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Joined 12 months ago

There are illegal migrants in every country. Why should the far right be voted on one issue alone. It's not like their other policies are good (and i'll put my hand on fire to say that I'm pretty sure it's inmigration policy will be bad too)

Reminds me of that Simpsons episode with Homer's step-brother being a rich automaker and such...

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Well, then we're inside the TV my friend!

Milei voters have condemned us all. Those of us who didn't support him did everything in our power (legally) to stop him from sitting in the Pink House. Now, let's hope the Congress behaves in accordance with the Constitution. The new DNU (Emergency Bill) is mostly unconstitutional. And if the Congress does the duty they're supposed to do, it won't be put in motion. Fascists voted for fascism and made everyone around think that fascism was acceptable.

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Milei attacked his wife. Milei is the idiot. A fascist idiot.

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Yes. And going far right will not change that.

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For profit software companies (and those who are all abput revenue and shareholders and whatnot) are a pain to the industry at large. If it were not fot the profit motive, this world would be radically different.

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There were not leftist governements in Argentina.

I don't see how Sanchez is the idiot but ok

Yeah, assumming that a surplus is not paying debts to every service you agreed by law to sustain...

Use NewPipe on Android, problem solved.

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Uneducated voters will always be fun and sad to listen to.

That is why you stop using that system on the first place.

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Whole or in part. Read the definition.

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Maybe Grimes has a problem when choosing boyfriends

Wait. Define good and mediocre, first. Then, please, adress the most important point: why should we have to compete to just survive? Also, that kind of competition, and the inequalities that it gives birth to, benefit mostly the system and the very very very few people that are behind it, not the majority of the people.

I understand where you are coming, but most AI models are trained without the consent of those who's work is being used. Same with Github Copilot, it's training violated the licensing terms of various software licenses.

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Do ypu realize being leftist is pretty coherent when using free and aopen source software, right?

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No. They are not. Espert is currently aligned with JxC (Juntos por el Cambio). And surprise to none, they are running the country basically along with LLA (La Libertad Avanza). And even if that weren't the case, Espert literally threatened leftist parliamentaries. The fucker is even one of the signataries of The Madrid Charter, for God's sake.

The Peso was devalued with Milei, and also before. And will keep being devaluated because this govt does not care about the people. They care about the profit as the govt of Fernandez and Macri did.

The right wing is never the answer. Sadly, those who'll pay the price for being so ignorant about it will be the citizens.

Abd replying to something you said, maybe you have no knowledge about fascism, but Milei is clearly a fascist.

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You could also recommend the Linux Mint Debian Edition!

If something does not sell anymore, automatically should go public domain or open source. Games, for example.

That is how it feels to listen to Milei. I hope he loses badly. We didn't need more right wingers in Congress and now there are two of them!

Hey man, you do know that Hamas has nothing to do with the left right? And yeah, fuck Hamas anyway, but you should not be equalizing leftism with terrorism support because, let me tell you, I have yet to meet one leftist that backs ups what Hamas did. The ones that "sound" lile they do, only are explaining that extremism is born through dispair, of which Palestinians have plenty of it after being ethnically clenaed for 70+ years. But that does not mean, in any way possible, that they not condemn Hamas actions. Quite the contrary, they condemn every terrorist action, Hamas or Israeli.

Argentina is great, but wsit till Milei gets out of office. This far right nut jobs are dangerous.

Thank you for your concern. I hope everything works out in the end and he gets either replaced or carried away via helicopter. I really can't see myself living peacefully and safely on a fascist state. Much less when he believes socialists like me are "human garbage" basically. Fun because it is not that dificult to be a better person that this moronic rockstar pretender.

It is!

I hope we can destroy it soon.

Didn't knew about the communnity. Suscribed.

Good boy!

Eliminating capitalism sounds like an easier idea, to be honest.

Wait, if you were speaking about Massa... Oh boy, that is a hell of ride. He is center right. Peronism is kind of a mix of different pokitical ideologies mashed into one that works because tries to keep extremism to a minimum. And because they are very good user of demagogia and political oportunism. They're not leftist. Some would say they are similar to US Democrats.

A porn enciclopedia...

And yet the Argentinian middle class decides it is good to listen to corporate group news mostly. Here we have few state sponsored media channels. And if they were many, rest assured they have neither the power nor the success of Clarín and La Nación, the two biggest players in the media bussiness in the country. To be completely fair, most news media in Argentina (at least, 80% of which by far those two i mentioned previously are made of) is basically right leaning. In some cases, too much to look the other way. But Argentinians have success in defeating logic and facts with fictitious campaign slogans, complete disdain for history and ridicule understandings of economics. That is why the right wing is so strong here.

This new president we got surely is gonna be respecting of freedom /s

Wait till you hear about my beloved Argentina.

A POS? Okay, maybe that just my marxism speaking, but he is a right winger. Socially conservative, economically ultraliberal. And that is usually not a really good combination. Add to that that his party is filled with Plan Condor denialists and apologists and you have quite a cocktail to drink there. For us leftist, he's like Videla all over again (but without the power ofc)

Believe, at most you're gonna get frustrated and maybe, implicitly called anti-semite. I myself i'm of jewish heritage, and hate that people conflate israeli critiscism with antisemitism.

I believe the trade-offs make Rust the best option to replace C++. Now, i'm not sure about Zig replacing C yet...

Couldn't we use pure C or Pure Data with hvcc for this?

Milei is the worst thing that can happen to us Argentinians. And most of us know it. He means no change in the slightest, at least when talking about real change. He's just a puppet of the far right and corporations.

I think web browsers are inherently better than anything Windows has. And I hate how much bloated web browsers are.