0 Post – 180 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

I love it. The gist is:

  • hate speech is running rampant on your platform.
  • you're doing nothing to stop it.
  • here's our evidence.
  • where's your e idence?
  • why are you spending time and money on fighting us instead of on fighting the literal white supremacist death threats on your platform?
  • telling us we've not sampled enough tweets while you're in the process of making impossible the mass sampling of tweets is...a bit rich.
  • we're not intimidated by your threats
  • your threats are also bullshit
  • we're not gonna stop

It's a textbook example of "no u" in grown up language. Bravo.

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Fuck The Sun.


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My kid was the last one in their school year to get a smartphone. He was bullied for not having a smartphone. He used to ask me for one several times a day and I stuck to what I'd said, he'll get one on his birthday. I still feel it was far too early. He was 10 when he got it.

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Israel is not "the Jews". You might think it's pedantic but now is really not the time to make that generalisation.

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Watch as the Israeli talking heads wheel out this poll as an excuse for killing Gazan civilians.

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You're denying the moon landing happened although the moon landing definitely, demonstrably happened. You're getting downvoted for peddling batshit.

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If you're a dog owner and you're paying attention, then your personal experience should include the following truth: any dog can go postal. If you then combine this with the knowledge that pitbulls are much more deadly than other dogs when being agressive, then you must reach the conclusion that this breed should be banned, even though that is admittedly a sad conclusion.

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Open ear bone conduction headphones. Light, affordable, waterproof and safe to bike with. Also good in the office as you can still hear what's going on whilst listening. Only drawback is they're pretty quiet and easily defeated by heavy traffic/loud kids etc.

Also not recent but as someone who suffers from tinnitus, a Bluetooth audio sleep mask has improved my quality of life more than any other minor purchase I've ever made.

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Fucking cunt

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Just to fill in the background here, this wacko policy was introduced by Boris Johnson at some point in order to score some political points in one 24hr news cycle or another. Since then it's been championed by two of the most far-right Home Secretaries in the history of the office, with Braverman making it a wedge issue for the Tory party. Earlier this year, Sunak needed the support of the far right of his party, and he promised this bill to get that support. So, even though the law is "batshit" according to the current Home Secretary (yes that's real) we are going ahead with it purely because it's the only way to keep this government together for as long as possible. That is a maximum of eight months until the last possible moment they are forced to call an election.
To summarise: the UK government is breaking international law and subverting its own Supreme Court, along with any number of democratic processes, in order to push through a cruel, ludicrous and counterproductively expensive law just in order to hold on to power for weight months.
To summarise the summary: FUCK the Tories.

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"Need to get away with murder? Easy! Just say 'it wasn't me, it must of been someone else who done it'. For bonus points, combine with a wink to the hot judge/juror of your choice."

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It still makes me sad to look at the Antonov.
RIP AN-225, 1988-2022

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Some Jews are absolute cunts. Most are decent people. Which makes Jews exactly the same as everyone else imo

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The sad reason for that is that it's a conversation killer. I would love to go back and forth for hours on things like the uncanny similarity between universal gravitation and Coulomb's law. But, when I speak to someone with a similar background to mine it's, and when I speak to someone without that background it's all yawns. It's a shame because in either case I think science is the most interesting topic. It's just as edifying to dive casually into the philosophy as it is to dive rigourously into the maths. I learn more per unit time from either type of conversation than from studying papers. And, it's a passion, but one whose expression is stymied either by explaining it in terms of football fields per dolphin or by making it marketable. Interaction with other minds is the most valuable type of learning.
I feel like I may come off as a bit of an elitist writing this, but the problem really is the opposite: I wish more people would get involved!
Edit: the responses to this have made my day you guys. This is why I left Reddit.

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I've been an urban pedestrian/cyclist all my life. Unfortunately I chose a career path that means I now have to work far from a city. I just failed my driving test. I don't even want to drive. I fucking hate this so much.

I'm sorry I have you the impression that I gave a shit what you thought of my opinion on the death penalty. Let me be more clear: I Do Not Give A Shit About What You Think.

Am I clear enough?

Ok...Then why are you posting your opinion on a public forum?
What I think isn't that important. Do you have anything of any substance to say about what I have written?
Your support for the death penalty is wrong morally, and incorrect rationally. That's not my opinion, it's just counting.

posted 9 hours ago

Yep, that actually checks out.

You should be. We might still be wrong about her. Just a few weeks ago it was found that a guy in the UK was convicted and sentenced and served 20 years for a horrific crime he did not commit.
If we had the death sentence here, he would be dead now.

18 more...

This is a valid reading of the Fermi paradox. But just for balance I'm going to devil's advocate all over it.

The chances of life to occur are small enough,

Not known. At the moment the data set is one habitable planet = one occurrence of life, so the odds might be very high indeed, even approaching 1:1

The chances of evolution to pass through multiple extinction events and producing a being capable of higher intelligence is even smaller,

They are smaller, but how much smaller is impossible to tell. What if extinction events are less frequent than they are here? What if 100% extinction events are as rare as they are here? What if intelligence is a natural point of evolution everywhere?

The chances they have done this faster than humans is smaller still,

This one's not true. The earth is relatively young at 4 billion years compared to 15 billion for the universe. A billion year headstart is completely plausible

The chances they have evolved close enough to us to have visited is near impossible.

