
56 Post – 369 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

"Elon took my handle @x and all I got was this loosy t-shirt"

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If a car is advertised as smart or connected, there's a good chance it collects too much personal information.

That's too bad because most new cars are, and it may cause some people to keep their old polluting but privacy-friendly car longer.

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Be aware that Middle East Monitor is rated "Factual reporting: Mixed" and strongly biased as it sometime use poor sources and use loaded words.

La Croix published an alaysis of this Isaiah Prophecy quote (french). They found it's a poor and/or convoluted reference, and that article do not mention "Holy War" so this expression is most likely editorializing from the Middle East Monitor.

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The commission said 29 people have so far filed to run for the presidency. But after today's decision, Mr Putin remains the only candidate to be able to register as a candidate.

Not just this anti-war candidate. It appears all candidates are banned from challenging Putin.

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This comes after an order to evacuate a city with >0.7 million inhabitants within 24h without preparation, with broken infrastructure and broken government, with a treat of invasion.

There's no way this happen without panic, and without people being left behind.

I fear we're going to hear more horrific stories as the dust settles.

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That person has a long history of not paying bills and bragging about it.

It wouldn't be surprising his dispute with lawyers is also about money. It may be wise to ask to be payed upfront.

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I hate HP's so called smart apps.

HP's website wouldn't let me download a driver, but insisted on using their app to detect the printer model (which I already know) and then try to open the corresponding download page for that model (which I already vsited).

Off course the app open the wrong URL and lead to a 404 error. I had to download drivers from another source.

I wish more publishers and creators could move away from YouTube, and stop relying (indirectly) on YouTube's targeted ads.

There's no silver bullet today, but a mix of alternative platforms (PeerTube, Nebula, Patreon...) and different way to get a revenue (subscription, donations, sponsors and non-targetted ad segments). I believe no alternative solution is feature-complete yet. Hopefully viewers will put some resources on alternatives, not just on AdBlock technologies, and follow creators who move away from YouTube.

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Every new signal defy explanation for a little while, until it's explained.

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I watched it a second time to be sure. While the voiceover doesn't say "Holy War" he does cite religion and sounds like religious radicals dog-whistle.

There's good reasons to be critical of Netanyahu government, but I'd still suggest seeking better sources.

That's promising. If this reduces the R value by 30%, then generalizing this may have a compounding effect and could reduce an epidemy's overall size by more than 30%.

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The video includes an ad near the end. Like most video on YouTube, its creator rely on sponsors. Unfortunately they also placed the same ad at the beginning of the description. It's kind of repulsive if the first thing you look at is the description.

I wish I could scrub or remove the ad from the description, but it's automatically imported and I don't see how to remove it.

During an interview, a high-tech company insisted on being at the office 4 days/week, said no-thanks to my application when I asked to come on average 2 days/week in the office due to the commute.

I understand the need to have regular in-person meetings, but insisting on coming 3-4 days/week in the office when then work can be done remotely seems more about control than productivity. It's also extra unpaid hours spent commuting.

Look, I’m a trial judge. I am not anyone that understands the industry and the markets in the way that you do. And so I take seriously when companies are telling me that if this gets disclosed, it’s going to cause competitive harm. And I think it behooves me to be somewhat conservative in thinking about that issue, because, you know, I can’t see around every corner.

If a judge doesn't understand the industry enough, or doesn't have independent experts to help him make informed decision on closed sessions, would he be able to make any informed decision on the case?

I guess we'll see... unless of course if everything happens during closed sessions.

I wonder to what extent gambling addiction is fueling the growth of casual/social gaming.

Loot boxes in video games have been linked to problem gambling.

Candy Crush is using a strategy that is "known as a variable ratio schedule of reinforcement and is the same tactic used in slot machines".

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They were years ahead of the curve with AI hardware, and they're well placed to benefit from the AI craze.

Regardless of whether a company's AI product is useful, or profitable, they need lot of hardware to make it run.

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GPS can be helpful during commute to avoid trafic and accidents. Also it can help find faster route that aren't necessarily obvious even if you've been to the place 20 times.

Many of these are Google Play Services features, so it won't be available to users open-source Android flavors that are google-free.

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Aren't satellites tested in anechoic chambers to measure radio performance and other emitted noise?

If so, someone must have known about these radio emissions before launch.

Don't waste time trying to reason them. If you're not able and willing and sue them to enforce the GPL license, the company won't care.

You should directly informe one of the organisations mentioned previously, they may have a lawyer and experience fighting this kind of fight.

Best you can do youself is collect evidence that they're distributing modified GPL software, and write a precise description of the issue, to help these organisations kickstart their investigation into the GPL violation.

Will Chrome send all your PDF/images/browser history to Google cloud to provide that service?

Or will the processing be completely local to preserve privacy?

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Not surprising. If there's a way for a non-admin user to use this, it means there's probably a way for a non-admin process to access the data.

Even if if were more secure, there's probably plenty of ways for attackers to escalate privileges to admin.

The bigger issue is Microsoft providing an official tool for snooping on user activity. Malware won't have to install their own, and recall taking screenshots periodically won't be considered anomalous behaviour since it's an official Microsoft service.

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Multiple countries need to fix their inadequate regulations to stop aggravating antibiotics resistance, including:

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No toothbrush will last a lifetime, so maybe don't put $320 in it

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Fox News host Sean Hannity branded Biden "very angry" and "over-caffeinated,"

Hence, having a cup of Joe

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The longer part of the windows install process is not the installation. It's removing all the pre-installed bloatware, removing or disabling all the telemetry and other undesired features that are on by default.

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Please consider posting this type of video on the US News community rather than World News.

This is the gold rush stage of AI.

The richest are the merchant selling hardware to the gold miners. Not the miners themselves.

Let's hope they're auctioned and sold quickly and don't end-up in tangled in the legal system for too long. Hopefully this is handled well enough so cars get into the used car market. Selling these for scrap or for recycling is another option but would be more wasteful.

Looking at this from another country, the whole thing just make me sad. I hope to never hear of this man except on the day the ruling/sentencing is announced.

This shitpost seems to make people laugh looking at the upvote. I guess people have different sensor of humor, or see things differently in the US.

Nice illustration, whoever design these is doing a good job.

Put that idiot in jail. And Lil Nas X in the box office.

This was a peaceful endeavors from Russia that should be encouraged. There's no need to compare this specific mission to the invasion of Ukraine.

International scientific collaboration is one of the few things that can keep diplomacy going amongst rivals.

Look at me! I am the browser now

Mozilla should also investigate it own processes to understand how that happened, and question the person who approved this partnership.

Then publish a postmortem analysis. This may earn back some trust from their users.

“There’s a sense of betrayal,” said the former Hamtramck mayor Karen Majewski, who is Polish American. “We supported you when you were threatened, and now our rights are threatened, and you’re the one doing the threatening.”

Let's see what happens when this Muslim majority council calls for solidarity against discrimination of Muslims.

People victim of discrimination based on religion deserve to be defended. At the same time this council deserve to be recalled they were threatening others' right not too long ago. A little shaming won't hurt and hopefully would make them rethink their stance.

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That's sick. One of the victim was arrested/kidnapped when he returned to Russia to attend his father's funeral.

I hope the athlete quickly gets a legal defense fund to look into options to defend herself and/or sue for harassement.