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Oh nooo they won't get off that easy. They'll have to pay a hefty fee of dozens of thousands of dollars

That's what happens if you take all your knowledge from memes. Good luck.

I think it got really bad the past few years. I think many people don't even know that, but tinder used to be free. You got 5 free super swipes or something, unlimited swiping and so on. Now you can swipe a few times for free, and it is never ever the people who already liked you. It has a feature where you can limit your range and disable people from around the world. But half the women i see are from china or thailand. Women get flooded with likes and matches while as (an average?) guy, it's like playing the lottery.

The problem that i see with that is that men generally don't pick their "dream girl" they jest pick what they can get. Which is a weird dynamic for any sort of relationship. "Of all the likes, i picked you, because of your smile and we both like cycling." "You were my only match in 3 month."

Around that time i was in a hospital and was bored to shit. I watched every one of spoony and Doug's videos. I loved it, it was the only thing that kept me entertained, because i was awake most nights. I knew it was flawed in many ways, and doug kinda refused to make the jump to youtube or something and i just stopped watching and kinda assumed his project died. Only last year i found out that he made several movies and a gameshow and all quit like 4 times. So i watched his movie, that looked really bad and thought: what does a movie look like from a guy who made it his career to nitpick about movies. It's really bad. It's so bad. It's not funny bad, i felt bad watching this movie. He hasn't evolved as a person, his film making qualities have not improved at all. All his stuff looks like he's still using the same camera. I had fever one day and watched his game show, this gave me the worst fever dream imaginable. The next day i was convinced that shit was not real. Then i read up about how hi kick started all this stuff and wondered where the money goes. This stuff is truly bizarre to me and i think that would actually make a good move that is not made by him.

Oh god i watched that guy for quite a bit and he always made weird remarks about things he doesn't like in a weird way and conspiracy theories that were just "jokes". Then he went full right wing asshole.

He always seemed nice, but all he really cares is squeezing as much money out of everything.

No one argued that?

I don't know. I found him always the worst of this kind of makers. His work wasn't very professional, he was kinda... Well himself, the end result was pretty meh and he had his own name plastered everywhere. Don't get me wrong, i think he's a smart guy, he had a high production level and knew that shoving up his name down everyone's throat will yield him results. He even has a very shitty netflix show

I stopped watching when i read that he's just the "actor" now. Now i watched two of his recent videos and they were way better than i expected. Not great, but it's not like it went full unwatchable garbage. I can see someone discovering his new video and go way back to see more. So i guess it's not that bad.

It's kinda sad t h at they seem to never to be able to make an actual good movie.

Do moat people who watch her these days do so because they also watched jimquisition? I always wondered that, because to me it's the other way around. I always saw his thumbnails but never the video. Now i listen to the podcast and it's a bit of a mixed bag. A lot of podcasters and youtuber said that they will get "hate" for something they put out, and by "hate" they mean some 12 year olds that disagree and beed attention. I kinda accidentally went to her homepage and saw the starfield review and people in the comments were absolutely nasty. While i don't agree with that at all, i can see gow she's pushing buttons. Like ahe absolutely hated palworld. She hated it before she even played it, and all i could hear is that she's such a pokemon fangirl that she couldn't comprehend that people like that more than ger beloved pokemon and said all that palworld did was made her want to play "insert the worst pokemon game". Same with helldivers. She wrote a review of the game in the time she was waiting in queue on launch day. She couldn't play, so there is no review. I think that's kinda fair in a way, but i'm pretty sure if it wasn't helldivers 2 but something that she really liked or really wanted to like she would still waiting right now. So i'm not sure if she's actually farming hate for engagement or what the deal is.

I mean she bought a teacup pig and when she realised it's a scam and the tiny pig turned into i gigantic pig, she kept it as a pet. I kinda always found that sweet. But i also don't know anything else about her

I always wanted to be the cool hipster with cabled headphones and getting mad about phones without audio jack.

Truth is, my cables always got tangled up, especially at work. It was getting really annoying. I bought some open ear headphones from aftershokz because i often listen to music wherever and i don't want to be isolated. These things absolutely fuck. Battery life is fantastic. Even if they are empty, i can throw them into the pocket charger for 15 minutes and they go for hours again. The sound is good. It's not full blown headphone quality, obviously. But they are so comfortable and you don't have to stick anything into your ears. I saw that bose has a similar product and i kinda wanna try them.

