Alice Bellandi wins gold for Italy with a kiss. Giorgia Meloni wants to take away her rights as an Italian citizen. to – 809 points –

Via Pics on Reddit as "Italian right wing prime minister Giorgia Meloni reacts to two girls kissing at the olympics"

Post was originally titled "Lesbian Kiss at the Olympics / Far Right Italian Prime Minister Reaction" but the pictures are unlikely to have been taken at the same event.


I know that Alice Weidel, co-chairwoman of the german right-wing extremist party AfD is openly gay and in a relationship with a woman from Sri Lanka. Fun fact: while she actively tries to abolish same-sex marriage in Germany, her partner advocated for the introduction of same-sex marriage in switzerland.

ą² ā _ā ą²  what the fuck...?

Welcome to German politics. You thought the orange boi was weird...

Maximilian Krah, the now more or less disgraced frontrunner for the EU elections has 7 kids from like 4 different women. The AfD still explicitly claims to be in favour of traditional families

What's the contradiction? Clearly, he likes traditional families so much he started four of them! \s

Former prime minister now disgraced former MP Boris Johnson thinks them be rookie numbers. If you know how many kids you have you're doing it wrong.

A traditional family is when a woman has 7 kids by the same man, duh. More than one, sheā€™s a sluuuuuut.

Now, men. Thatā€™s a different story. All they gotta do is warsh thurr wiener and bam, purity.

Sounds like Trump! Similarly, a majority of his wives werenā€™t American.

I like my women like I like my Hitlers. Speaking a language I donā€™t understand. :p

What's surprising? It's 2024 and you still haven't understand that politicians are a bunch of corrupted criminals who's job is to lie?

Its just a new and different kind of lying and being shitty than I'm used to šŸ˜…

What kind of cognitive dissonance is going on here? FFS she probably flogs herself every night too.

Our own far right leader Geert Wilders, who wants to exit the EU and limit immigration from islamic countries and central/eastern Europe, is married to a woman from Hungary.

Whenever a rightwing politician is yelling something is bad, chances are they are complicit of it themselves.

She deserves love like everyone. But she doesn't deserve to be elected.

Switzerland doesn't have same sex marriage? I'm surprised.

It does now, since 2022.

The first modern country to legalize same-sex marriage was the Netherlands, in 2001. The most recent was Greece in 2024.

I think the reality of it being a complete non-issue makes it easy to forget that it is a relatively recent change in public opinion and that it still isn't legal in most of the world.

I love all the pearl clutching this Olympic season is causing. Good job France.

What sort of world are we in where I'm cheering on France?

Sorry about the racist/xenophobic/religious/batshit crazy American shitholes, world... They only represent 20-40% of us. They're very loud... We can hear them more then you, trust me. We aren't fond of them.

The American right seems to be the world's dumping ground for problematic individuals, e.g. Pierce Morgan and Nigel Farage.

Rupert Murdoch too, unfortunately that cunt is too globally influential for the damage to remain in America

What sort of world are we in where I'm cheering on France?

Sorry about the racist/xenophobic...


Hating the French is considered funny by some, it's a somewhat big meme in Germany at least. I've never found it funny and feel like it hurts the European community.

Deutsch-Franzƶsische Freundschaft šŸ’™

Gay stuff in the Olympics, eh? Sounds like they are taking The Games back to their roots! šŸ‘šŸ»

I bet viewership will go up if they bring back the old rule about everyone competing nude.

That would make the Olympics way cooler. I'd watch the shit out of nude mountain biking and nude BMX.

Nude fencing would be lit

Nude wrestling.

Though, based on some research I've done, nude wrestling is hottest when they start clothed but need to remove the clothes from their opponent as part of the match.

Fuck Meloni. Fuck the far right.

She's pretty enough but that attitude...

I will never pass up the opportunity to remind people that nobody has seen Marjorie Taylor Green and Dog the Bounty Hunter in the same place at the same time.

