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The IDF also murdered 972 Magazine journalist Khalil Abu Yahia.

I second whitelisting, with and at least.

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This is Netanyahu's fault.

"In the spring of 2016, no issue was more important to Benjamin Netanyahu than Donald Trump winning the White House."

With so much on the line, Netanyahu appears to have made a drastic decision. He would dispatch a discreet, highly trusted aide, armed with critical intelligence, to covertly “intervene” in the US election to help put his man Trump in the White House. Based on the FBI documents, the intelligence appears to have consisted of advance knowledge of Russia’s hacking of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, and it may have included confidential details from the stolen e-mails. It was likely obtained by Israeli eavesdropping operations that were targeting secret Russian communications, as well as those of WikiLeaks.

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This is Netanyahu's fault.

"In the spring of 2016, no issue was more important to Benjamin Netanyahu than Donald Trump winning the White House."

With so much on the line, Netanyahu appears to have made a drastic decision. He would dispatch a discreet, highly trusted aide, armed with critical intelligence, to covertly “intervene” in the US election to help put his man Trump in the White House. Based on the FBI documents, the intelligence appears to have consisted of advance knowledge of Russia’s hacking of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, and it may have included confidential details from the stolen e-mails. It was likely obtained by Israeli eavesdropping operations that were targeting secret Russian communications, as well as those of WikiLeaks.

People keep bringing up the parking lot incident as if admitting that there isn't definitive proof it wasn't Israel is the same thing as proof that is was Hamas, and errors in reporting mean nothing reported is credible. Building your propaganda model on split hairs is back-firing badly for you. Humanistic Judaism can not be constrained by the straight-jacket of colonial Zionism.

The Undisputed Facts in Gaza Are Enough by Eric Levitz

The case for a ceasefire in Gaza does not rest on Israel’s culpability for any single air strike. The undisputed facts are more than enough to indicate that Israel’s campaign against Hamas has featured a callous disregard for civilian suffering. We don’t need to rely on Hamas to know that Israel has cut off food, fuel, electricity, and water to much of Gaza’s population. Israel’s own government has told us that. Similarly, data from the Gaza Health Ministry is not our only indication that there have been massive civilian casualties in Gaza. The U.N. tells us that Gaza is running out of body bags, while photos published by the IDF portray the large-scale decimation of civilian infrastructure.

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The Billie Irish

As an abolitionist, I look forward to ponderous think pieces about the horrors of the prison industrial complex starting to appear in right-wing publications.

All Copcars Are Ballotboxes!

The Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories

At the end of June 2023, the Israel Prison Service (IPS) was holding 147 Palestinian minors in detention or in prison on what it defined “security” grounds. At that time, the IPS was also holding 26 Palestinian minors for being in Israel illegally.

Good question. Someone could write a thesis or two about it.

Don't confuse support for Palestinians as support for Hamas.

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Cracking, unlicensed MAME, jailbreaking - these should be free-speech fundamentals that are instead prosecuted as crimes.

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Which supporters? This is a boon to Vladimir Putin, as world attention and aid to Israel comes at a cost to support for Ukraine.

By escalating the conflict to a genocidal ground war, Israel's criminal leaders may have doomed not only Israelis, but the people of Ukraine as well.

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The named people are merely the central facilitators of the scheme. The general lack of consequences for the uber-wealthy named in the papers has been an ongoing theme, the lackeys getting away without a conviction is just the cherry on top.

Disproportionate is an understatement.

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Yes, I've had several posts that humanize Palestinians removed near the start of the conflict on Lemmy.World, though things have improved there. I've never seen censorship of Gaza reporting here at BeeHaw; I have a lot of admiration for who has beaten me to the post several times.

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Kyle Gass’s agent was Michael Greene of Greene Talent Agency. Which conservative clients has he represented? If it's true, someone should really hold his feet to the fire on this.

Someone linked the video in this post but it has since been taken down.

From my memory I have no idea where the 'children maced' accusations are coming from. A male fascist protected behind a line of police brandished a weapon at antifascists nonviolently protesting, and got a face full of mace in response. It was accurately targeted, and even the police with their backs to the fascists who the stream sprayed past were unaffected. There was a fascist woman who brought her children to protest alongside people sieg heil'ing who harassed the police until they arrested Leif while lying about the context of the action.

The Arabs want Israel gone and the Jews killed

I don't appreciate your casual racism.

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That's two and a half treasons according to Florida.

It's an instance of Invidious, which does not use ActivityPub. Invidious is software you can host to portal to YouTube while preventing most of google's ability to track and advertise.

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Maybe share this: How Wolves change Rivers.

That's correct. discovered and boosted the post, and it snowballed across the Tootiverse. They're all pinging @Five because that's how Mastodon does post replies.

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You take credibility advice from an organization that proudly identifies itself as right of CBS News and The Weather Channel?

Isn't that a little bit biased?

If you think the article is lying, say so. Don't hide behind the 'impartiality' grift.

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I've had a post from Mondoweiss, a progressive publication headed by Jewish people critical of Israel, pulled by a Lemmy mod. Not for a problem with any of the article's content, of course, but because mediabiasfactcheck put the publication in the same category as Stormfront.


