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If it leads to an actual change - everyone wins.

But I doubt anything will change, with Bibi being the snake he is.

I don't think there's a single person on the planet who doesn't want Netanyahu gone from the Israeli government.

He failed guarding Israeli lives

He failed guarding Palestinian lives (didn't really try tho)

He failed disabling Hamas

He failed bringing the hostages back

He caused Israel to be the most divided it has ever been, hence the most right wing government is right now in office

And all just to not be in jail. Fuck Netanyahu.

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I'm guessing they meant "old" as in "no one uses it anymore, it's dead"

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It's a bit more complicated than that. You don't want total reliance from one country (especially one as questionable as China) over a whole big ass sector of your economic. And China being super cheap will cause a monopoly of their EVs. That's bad.

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Username checks out.

Am I the only one here who thinks the cop was justified?

That man needed to be stopped, 100%. No way what he could've done on the field to the athletes, and a taser shouldn't be deadly when used correctly.

As long as it's not irreversible damage, I don't see the harm.

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*Bloodthirsty government.

Fuck Netanyahu.

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I don't understand. Ya'll think Israel is gonna burn an intelligence asset they have by making it public just so people who are already convinced by one narrative (because underdogs are always easier to support) have proof of one attack not being their own? They have better use for that intelligence. Like fighting a war.

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That's on the person illegally (and probably violently) marching into the game, knowing security will stop him, also probably violently.

I just think the person is so incredibly stupid, and should have expected something like that.

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You know what's another dangerous weapon? A fist. And an elbow. And a knee. And a tackle.

People can be dangerous even without weapons. He needed to be stopped immediately, before reaching any non-security personnel.

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because they value their citizens

Hiding hostages in a highly populated residential area, without any means of self defense or even evacuation safe zones, is not called valuing the citizens. It's called using them as leverage, something terrorists love doing to civilians.

What did the spilling of blood on oct.7 did to Palestinians? Make them live in hell for over 8 months? Make thousands die? And for what, for massacring Israelis? What do you think Hamas has done in oct.7 that would make you think they "value their citizens" - coz to me it only looks like they just wanna kill jews.

The career of an athlete on the other team of that idiot's favorite team?

I can 100% see a crazed fan hitting a player of an opposing team. Security is necessary, and fans barging onto fields should be handled as quickly as possible.

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So many empty hateful comments here miss the fact that 70 years ago was 70 years ago, and since then a whole new generation of people are living in the region. Israelies who don't feel obligated to have Israel but don't want anti-Semitism abroad, and palestinians who don't mind staying where they were born, inside the 48 borders, but want a decent live inside of it. No leader from any place on earth is working towards them. Israeli leaders want the whole country for themselves, and Palestinian leaders also want the whole land for themselves. Neither is plausible without serious loss of life. So stop being so one-sided and actually acknowledge there are two sides to this conflict, and that all parties are reaponsible. Israel would give anything in the world to have peaceful rulers in Gaza.

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*Forgot the fact that Hamas has literal tons of fuel being used for their war crimes (yes shooting rockets against civilian cities without a clear threatening target is a war crime)

Israel bringing in fuel will be used for rockets and war. Why should they. The only reasonable way for fuel to be actually used for hospitals is if the UN or some other natural party escorts that fuel, preventing Hamas terrorists from stealing it.

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A monopoly isn't inherently bad, but a monopoly by a state is pretty bad. It means they can exert political pressure over you using that sector's influence.

Heck, look at Russia and gas. It impacted tons of people all over the world, and if the world hadn't collectively said "fuck you Russia we'll handle ourselves without you" - then countries like Germany wouldn't have a choice but keep buying Russian Gas.

That's a political power you really don't wanna give to anyone, especially not China.

Yes, competition could restart, but that'd take time. And you don't always have that time. Again, see Russia and gas as a nice example for that.

Mainly 2 big ones

Then think again. They literally say what their goal is - a forceful end to Israel. And that nothing less will be enough - and that they'll keep killing civilians until that goal is met.

First, that sounds awful. Glad your're okay.

Second, I don't think we're talking the same scale here. A sport game has several thousands of fans, lots of them wanting to storm the field. It's pretty much a completely different job guarding that and a presentation with (presumably) way less people and way less room for people to storm and overwhelm the security.

I'm not a security expert, so I might be wrong, but that just seems to me a whole different scale which is harder to implement.

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If they're running at you after illegally jumping through security trying to prevent him from getting close to you - I sure hope you'd call the police! That's dangerous behaviour, and is scary.

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I agree, but I'm pretty sure that tasing under normal and proper use shouldn't kill healthy people (a person running storming a sports game is 100% healthy). Like, if he had stayed tasing him for like 20 seconds then I'd get the outrage, but removing the taser once he's incapacitated really shouldn't have major consequences.

And it's definitely a valid option in the case of a large field like a game stadium, where there's lots of room for the person to run away rapidly. Once he gets a few meters away from security, he has lots of room to sprint away, and catching him would be really hard.

Idk, I just think it's really really hard to guard a game once someone broke through security gates.

And again One quick google search brings you to satellite pictures of the damage published by Israel (and also by other non biased news sources) Just search for it, please. I understand you have your agenda but come on don't let it hide truths and evidence.