I contend that Marjorie Taylor Greene is Dog the Bounty Hunter in drag. Prove me wrong, MTG!

Sheā€™s just envious, leave her be to wistfully contemplate what could have beenā€¦

Her eyes genuinely look like they're watering up too. Considering the expression, I doubt it's a wholesome tearjerking moment, but I still struggle to grasp the idea of someone becoming so full of eye watering rage over two people showing love to each other.

I'm sure there are worse timelines but this definitely isn't one of the good ones.

To me it looks like she wants in, she's been denying these feelings in herself for so long she that the freedom to express love like that, so freely and without hesitation must be bliss just outside of reach for her.

Did we all just forget that her partner was caught setting up a threesome with another woman? Just because he was only caught once does not mean it was the only time. I think Georgia loves a fishy Friday.

The picture is from a completely different event, so unfortunately the two things are completely unrelated.

Possibly she would have reacted similarly, who knows...

That is the look of someone desperately trying to not be turned on at the exact moment they realize they're fighting a losing battle.

I'm hoping her head will just pop.

She should just give in & go get gangbang fisted by a dykes on bikes club to deal with her internalized issues.


*world view

Absolutely nothing about lgbtq people actually has an effect on their day to day lives.

oh it absolutely does, it makes them have to constantly confront the fact that they're not a perfectly straight and uncomplicated being, that almost everyone has more nuance to their identity than that, and it makes them very uncomfortable and afraid.

the right wing is full of people who are suffused with internalized bigotry and are constantly bottling up their true identity, it's sad as fuck

They want order and structure above all things it seems. ā€œThese are the rules, I have followed them all of my life. Iā€™ve been told that Iā€™m battling a supernatural force and Iā€™ve been winning. You donā€™t even try to fight it. You embrace it. Iā€™m worried that god might not exist to punish you, so I want to punish you on his behalf. My children see you and they may think to themselves, ā€œmaybe I donā€™t have to follow these rules.ā€ Iā€™m afraid to face my neighbors and fellow churchgoers with a kid who sees your carefree, sinful lifestyle and chooses to embrace freedom over suffering. Life is suffering, and if you wonā€™t suffer willingly then Iā€™ll make you suffer.ā€

I donā€™t know. I canā€™t get in anybodyā€™s head, but Iā€™ve known some seriously repressed and miserable people in my life.

I knew a guy growing up, his dad was a preacher. When we were about 13-14 he asked me, ā€œangryseal, have you ever given thought to being gay?ā€ I told him I hadnā€™t, not seriously. Heā€™s never said anything else about it but he is furiously homophobic today.

I knew a guy growing up, his dad was a preacher. When we were about 13-14 he asked me, ā€œangryseal, have you ever given thought to being gay?ā€ I told him I hadnā€™t, not seriously. Heā€™s never said anything else about it but he is furiously homophobic today.

Ouch. That is just... so tragic, and so stupid. I wonder if he was still processing. Obviously nothing to do with you, but if some adult in his life had just had the audacity to say like "I don't know I don't think there's anything wrong with gay people" or somesuch. Well, you wonder if things could have gone differently for him.

as a cishet, from the bottom of my heart: seethe. don't even cope, which you clearly can't. just die alone seething.

"If I can't have it, noone can!"
But you can hav---

Look at the jealousy in Meloni's eyes

That was my first thought as well... That glare is a case study in deep seeded anger over having repressed one's true being for a lifetime and then seeing others have what you thought wasn't possible.

please stop blaming gay people for homophobia. Some people are just awful.

The point of the comment above yours went waaaaay over your head. Read it again.

Aside from that, you are correct, some people are just awful, but they didn't start out that way from the jump, usually.

fascist creep is repressed queer therefore hateful of visible lesbian romance is blaming homophobia on repressed queer people.

That is certainly one of the sentences ever written.

Well, rather than gloating about how stupid I am and failing to uphold the standards of behaviour of the community you registered at. Why don't you explain what you think the person was referring to wrt envy etc? Or are you more interested in mockery than being helpful?