Agreed that the earth's position in the milky way is a bit of a galactic backwater. At 25000 light years from the centre, stars are more sparse here than they are at the centre. But our nearest star is 4ly away. We could have a probe there within half a century with our current technology if we wanted to. So I disagree on the "near impossible" part.

The universe is huge, there's almost certainly life elsewhere - but to ask whether they visited earth is like speculating on whether ghosts exist.

Can't really argue with that. Until we see some evidence, ghosts and galactic visitors are in the 'conspiracy nut' bin. But it doesn't mean life on other planets doesn't exist. There are many theories why we wouldn't have seen or met alien life if it does exist. Absence of evidence isn't evidence of absence.

Also the universe is expanding at such a fast rate that unless we develop faster-than-light tech, we will never reach another solar system.

Hubble expansion isn't a big factor at the galactic level. Galaxies are traveling away from other galaxies at relative speeds faster than light, but for stars within the galaxy, the scale is infinitely smaller and the expansion is so small it's difficult to even measure.

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The BBC's Teletext service, discontinued October 23rd 2012.




Edit: thanks for educating me

If a leader cannot make public communications with respect, the content of the message is irrelevant.

So that's not a rational view. Linus's style is irrelevant; you need to see if he is correct as that's all that matters really in deciding whether or not to dismiss his arguments. This goes for everyone from Aristotle to Andrew Tate.
If he's wrong in 99% of cases then sure, it's reasonable to dismiss him based purely on time constraints. But if he's rude and correct in 99% of cases then you need to listen up.

That's not how this works. There's no point in talking if everyone just makes unrelated statements.

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Yeah, it's terrible that they're the ones on the right side of history on this. It shows how low the US is willing to go to protect its ME interests. Literally morally lower than Saudi.

Exactly right. We need to root out how this happened if we want to stop it happening again. That would probably include an honest long look at the NHS in general and whatever went on in her mind in particular. It's never going to be as simple as "this woman's a monster". We need to know what impulses she felt and what justifications she told herself, knowing it was the worst kind of wrong. And how did she get into a position where it was possible. The families deserve answers and we all need to know it can't happen again.

No sane person wants to kill children

Bold of you to assume Likud are sane. They're dealing with "human animals", remember? They are happy to kill Palestinian children.
To the main point: there is no excuse for this murder of surrendering civilians. Even if your enemy has the specific tactic of sending its combatants in shirtless and waving a white flag (Hamas don't) then you still aren't allowed to kill them, because people still need to be able to surrender.

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Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time.

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Maths is the language of the universe. Show some god damned respect.

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Or, here's another way of looking at it. Man who voluntarily left the ruling party of Israel and remains a part of Israel's political class quotes Hitler. Not in the way we all quote Hitler to show that a point of view is wrong because Hitler held it, but rather in the way we quote someone like Nelson Mandela or Albert Einstein; to support an argument because we respect the source.
Meaning, Israeli politician respects Hitler.

Israel=Nazis is trending because the Israeli regime is genocidal, just like the Nazi regime that necessitated the creation of Israel, which is tragically ironic. This news piece is just garnish.

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Except they are, though. They're bred to be as deadly as possible. This is a verifiable fact.

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And as a bonus it actually looks like something out of Carmageddon.

What if being hammered silly by a pneumatic fist is my plan?


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No. But even if 100% of the population of Gaza supported Hamas and even the Al Aqsa Flood, that's still no excuse to kill civilians.
However the Israeli government has given no straight answers, fabricated evidence, and muddied the waters continuously since the 7th of October. It uses every opportunity to distract from and distort the truth. It will also take this as just such an opportunity.

I have to draw this line because it's actually really important.
Smoking is when someone inhales smoke.
Vaping is when someone inhales vapour.
These are different in more ways than they are similar, but perhaps the most important is the difference in negative health outcomes. Smoking is about twenty times more harmful than vaping.
Vaping is a very effective path away from smoking for those with a nicotine dependency, and it's counterproductive to attach the same stigma to both, let alone to consider them equivalent.

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Do you have any evidence of this? Or are you just assuming based on your own determination of Hamas as "animals" or some such?

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Careful- they only talked about hatred of religion, not the religious. A subtle but enormous difference.

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Torture is so so great!!!!! I love how you're putting your sickness out there. You're really leaning into it.

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I hear it has preprogrammed wait times for replying to text messages from females based on the redpill algorithm.

First past the post has to go. I believe it's the most important issue in our country right now, because it's stopping us from dealing with the actually important issues. To wit: we're debating sending 100 refugees or less a year to Rwanda as a matter of the utmost urgency while the world is catching fire, in any metaphorical sense you care to mention. Geographical concentration of voters should no longer confer political power where the open internet exists.

There are two problems with the urgent need to change this broken broken system though: 1. I don't know what better to replace it with, and 2. I don't have enough faith in the British public anymore to actually agree on the more important issues once it's gone.

Side note: the argument doing the rounds about "but the far right will get in" is irrelevant because our last two home secretaries have been irreconcilable, despicable far-right headbangers. They're already in.

Ok, ok, Italy has a claim, but Spain? Let's be real here.

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