
1 Post – 190 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

That's the best thing about the stuff that the CIA has done: they publicly admit to it in writing and people still refuse to believe it's true

the goal is to bankrupt the organization as much as possible and he's using the legal system to do so; if the organization doesn't respond, he automatically wins in this legal system, so they must spend $$$ on lawyers to fight the lawsuit.

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The Fediverse is undeniably very left leaning currently, which is surprising to me since you’d think the anti-censorship design on paper would appeal more to people on the right who are against big tech and censorship, but I guess not? It’s interesting.

american conservatives care more about denying rights and liberties than anything else as evidenced by their leaders and publicly shared platforms; so if you believe that censorship has anything to do w it, you're not a conservative.

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then don't buy locked phones; that's the exact reason why they're locked.

plane antisemitic. lol

12 years for me and i'm kicking myself for letting myself get so entrenched after i had experienced the same thing before; fediverse, here i come! lol

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we have that same nuance here in the united states and it's be shown that the judge's approval is nothing more than a rubber stamp.

So, no laws for the rich

the only surprising thing about this is that not everyone already knew this.

it's not snark or sarcasm: this is true more often than not and i guess people really don't like paying attention.

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very based. the porn in the entire fediverse is straight and/or vanilla and any google search will give you better content.

i wish i could feel the same way op has posted

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love the black eye on the camera man. lol

It feels like the powers that be have perfected the art of setting a popular dialogue with movements that credibly threaten their interests, guaranteeing that they always get their way and it's so thorough that pointing this out gets you branded as a tankie.

Even that word feels like another psyop on its own with the way leftists use it as a cudgel against each other; also guaranteeing that we will never be able to work with each other to accomplish anything of merit.

yes please! lol

but i wonder how this would work with men and women; do they take turns with the man? if so how is it different than 1-on-1 porn?

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because reddit has all of the content and ease of use while lemmy has neither and we want to see lemmy succeed.

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but not the political will nor legal ability to force landlords to allow it to happen.

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why is duckduckgo out?

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they use the same algorithm across all of their companies so selling it would create a strong competitor and the chinese government is likely to block the sale anyways. tiktok revenue is a small slice of bytedance's income, so it makes sense to swallow the relatively small loss to keep their product intact when it's crystal clear that it's far superior to anything else atm.

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universal basic income (ubi).

it's clearly a need and like other clear needs in this country (eg health insurance) it'll continue to get ignored until it sparks some sort of revolution or our country's owners figure out to perpetually put it off like health insurance

10+ years from now reddit will be at reduced popularity, but still a major player in the social media scene. i say this because i left other social media sites before the term "social media" existed and those old sites are still chugging along, making money for the new owners despite a 75%-ish drop in users and content.

i've been wantin to leave reddit for a while and the changes gave me the final straw i needed to make the jump; you should be leaving reddit because it benefits you somehow. there's nothing you can do to affect reddit unless you have enough money to affect a change in its direction.

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shills; toxicity; brigading; endless conspiracy theories.

1/3 will do nothing but sit and watch while the other 1/3 kills the remaining 1/3 and that do-nothing-1/3 will call you a tankie and fight you if you try to do anything.

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if all kkk members were run out of all rural town; there would be no rural american anymore except for the new places they created

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Why does this article exist? Who cares what tech workers think about someone else’s pay rate?

is there to make people mad that the drivers are getting paid more and make you more predisposed to hate unions.

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Nope, that’s not affordable.

i had the same thought and i'm also thinking that i'm going to keep my 15 year old car until it dies in the hopes that i can get those brand new $10k ev's that people outside the united states can get right now.