You seemed to not understand what they were saying, which was that Meloni is sitting there with deep seated rage and jealousy. She has repressed her feelings her entire life. She has even persecuted others for not repressing themselves. But here, at the Olympics, in front of everyone, here are 2 people just being themselves, as she longs to be. Seeing this brings up deep seated rage and jealousy.

So what people are noticing is that that expression is not disgust. That expression is jealousy and rage. I would go so far as to say that to me it looks like she is crying on the inside.

No one was blaming anyone for anythingā€¦ other then assholes for being assholes.

Nooo not the kissies between women šŸ˜­

She's in shambles

I hope she loses her citizenship and wins again against italy for a country that doesn't hate her

You can just get another passport and choose which country to compete for...

Aaaanyway, I doubt the whole country hates her, in fact despite being a catholic country and generally right wing, Italian population proved in many cases to be more progressive when their own interest was touched. The most interesting examples are the referenda on divorce and abortion.

Give her a moment, let her get acquainted with the reality at large.

You are giving free ads and exposure to the olympics and italian fascists.

Your comments are giving an engagement boost to a post giving free ads and exposure to the Olympics and Italian fascists.

I downvoted the post and commented only because no one else already pointed out that this is pretty much propaganda. By the time i commented this post it was already in the front page.

You posted this, you should be the first one to shut up the fuck. If you want to do anything at all delete the post and stop give fascists and the olympics any exposure.

Welcome to today's rendition of "this post I don't like is propaganda!!1!"

Propaganda in Fascist Italy was used by the National Fascist Party in the years leading up to and during Benito Mussolini's leadership of the Kingdom of Italy from 1922 to 1943,

Good thing this isn't the 1920s, then.

Also, can we talk about dropping Wiki links in a discussion like they mean anything? Especially when 1) people don't point out what's relevant about the article like we have the time or the willpower to read everything and 2) they probably haven't read it themselves before linking.

I just wanna know why the fuck they think it's reasonable to compare giving exposure to fascists and giving exposure to the Olympics, as though both are the same thing?

Because apparently that's gonna make her relatable or some shit so that she can shove her fascist ideas down my throat across the great pond or some shit, idk. Somehow going to the Olympics makes her relatable since that's what the average person does like a stroll at the park on a Saturday afternoon. Oh, you didn't know who she was? Now you do, so she will easily implement Marshall law in Italy. That's how these things work in politics. Putin wouldn't have invaded if you had kept yourself ignorant of who he is, you know. Checkmate atheists.

Oh hmm. Yeah maybe. I had read their comment as being against supporting the Olympics even aside from Meloni being there. But maybe not.

Nah, I'm gonna go ahead and not take the unfounded recommendations of someone who thinks it's in any way reasonable to compare Giorgia Meloni to the Olympic Games, and thinks that throwing a bunch of links without explanation is a way to prove their point.

It's 2024. Every post with a politician making a silly face is straight up propaganda. Where do you think they spend millions in propaganda on? Haven't you noticed how every single ad has someone making a stupid face? Exposure is the really first thing that gives these people votes and popularity, if they would be appearing on the media daily people wouldn't even know who the hell they are.

Were you aware that this scum went to see the olympics? You are now because you happen to see their propaganda. You now also know that they went to see the fighting games at the olympics. You should read the wikipedia link posted and not just take a peek at it.

Sometimes a reaction is simply a reaction. You don't have to create this huge conspiracy that people are out to inform you who she is. I already know who she was anyway. Lol Who cares if she went to the Olympics? How does that change my stance on the bullshit she does? She gains nothing from me knowing that. Regardless of this pic, she's gonna show up on the news just like Biden, Trump, Putin, Zelenskyy, Xi, Maduro, AMLO, Kim, Trudeau, Erdogan, etc. They're always on the news because they're heads of state.

take a peek at it.

Lol. I actually read most of the article you provided. That's how I know you didn't read it yourself.