A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency, and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for the purpose of profit or influence (Learn More). Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact-checked on a per-article basis. Please note sources on this list are not considered fake news unless specifically written in the reasoning section for that source. See all Questionable sources.

Overall, we rate Mondoweiss Left Biased and Questionable based on the promotion of antisemitic misinformation.

The ADL has attacked Mondoweiss in the past, and mediabiasfactcheck mentions the ADL in its justification for its classification. This is not just harmful to the credibility of the ADL, but destructive to a much wider infrastructure for protecting Jewish people.

Eva Borgwardt said it well:

We’re seeing a genuine rise in antisemitic attacks and white nationalist, white supremacist, antisemitic hate and violence. When white nationalism is on the rise, to cheapen the accusation of antisemitism by applying it to Palestinian rights advocates, including Jews, is incredibly irresponsible and dangerous.

The title is auto-populated from the site's meta information. The meta title is usually the same as the article title. In this case it's not:

There's no conspiracy to report deceptive headlines; it's probably just an alternate title in the website code that wasn't changed with the other content after the article was already in print.

Also, where else has this been posted? I don't see any cross-posts.

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US State Dept. Officials Told Not to Use Terms 'De-Escalation/Cease-Fire' About Gaza

"This is unconscionable and will leave an indelible stain," said one critic, who urged "resignations and collective action" to protest the reported policy.

David: fascistic government of Palestine (also called Hamas)

I think @Deceptichum's point is that Hamas isn't the government of Palestine, has never been the government has only been the ruling party of the of the Palestinian Authority from 2006-2007, and didn't exist in the Gaza Strip before 1988. Calling the various Palestinian organizations that opposed Israel's aggression against Arabs 'Hamas' and labeling them collectively as 'fascist' seems absurd, given Israel is the other candidate in the analogy.

Your analogy is terrible, not because people don't understand the subversion, but because you're wrong about basic facts.

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Corporate Media Outlets Are Obscuring Settler Colonialism in Their Gaza Coverage

It is impossible to accurately grasp the current situation without discussing the concept of settler colonialism.

Reddit is notorious to responding to financial incentives. In the past they would ban communities only when they became toxic to advertisers due to overwhelming negative publicity. During those purges, they would often throw in some leftist subs to prevent the user-base political average from shifting leftward, but the purges were never proactive.

I think we've entered a new era where Reddit is no longer as concerned about which subs may scare advertisers, and are more concerned about which subs generate the kind of content that is valuable to LLM training. If I were training the next version of ChatGPT, I would be alarmed if a text prompt spontaneously invited me to masturbate with it, or prompts for images of a "battle station" resulted in walls of women having sex.

Journalist Rips Palestinian ‘Terrorism’ Narrative to Shreds

Israel has been calling Palestinian fighters “terrorists” to justify its slaughter of Gaza.

Breakthrough News journalist, Eugene Puryear, rips this narrative apart, explaining the long history of oppressed and colonized people being demonized and called terrorists and savage to justify the continued occupation of those people. No different than the Native resistance to American colonization, slave rebellions in the Americas, the Haitian Revolution, Palestinians are resisting Israeli colonialism, not out of bloodlust as the media has portrayed it, but because of decades of land thefts, massacres, second-class citizenship and the denial of the right to return that has persisted for decades.

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It's shocking people are expressing this kind of naivety with the benefit of XMPP's history.

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as in anyone espousing the ideology of instilling fear as a weapon.

I wish that was what the word "terrorist" means.

It has always meant anyone using asymmetric tactics to oppose states or capitalism, both violent and non-violent. If it simply meant using fear as a weapon, then every state that has prisons and police would be terrorist.

The standard usage of the word is so hypocritical that it has become an authoritarian allegiance-signifying pejorative without any deeper meaning.

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Israel Is ‘Very Sorry’ For Attack That Killed Journalist Issam Abdallah

The Israeli army has expressed that they are “very sorry” for the death of Lebanese Reuters journalist Issam Abdallah, who was killed in an Israeli shelling at the Lebanon border.

Despite the IDF’s expression of regret, the vehicle Abdallah was in was clearly marked as a media car. The incident occurred while Abdallah and other journalists were covering ongoing clashes at the border.

Lebanon’s caretaker Prime Minister Najib Mikati condemned Israel’s actions, and UN Secretary-General António Guterres expressed condolences, emphasizing the need for journalists to be protected.

It is easy to forget he is a Democrat. My first reaction was 'maybe this will split the Trump vote' -- though that still might be true.

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AFAIK the Economist's Democracy Index and the Human Development Index use methodologies and statistical methods generally respected by social science.

Ad Fontes is a grift posing as a public interest institution to re-package the horseshoe theory and sell it back to gullible people for $500 memberships while promising institutions greater ad revenue if they play along with the con. It's another tool of the consent manufacturing industrial complex. Are you even aware of their methodology? It's a joke.

As stated in the subtext, the murder happened in 2018, and the numbers are based on HRC's count for that year. The sentencing happened just a few days ago, but the count continues to grow.

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