6 Post – 83 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Biden is a lukewarm president on a good day.

But compared to this bullshit fascist Christian sharia law ramble above he’s almost one of our only hopes.

I hope his name isn’t on the ballet this next November. But if it’s listed then we’re all in danger. This nonsense is a far right fascists wet dream.

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I take nothing for granted with this clown. The fact that he’s still a free man in the first place makes me weary of his impact on the future.

I hope he loses. Or better gets hit by a car before election time. But if he makes it to the ballot and his name is on the paper in November. He’s a threat.

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Isn’t this the admins like third final warning?

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Not yet but it’s a great idea

I’m 8 years into the IT space and got my start at a help desk as well. Now I’m running a team for a large international company.

I’m not sure if Lemmy supports DM’s as I haven’t explored it much but please feel free to reach out to me with any questions etc and I’d be happy to give you some tips! You got this boss. 💪

I’ve missed Reddit but I’m realizing now the number of times I’ve reflex clicked Apollo that my usage was unhealthily heavy.

I’m enjoying Lemmy and due to both it being new and more empty (but enjoyable!) I’m online much less and I think it’s a good change.

That plus the communities here are small enough that k feel like my posts or comments are actually seen and responded to now which is nice!

Goodness I hope it isn’t anything to minor.

I spent 10 years on that site. I’m not sure I can bring myself to delete all my comments and the profile itself.

I haven’t logged in since Apollo died though

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I’m still a skeptic. But Reddit is dead as far as I’m concerned

So anyways here I am I guess

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I just assumed it was something disparaging him and was satisfied

while that’s totally valid of course that kind of has nothing to do with iPads and their stylus’ does it? Lol

But Wacom makes some great stuff. I have a buddy who uses a Wacom tablet for digital art. He uses windows. Any Linux quirks or does Wacom “just work” with Linux installs?

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I’ve definitely heard of bars offering free non alcoholic drinks to DD’s but I can’t imagine any trying to get AA coins in exchange for alcohol that’s crazy.

“Not everything that counts can be counted”

My high school environmental science teacher.

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There is specific software for everything

The iPhone hate is hilarious to me. I used androids for years. Galaxies and Pixels. Without fail before two years old they were slow hot pieces of shit with terrible battery degradation

I decided to try iPhones. On a 12 pro since release. It just fucking works and battery has remained great. Sure it’s dropped to 80% capacity compared to release. But guess what. When it hits 79 apple will warranty it for me

I’ve spent less on phones since switching to iPhone than I ever did when using android

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Very angry letter home threatening legal action that definitely pissed off my parents (I was in high school at the time)

Did not help that it was an adult movie that got me caught and this was apparent because the bastards included the movie title in the letter lmao

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And the fact that they have silicon space dedicated to accelerating that translation layer specifically.

Good software and good hardware married to make a kickass move to ARM.

As a zillenial (to young for millennial to old for gen Z) I can tell you that if feels basically awful only ever knowing the ruinous aftermath of the “fuck around” era

Outside of my immediate friends and family, whom I cherish, I couldn’t be fucked anymore. Everything is so shit all the time. I hope things get better of course and I look out for others when I can. But I’m just trying to keep me and my own afloat at the moment.

Just a smidge?

I’m 27. Could you perhaps spare a drop or two of that optimism? You apparently have truckloads of it lol.

Nintendos lawyers never fucking rest

You’ll never be safe. Sorry.

Well, considering the UK is not interested in helping him, and you’re probably right, we should perhaps be more concerned with Russia or a similar country picking him up for state sponsored cyberattacks or some shit.

Kid seems to be in it for the chaos and notoriety. That could cause quite a bit of harm in the right state environment.

Don’t think Bing has been good for that for some years no?

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I once wrote a batch file and deployed it to a group of VM’s in my high school that would make disc drives open and close repeatedly.

Resulted in the high schools small NOC having several servers opening and closing their drives over and over much to the confusion of the IT guy haha

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I remember the war between /r/me_irl and /r/meirl back in the day on Reddit

Me_irl gang for life personally 😤

More money when you run them.

More fun to join then tho

Me and my boys have been using discord for years now to chat while we game and maybe stream what we’re doing just to each other.

Discord has added features and shit I suppose but I haven’t changed how I use it at all since I first started.

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Got caught torrenting a decade ago by my ISP and haven’t since.

PIA for a vpn good enough to hop back in?

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Fuck I’m a relatively heavy user of Evernote

My yearly subscription renewed in January

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Recently took apart and repaired a broken clothes washer that I couldn’t afford to replace at the moment so I feel this same sense of dopamine hitting.

Feels good lol

And as the sole sysadmin of my family I am going to prioritize keeping them in familiar environments to reduce my ticket load as I don’t have a tier 1 group to handle them.

Didn’t age well? Bruv you should see the people in my family in their 80’s. Motherfuckers look ROUGH

Michael looks old but not bad

Arresting her literally just makes her louder since it gets news coverage.

Getting arrested was likely the plan the whole time lol

Wonder if they’ll release the OLED screen as it’s own part so previous owners can upgrade themselves.

I’ve no interest in the third party 1200p screen since I don’t need the hardware to struggle even more more resolution but a 90hz refresh rate would be great

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I complained about this to their support one time

They gave me a month free lol

Lots of really good privacy tips etc in this thread. Many I knew. Some I didn’t and loads that will help others. It’s actually great to see.

Dam. I didn’t know there was something like Wipr for iPhone. Bought just now. Thanks

I’ve looked into doing a pi-hole actually. Just never got around to grabbing a pi

I have a few small/low power HP machines. I wonder if I could just use that since I already have it on hand.

LTT is neat when they’re doing silly projects. Gamers Nexus is for actual hard data and testing


My desktop and laptop both have adblocks on them amongst other things. But I’ve been doing a lot of this research on my iPhone.

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Lauren Boebert has gotten into the habit of dressing down too it sounds like

Ya know. With the whole tits out while jerking off her date in public around kids and all that.

Fucking hilarious now. Super not cool then lol