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Joined 1 years ago

I remember it definitely being a very common thing in USA a decade or so ago. I never knew it disappeared. I don't think it would ever fly in Europe.

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If he's being a putin stooge because it's good for his business, he's still being a putin stooge.

Whether it was a successful coup is a separate matter.

people will never be okay with the level of intrusive data mining required for OpenAI or Google’s business model

Where do you meet these people? I need more of such people in my life.

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Excuse me for... *checks notes* ...choosing who to pursue relationships with based on our common values or the lack of them.

Well, that's certainly a color scheme.

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From their FAQ:

Q: What shells does Wave Terminal support?
A: We currently only support bash. […]

Seems at least dishonest to advertise it as a "terminal" if it works only with a specific shell. It's okay to have extra features enabled by escape codes emitted by the shell, but if it goes beyond that, I'd say it's not just a terminal anymore.

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The USB-C (female) adapters are hard to find due to technically being non-compliant. If you're interested about the reasons and some further context, I can recommend this article:

In your specific case, it's twice as hard to find such an adapter due to MiniUSB being so uncommon these days.

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I loathe the very fact they made people call it "sideloading". It's just installing on your own terms, like it used to be the norm.

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Even with a literal depiction of Hitler this might be the least nazi stonetoss comic I've seen in a while.

I expect the Flatpak sandbox to protect my ~/ from getting cluttered by applications, not to protect me from any actually malicious software. The post's premise seems misguided.

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Just because the gameplay was very simple doesn't make it crap. The details (movement speed, the gap between the obstacles) were pretty much on point and that's something that makes or breaks this kind of game.

Last but not least, it had little to none anti-user "features" that plague the modern games. I would choose Flappy Bird over most current games any time of the day. Actually there is no "would" in there as I still have it installed.

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This is not Xiaomi's fault, it's Google's. It's the limitation of the gesture navigation in the older Android versions (Android 10 or so). Nothing Xiaomi can do about it on Android 10, even if they wanted. I'm not sure how much better it is these days, but I've heard now it can work with 3rd party launchers to some degree.

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He was, but if I recall correctly the Romanian law has a limit of 3 months (?) they can keep someone in jail waiting for the trial. As much as I (dis)agree with the sentiment of "jail is for poor people", this is not the case here.

EDIT: Additionally, I think it's okay for him to serve his time only after the due process. This is what makes it fair instead of it being a lynch. Hopefully it's sooner rather than later.

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I'd be fine with ads, but Google's policy is only superficially about ads. They want surveillance and user profiling, not ads. Ads are just a way to deliver these. Over my dead body.

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Time to show only the first 3 words of the title.

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Hot take: a game shouldn't be considered fully verified unless it can be played offline. It's a bloody handheld, I want to play on it while traveling!

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In terms of the memory usage, it's a reasonable approach these days. It gets hairy when we consider security vulnerabilities. It's far easier to patch one system-wide shared library than to hunt down every single application still bundling a vulnerable version.

...yes. That's how it usually works.

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How are they even going to prove a specific person agreed to these terms or even used their app?

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We get it Elon, your X has left you.

GDPR doesn't require them to ask if they would just not violate our privacy. In other words, it's perfectly legal to assume "no" if they have no means of asking.

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Not for free, for a browser. This doesn't make it any less evil.

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maintain a modified branch

So: a fork. It's not unusual for a fork to regularly merge back the upstream changes while maintaining its own set of changes.

I think you're overestimating the value of someone's IP address. Not much one can do with it unless someone really tries to expose themselves.

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The ads are not the true problem. The tracking and profiling is. They keep the rhetoric about the ads while forcing both. I'd be kinda okay with just untargeted ads. Maybe not fully okay but I'd be far more willing to tolerate them. This privacy violating thing the modern Internet made a norm? Hell no!

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[…] water resistance is one of those things phones love advertising but nobody ever notices.

Water resistance is something I do not want to notice because if I notice it, it means it has failed. Do I trust it completely? Hell no. Do I prefer to have it? Hell yea!

Not an American here, so please correct me if my take is completely wrong. My understanding is that while the highs are possibly higher than in a lot of places, the lows are also much lower and possibly easier to reach. You could be doing perfectly fine one day, and then you get hit by a hospital bill ruining your life. It's surely a great place to be a billionaire or even just plainly well off. Except far too many people aren't and they would fare much better elsewhere.

Honestly I can't say that I miss installing rootkits with terrifying privileges just to play games. I'd rather limit the privileges games have with Flatpak etc., not give them even more.

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I don't know, it sounds like the definition of a business man. Not one I'd admire, but not unlike lots of other business men.

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I can't wait for some pope to tell the Africans it's wrong to use these. Again.

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Dank memes, you're looking for dank memes.

Sounds like a Kickstarter idea if I've ever seen one.

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There are plenty of FOSS alternatives to word that hit that market.

Plenty? I know one and its fork. That's about one and a half.

EDIT: Oh, you probably meant the rich text editors like Wordpad, not text processors like Word. My bad for misunderstanding.

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ps aux | grep vim | grep -v grep

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Remember about the Pareto principle: roughly 20% of users is probably responsible for the 80% of the content. This 3% is quite a lot in this context, especially considering the active people are probably much less complacent in this regard.

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So first you claim it's all lies and didn't happen, only to follow with "This was only one incident, and hopefully it won’t be repeated elsewhere"? Which one is it then?

I quite enjoy Doom Eternal, but it's true it's a very different game from Doom (2016). You either vibe with the combat flow the game enforces or you don't. There is exactly one way to play it, by rotating between all the abilities as they go off their cooldowns, so you can keep restoring your ammo, HP and armor respectively.

It's not about getting people to pay. It's about coercing them into giving their explicit consent. Yes, "coercing" and "consent" in the same sentence, let that sink in.

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