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And if they’re not willing to do that instead of tiptoeing around the issue, politely requesting that he stop, and wondering why nothing ever changes, then they need to suck it up and deal with it, because he’s not going to stop. Jail his ass until the trial(s), or accept that this is the reality for the next several years.

someone else already answered part of why they don't nail him to the wall like any other poor person (eg conservative revolution); another reason is affluenza.

he's being politely asked to stop committing crimes by people in the upper echelons of society that will never feel the impact of his actions nor theirs; so their polite requests are merely an exercise in an academic pursuit within absurd belief that the "system will take of it."

if trump were rich and well connected enough he could get away with it; but it's clear that he's not or else most wouldn't even be aware of it happening.

the whole fediverse requires a more effort on your part than reddit ever did. i hate reddit now and left permanently, but i know that the fediverse will never be able to replace reddit and reddit will continue to flourish.

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Even other GOP members were pissed about the insurrection and were targeted by insurrectionists.

and then turned around and acted like it was nbd

Personally, i’m worried that the biden administration is underestimating the electoral importance of his decision to continue supporting Israel’s genocide against Palestinians.

he's aware of the optics of his positions and voting history; that's why he reversed course on gay marriage; gays in the military and federal service long after it was popular and gave the barest of minimums for weed and student loans that didn't have much of an impact on the status quo.

palestine is the one thing he won't budge on; but he'll (somewhat) do all of the other things that'll get him votes like he's always done and give the people not paying enough attention warm fuzzy feels for supporting him.

i think the worst take away from this election cycle is learning that most american's don't give a rat's ass about genocide; so long as their guy wins and get to express regret over it. (i also wonder if that's how every other genocide is/was allowed to happen).

there's a couples sites out there that will show you which instances are federating with each other and you can see a trend of lemmy instances effectively creating echo chambers with moderate viewpoint dominated instances driving nearly all of it.

if this trend continues, the fediverse will eventually go the same way that the other reddit diasporas went so i'm also looking for a new place; good luck fellow wanderer

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i WISH i had this problem; it's so difficult to find the porn i used to get from reddit and ALL of porn instances i found were either straight or dildo/ass/dick pics.

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kitty looks matted; i hope it's no causing any pain.

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i just left austin because it's becoming an increasingly facist shithole because anyone with above room temperature iq in austin knows that the state will continue to do everything in its power to reign in austin so they leave; like i did.

the only gem in that place is houston and that is a much bigger target in the texas government's eyes than austin ever was.

there are holdouts and they will continue to hold out; ineffectually and pointlessly struggling for the rest of their lives.

i wish i could say the same about being happy here; i find myself missing the subs i use to visit and it's only after moving away from reddit have i started to realize how ultra niche those subs are.

however i've been wanting to spend less time with a screen in my face and the recent reddit assholery coupled w the lack of content from the fediverse is going to force me to make that change in my life and i see it as a good thing.

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i wouldn't leave reddit for years because i knew that the severe lack of niche communities that only reddit has would eventually engender regret and seeing 2 full porn dedicated fediverse instances completely bereft of anything besides vanilla and/or straight porn is the first time i'm feeling that regret.

fortunately reddit has managed to act like a big enough asshole this time to force to me to stay this course.

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my new-ish job wants us to come into the office as hybrid (for now) basis; so i moving some where that has trains so i can sleep during the commute

living in austin for 5 years taught that even the bluest texans are ardently pro-establishment.

that doesn't mean that all of them are climate deniers; but like their red brethren, they'll fall in line and vote for a climate change denier if it means their guy gets to win.

like most of the country, they hate their choices but will fight you tooth and nail if you try to change anything for the better; don't bother with benefit of the doubt when it comes to texans.

I’m starting to truly question whether or not it’s on purpose that they’re so quiet about certain stuff that they do, especially when it’s to their own detriment.

Because it's the bare minimum and they wish to avoid probing questions about why they won't do more.

the fediverse is turning into a collection of echo chambers due to this and now i'm wondering if it's worth it to back to reddit.

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That would got their gd attention.

it always gets their attention and then they pay people to lobby our government to get a lowered; which also always happens.

careful: centrists will start calling you a tankie for pointing this out lol

i act my wage and i double or triple it when i work somewhere i don't like.