Bro 1 quick google search and you have a satellite image of the hospital. Ya'll just don't wanna believe anything Israel says at this point.

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That's the wrong question. The right question is if the mexican cartels started launching rockets and slaughtering the U.S.bordering Mexico - then what do you think would happen?

Fuck the terrorist organization Hamas, slaughtering innocent people in their homes. Also fuck the terrorist organization Hamas for not lifting a single finger to care for their population who elected them in democratic elections. Fuck them for not only not defending them - but actively put them in danger, starting a conflict with Israel then hiding in civillian homes and preventing those citizens from fleeing a war zone.

I don't think it's only a danger from terrorists, also regular people wanting to hurt athlists. Take Monica Seles as an example.

You really can't ever know what a man wants or will do to a "celebrity" if left unchecked.

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Sure. Fine. Whatever. Think whatever you want, without thinking of the consequences. OK.

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It's existence is an abomination

And that, kids, is why we have wars. The moment people with power start saying "yeah Israel should exist but also should a Palestinian state" - that's when we'll have peace.

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Russia: fighting to expand their territory because they want a new world order led by them Israel: responding to their most terrifying act of terror ever happened on their land.

Reason matters, and a lot. Russia has no good reason to invade Ukraine, Israel has a very good reason to invade Gaza.

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Hamas tried. *Gaza is now fucked.

Maybe fucking a stronger power than you is not the best idea...???

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I'm sorry, but people with heart conditions wouldn't barge in on a sport event like that through security. And if they did, they're a new kind of stupid. Police shouldn't be less effective at their job in order to take extra measures towards dangerous people with disabilities. Security for the majority comes before the security of the minority (which I 100% agree should be considered, but I'm not taser expert. I don't know how to make them less deadly, but they 100% should be). Especially when the minority is the one breaking the law.

Don't recognize it? There are 9 million people living in it, and worldwide recognition. Also the 48 decision was UN backed, meaning the nations of the world think otherwise. Jeez, you can not like someone while still admitting their existence.

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I agree the past 2 weeks are inhumane against Palestinians, but blaming it entirely on Israel is dishonest given they still have civilians kidnapped and probably tortured (not based on a tin foil hat, based on the bodies of dead Israelis).

I do believe they'll let help come from Egypt before it gets catastrophic, because they also don't want a humanitarian disaster to happen. That'll only move more people towards Hamas, which is of course against their interests.

And about the language - not once have I heard an Israeli official calling the Palestinian people animals - only their leadership (which let's face it - they are animals). And because Israel is a free state, and part of the free world, they'll get backlash for saying anything of that nature. I just don't think we'll even come to that - since Israel just doesn't wanna involve itself with Gaza at all besides destroying Hamas.

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I see that genocide is not just murdering innocent, but still there's a lost nuance in this article that Israel is only addressing the Palestinian leaders (Hamas), not the Palestinian population as a whole.

That's a very huge distinction, since jews in the Holocaust were just regular citizens in a country, without a murderous leadership. Palestinians are different in that regard - they have a terrorist organization running their territory, and no one but Israel can/will do anything about that. No one is considering how good Gazans could've lived if their leaders weren't terrorists.

And nobody can fight a terrorist organization without civilian casualties. That's war. Calling it a genocide is in my eyes dishonest to actual genocides where innocent people are being called animals and pillaged and slaughtered. Palestinians are poor people, but there's definitely not only one aggressor against them.

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Dude those same civilian facilities are proven to store artillery. Once a site is being used for war purposes, don't be surprised that it's being destroyed - in a war.

Everybody is criticizing Israel for bombing UN facilities, while no one critisizes Hamas for storing ammunition in said facilities. That's just hypocrisy.

Do you seriously think Israel shut off internet to hide what's inside? Do you know satellites exist? Do you know cameras exist? How in the world was that preventing anyone from seeing into Gaza?

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Again, saying they just suddenly started getting weapons and killing natives is just ignoring the context.

As you said, Jews fled European countries because of antisemitism. But they migrated to Palestine legally buying land and working farms to grow their cities. There was no violence by immigrant jews, and no wars on arabs, like your idea of colonialism. Zionism isn't an empire looking to grow its control, it's finding a home, through legally bought land, in an historically significant place for the jews, after they were persecuted by pretty much everybody. Heck, most of the early killings were started by arabs who simply didn't like jews being next to them (Tel Hai, jaffa/haifa riots, jerusalem stabbings...)

Again, it's isn't an isolated conflict, and it has much context with so much hatred from both sides. Saying "they bad they killed the natives" is just losing 100% of the context and circumstances.

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Can nobody here think like a military just for one second and understand that they don't care about spread of information? That information will be leaked after the blackouts are over, nothing can change that. That blackout is purely so that Hamas would lose their communication capabilities. It's a classic proven war tactic and a totally legit one.

As much as I agree on the "no dealing with terrorist" rule, you can't expect the families to not protest and do everything in their power to get their loved ones homes.

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And that's also literally what I wrote. You just repeated my sentence. Nice.

Minimizing ≠ keeping them safe. Read my comment again.