The Cobra Effect: Why Anti-Adblock Policies Could Hurt Revenue Instead to – 140 points –

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I'd be fine with ads, but Google's policy is only superficially about ads. They want surveillance and user profiling, not ads. Ads are just a way to deliver these. Over my dead body.

I know I can't escape Google's Orwellian surveillance entirely but I limit what I can, and adblockers/ trackerblockrers play a huge part in this.

I have to play devil's advocate here. Are you really fine with the current level of ads? Fine with some past/historical level less than now? What level is ok exactly?

To me the current level of youtube ads is unhinged. Even minus the privacy issues it's not usable. And it got that way (to me, at least) as soon as skip wait timers (remember when that was all we had to deal with?) became a thing.

Now? With unskippable ads, huge wait timers, and ads injected into the middle of 8-minute videos? Nope nope nooope. Not a chance in hell would I watch unblocked or non-premium youtube.

Fair enough, let me rephrase. I'm willing to negotiate about ads, the exact boundaries yet to be discussed. My privacy and my data are absolutely off limits, especially if they're gonna pretend it's not even about these.