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The SCOTUS will rule the president still has immunity, again...they don't care what the Constitution actually says.

Mathematically, non-voters just voted for whoever wins. So, if you are anti-trump (or all the other evil he stands for) and he wins, but you didn't voted for him.

I think most informed people understand that voting for Biden isn't the cure-all. We are a car without breaks careening down a cliff side, winding, pothole-filled road slick with a fresh spill from a septic truck and we are faced with turning one direction and driving off the cliff or turning the other and staying on the rough road knowing there is at least a chance of it clearing up and hopefully offering some better intersections ahead. At least Joe's team is trying to hose off the sewage and is willing to hear you out about the asphalt-guy you know that can handle the job. The other guy's side has Ivan's Forestry Specialists on speed dial and just needs the cash advance to pay him, then he will totally be here any day to fix the roads cause he totally does that too. Also he is a pilot, so you should totally trust him that he can land the car if you go off the cliff...there sure are some nice roads down there at the bottom. Biden, or even Democrats won't fix everything. They will be conservative-lite, but the other option in our flawed system is conservative-FOREVER. The problem with your "we must all give up everything and probably go homeless to protest and rebel" is the prisoner's dilemma. We all go in 100% or we lose.... permanently. Those of us not dead set on going all-in, because we know others won't (not even debatable), want to maintain the status quo as the only good option, so we can at least fix the "we lose... permanently" part.

Or maybe I am an idiot and haven't eaten today. Those are my 3¢(inflation).

-Good liberals with infinite patience and calm rationality turned me from conservative, and kinda shitty guy, to centrist with empathy for others.

-Maga turned me from centrist to reliably liberal (vote for each person down ballot based on scrutiny of their merits instead of affiliation...but heavily blue leaning, unless the Dem was a knob or had a bad plan)

-P2025 turned me into VoteBlueNoMatterWho for every candidate for every election from local to president.

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Nationalist Christians...Nat-Cs, if you will.

DROOOOOONEEEEE STRIIIIKEEE...there is precedent for Official use of drones against terrorists in the past!

You don't have to clarify, we all already know the opinions you are told to have.

The red hats

Yeah, you kinda gotta think about it...if the US falls, it won't fail and die, it will become evil. What side do you want them to be on in this next big war brewing? The world wars with the US on the other side seems rough for every good and decent person. Hell, Ukraine would be in a bad spot if the US was actively fighting along side the orks...well, Ukraine would be West-russia already, and that isn't even intending to speak ill of the Ukrainian heroes, it is just a shitty hypothetical reality. The US a big greedy resource vacuum that lets their corporations push them to meddle in world affairs, but they are also the insane PTSD soldier turned cop of the classroom keeping the other bully kids in line. It is a weird place to be, but the US feels like a floodgate that is tolerated, because without it, we have real bad things in the waters it holds back. So frustrating.

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Biden did. It was a slip. Old guy, fighting a returning stutter, trying to get everything of substance he has to say out in a 2min window...he messed up a whole bunch. The other guy ignored the questions and vomited the practiced lies and BS he has been spewing for years, so he looked better, if you didn't actually listen to the words from each person.

Ukraine is getting support and still fighting orks. It is a politically delicate situation, but it is working.

Dunno the pertro dollar, I assume you are wrong, but I'll enjoy looking into it later.

Afghanistan withdrawal was entirely on trump.

There is plenty of ramped up, unnecessary border security, I think we are still breaking records for people and drugs stopped there..hell, fox news, in their stupidity, reported that Biden's border stopping record highs of fentanyl from getting across the border was a bad thing. trump's Whitehouse was prescribing the stuff!

Supply chain failure...of? You talking about the problems during COVID that the trump administration cocked up so bad that it caused supply chain failures?

Vaccines was struck down by the ignorant and the stupid, not Biden.

Economy is finally recovering from the shambles that trump left it in with his record debt. Biden did an impressive job fixing that so fast when Congress fought him the whole way.

But, hey! Maybe the one thing you are right about is the Petro dollar! Even a maga-media consumer has to be right every once in a while!

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It's how far back they have to go to find a criticism that seems valid, if you don't think.

The effective and qualified people he surrounds himself with. Sorry for the death of your argument. RIP

It is the opposite of true. So it is, at best, an observation of and regurgitation of whatever information silo you frequent.

Bizzaro-land energy.

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trump is legitimately a stupid person. He is good at threatening and has some weird charisma that works on scum, but he is high-functioning moron.

I don't present as on the spectrum, but I was diagnosed with ADHD when I was a kid. I haven't suffered from it much as an adult. I have heard that the parenthetical over clarification and typing as your thoughts would flow naturally is a sign of Autism in particular. I can control it when I focus, but if I am ranting it comes out in force.

They are not left or right. They are just people that strictly believe everything that has been disproven or is too stupid to bother disproving, as long as ANY thread of correlation can be made up between it and observable reality.

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Tell me more about this "outside". Can I get it on Amazon?

Lul, this is literally mid. Oh, wait, I have a PHD. I suppose I am no longer allowed to speak how I want.

Exactly this. Also, MAGAs are weak-minded followers types. If their leadership falls, they fail permanently. They are still scum, but they are as they have been for years, squirming under rocks...where they belong.

Polls of 1000 people are stupid.

And everyone around him is doing a great job and not bringing about a christofascist dictatorship ruled by an atheist narcissist compulsive liar real estate yeah, the best of two options. I don't care if the face-man is old, I am voting against project 2025.

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Like, you gotta think outside the box...maaaan. 🚬

I get the logic of your statement, but it is devoid of any understanding of how people actually work in the real world. That tends to be where these armchair politician "genius fixes" go wrong.

That is what they are counting on!

The SCOTUS ruled the opposite of what the Constitution says is law.

The disconnect from reality combined with being prone to belief without proof.

That is the way to do it. Plenty of people parrot what they read. I am guilty of it because I can't research EVERYTHING EVER, but I can hear reliable information and spit it back out. If you take the time to post up receipts, people will vomit up your facts and you make the discourse better.

Conspiracy theorists are useful idiots.

Holding back from using his newly granted power to demolish the terrorist party and their supporters would definately make me sweat. Other solutions would be much easier.

I can't get over ironically using stupid lingo, without being good at presenting it as ironic I often seem like a child. I am certainly bad at forming sentences that are not stream of thought (with weird punctuation like parentheses containing this...and overused ellipsis...)

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I HATED that one...look it up in the Dictionary....sure ok, let me look up a word I can't spell ...ffs!

Yeah, that is how people are ON THE gives the confidently incorrect a megaphone.

Yup, as the weak-willed establishment Republicans realize the insane people can't win anymore, they will turn tail and bail on them. Then the shitty people can go back under their rocks and moderate conservatives can come back into power. Hopefully the Democrat's constituents can get ranked choice voting through so this doesn't happen again. Then we can get critical thinking education spread and the lunatic fringe right-wing wond be able to live here anymore.

I really need to start using the term "regressives". It is so accurate!

His position would have to have proof to back it... Otherwise a president can be "convinced" of anything convenient and be immune from everything. It is a stupid position.

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Wasnt trump still a Democrat back then? It's like people never change.....wait ...

To be fair. He just has to kill off the maga leadership. MAGAs are weak-minded followers, they will throw their impotent tantrums, then get distracted. The non-magas in the regressive party (gop) will cower then do their usual thing, hell most of them will instantly turn on maga when it has no teeth anymore. When he stops there, and normal Regressives don't get persecuted or attacked, and the US starts getting better, they will all carry on...and McConnel, who will still somehow be alive, will say it was all his idea.