thing I've seen all day, and I've been doomscrolling since I woke up.


Stop. Giving. These. Fuckwits. Attention!

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The absolute worst, most annoying thing about every Apple advert and the day-long adverts - the launch day events, is the freaking hyperbole.

(breathlessly exclaim:) The fastest ever. The thinnest ever. More cameras than ever! The most ever ever!

Breathtaking vividly bright Applewordsalad display technology

My coworker is fully bought in to the ecosystem, so I get the full experience every launch day. Listen critically sometime. Turn on your bullshit filter. It's a fun game.

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And that's not being snide - they actually had that on the giant scroller at the rnc convention!

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Yeah, those damn liberals and their... Summer school lunch programs... And not wanting kids to get cut to ribbons in the Rio Grande... And wanting to assure access to healthcare, no matter who you are or your gender expression, or if you want safe access to an abortion... And want to end systemic racism...

Yeah, you're right - both sides are the same. /S

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Oh, eat a Hello Kitty lunchbox full of dicks. There's plenty of reasons to hate on TikTok (and Facebook, insta, YouTube, ad-infinitum/ad-nauseum). They're a damn cancer on society.

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An old trick you could do on old physical fax machines was to tape a couple of sheets of black construction paper together, feed them into the machine and tape them into a loop. Dial your special person and burn through all their toner. Of course, now it would just generate a bunch of emails.

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"Moms" for liberty was founded in part by a dude in New Jersey that was up on charges for sexual assault, and another founder in Florida, a couple, the husband of which was credibly charged (and I believe pled out) to criminal sexual conduct...

That organization? The same one that the Southern Poverty Law Center has designated as a hate group? Let me see how many fucks I can find to give about what they have to say...

"Make Shooting Nazis in the Face Normal Again"

All right, get into the idiot squisher.

Yeah, that sounds about right for the quality of elected officials put in charge by that special group of the electorate.

I'm sitting in the pediatric ICU with my 1-month old child. Yesterday, she went into respiratory arrest and they called a code blue on her. I thought she was dying in my arms, and I'm still shaking with fear, although she's doing better. I CANNOT FATHOM any father putting their child into such harm. I hope, with all my heart, the child recovers fully, and the father died (or dies) slowly, screaming.

Sounds about white for North Dakota.

Dave Ramsey is a shitheel. His attitude toward money is obsessive and not compatible with healthy relationships or families. I would not be surprised if he were to die completely alone and unloved.

I can't remember the # of the original, but I'm certain that's not what it said. Randall wouldn't use that, and that's not his font.

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There's a fucking surprise. Pond scum.

So we're just skipping the part about the execs treating themselves to a concert after many years of union busting, horrid working conditions, innumerable other abuses, and excluding the workers. But we're going to shit on the people they hired for a gig.


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That's been a refrain among the great plains dwellers since I was a kid and the term "global warming" was first ideated. Every winter, some chucklefuck would "lol, I'd like some of that global warmin' right about now!"

And they still do it, while complaining about persistent summer drought diminishing crop yields, bitching about government "handouts", and being the biggest recipients of them in the form of farm subsidies to produce corn that gets shoved into high-fructose corn syrup and spiking morbid obesity across the entire country.


The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire

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Oh good - there's plenty of those lunatics around where I live.

Sucks to suck, bitch!

Rock-a-bye eagle, on the great plains...

From an interview on a right-wing talk radio show. Context clues are important. Dude's lucky he didn't say anything more stupid that couldn't be backpeddled like this was.

And as for 'turning himself in', it's pretty suspicious that another city employee who was responsible for reviewing the footage also reported it up the chain of command, but the city couldn't determine who did it first.

But yeah, let's trust his version.

That's a feature, not a bug.

Regarding the steadfast belief that "conservatism is dying": no it isn't. Christian schools, home schools, Christian colleges, and even regular schools, communities and colleges are pumping out kids that have the beliefs of their parents. I live in a rural area, and work (hypocritically) for a Christian based organization. I'm surrounded by young minds that are perfectly comfortable with the ideals of the religious right, and vote.

Society has been saying it for years... We said it when I was back in college. "Bubba in the white house is going to be the best! We'll undo all the hell Reagan and Bush did!" then Newt Gingrich (sounds like a disease...) made his "Promise to America(tm)" and everything got fucked.

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Look, I despise Amazon and Jeff bezos. I avoid Amazon and work hard to find products from retailers that aren't Amazon storefronts. But at some point, unless you're self-employed and completely self-sustaining, you're 1) whoring yourself out to somebody, and 2) sucking the knob of capitalism somewhere.

All we're left to argue is matter of degrees.

Which is a special kind of ironic since China withdrew all their pandas from American zoos due to trade 'wars' (i.e. Tariffs in some goods) including the fantastic program at the San Diego zoo.

Uhhh, dude - it's not illegal. As others have mentioned, it's a foreign (hostile) actor contributing to election interference efforts in violation of established law. It is essentially enforcing another law that's already on place!

The complication with fb et al is that as US companies, there are other laws that protect their actions (and I'm not going to minimize the effects of powerful lobbyists).

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Well, the Italian government is going full-on neo-fascist, so it'd probably be a wash, but the food would be so much better!

I think a better option would be stripping the tax exempt status from the ones that politik from the pulpit. Actually enforce the law we have now instead of being afraid of looking like we're persecuting them. Hell, they all have that complex already anyway.

Taxing them all would just open the floodgates.

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What about when Bugs Bunny dressed up as a girl bunny?

"...soaring up all the lists that matter..."

Maybe, objectively, our methodology for measuring greatness/worth is flawed.

Definitely not a hoopy frood

To be fair, your voice recorder probably can't withstand being slammed into the ground at 500mph...:P

I may be waaaay off here, but the internet as it exists is pretty much built on DNS, isn't it? I mean, the whole idea of DARPANet back in the 60s and 70s was to build a robust, redundant, and self-healing network to survive nuclear armageddon, and except when humans f it up (intentional or otherwise), it generally does what it says on the tin.

Now, there's arguments to beade about securing the protocol, but to rip and replace the routing protocols, I think you'd have to call it something other than the Internet.

There's openly racist chucklefucks north of the line too. Some are even the county sheriff.

I'm looking at you, "Dar", you shitbag-behind-a-badge...