Biden: What's happening in Gaza is not genocide to World – 259 points –
Biden: What's happening in Gaza is not genocide

"What's happening in Gaza is not genocide. We reject that," Biden said at a Jewish American Heritage Month event at the White House.

I can't tell if he's pandering or trying to lose the election


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Whole or in part. Read the definition.

I wasn't clear. Apologies.

I meant whole as in both terrorists and civilians. And they're not doing that, they're targeting Hamas. If they'd target civilians, then x100 the casualties.

What if the IDF is pursuing a strategy of plausible deniability? What might that look like? The current violence is seeing Israel losing support throughout the world. If the IDF were to start a straight-up Holocaust, those countries that are protesting now might take direct military action to stop it. Plausible deniability might include, say, fostering the creation of a radical militant group, and directing funds to them in order to create a Big Bad to fight against as cover for genocidal land theft.

But they are effectively genociding palestinians. Not only by collateral damage in Gazs but through land theft and killing in the West Bank.