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Not cheap and i already said it in another comment. I absolutely love my aftershokz open fit. My ear hurt like hell when i use in ears and they never seem to fit. These i wear sometimes 10 hours a day. I went to the shower multiple times because i forgot i was wearing them. They sound really good imo, battery life especially with the charging case is fantastic. It's perfect to cycle or in areas where you still need basic awareness. Like i can talk to people at work while i have some music in my ears.

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But he also killed the biggest environmentally destructive person on the planet.

Are gold carts allowed?

People would buy an actual turd on temu if it's cheap enough. Just read these comments here... But it's cheap. Congrats, you bought cheap garbage and it got send around the globe by a company that sells your data

They let them negros drive now in my amurikkka?

Ya, bass is always the downside of these things, but i'm not super into that. Also i don't really like to listen to music very loud. I really don't like when i feel the cable brushing my arms or something. And i rip them out every time i stand up. It's so bad. A huge plus for me is also that i can leave my phone somewhere and i can still listen to music.

Isn't that the ps5? Or did the ps3 also didn't have any games?

That's why drake is done too? The guy who beat the shit out of a woman and tattooed it on himself? Drake the groomer with his new album? That done?

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Did they actually cave in because of some crybabies? Sad!

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I hate the car industry so much. Oh no you can't put on a muffler on your car, it's too loud.

Except obviously when you can afford a Lamborghini, because rich people can be as loud as they want.

Uh no that that rear spoiler looks dangerous, that's not allowed.

But you can sell cars that just hop into 1st gear, that's a honest mistake

That's not really news, but i'm always shocked how cheap they are.

I used to work at a nice bar. It was just a side gig for "fun". I was always very careful with the ice and ice machine, because i find ice gross in general. I still found it very odd how many people just demand "questionable" ice. I'm glad if i don't get ice, please don't ice adds nothing but grossness to any drink.

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When people pay over 100k to be crash test dummies

Tinder was great 5+ years ago. It's probably still cool as a woman, but as a dude it's just kinda sad to be honest. And i know, haha i'm ugly and there are two rules on tinder i know i know. But i would get around without premium and get like 5 to 10 matches a month or so. And they were all real people and would actually want to talk and or meet up.

Now, no idea tbh, i get maybe a match every other month. And then it's usually a girl who just wants the attention and can't communicate with more than 3 letter words.

A friend of mine has like 3 shitty pictures and she is hardly on any one of them. She gets like 99+ matches a month easy.

Som.. the american dream.

That's crazy, i can't comprehend. Americans told me that junk food is cheaper than actual food, so obviously i believe that.

Yes, so 4 year olds can read mein kampf

Omg, i almost clicked on a ltt video. That was fucking close

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You know what is insane to me? Trump, one of the shittiest human beings ever produced, could've been a okay to good president. All he needed was telling people it's okay to wear a mask and the vaccine is cool. He instantly had all the weirdo conservatives on his side and everyone else would've been like: well even a broken clock is right twice a day.

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Oh youtube was great. It went downhill super fast when people made money on youtube.

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I met a girl on tinder and we talked for a while. We lived kinda far away, so we were just texting a bit. She only had very cryptic pictures, and she only sent me weird pictures. So i assumed she is not very pretty, self conscious, or overweight. I had some time off and she asked me if she wanted to come over. So the fastest way to get over there was by car and then hipping on a car train thingy and drive the rest again. But i agreed, seems fun and i didn't have anything better to do. On the way she was texting me if i would really show up, and i said yes. She asked if i knew that dhe wasn't thin. And i said i kinda assumed so. She then sent me the first almost normal picture where you could see that she was in fact overweight. When i arrived there, she was very very overweight. We talked for a bit and it was kinda miserable. She's the kind of person who hardly lets you finish a sentence, because she wants to tell something. At some point it was too late for my train, so i started to make out with her, and i literally thought: at least she's not talking anymore. We had sex later and it was not great at all, there was just too much of her and she was out of breath before we even made it to the bedroom. I was so glad when it was done, and she then told me that she thinks she snores and i need to wake her up when she does. She snored like i have never heard before, and i didn't want to wake her up. I had to stay there until 9am and it was miserable. She asked me if i wanted to stay for lunch, and i was just waiting for the clock to jump to 9am so i could bolt, i only slept for like half an hour and had like 3 hours to drive home.

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They do that with everything. Haha look at these soyboy vegan leftist who can't even lift a GUN. Watch out for these scary leftists, they are dangerous.

I would say most people would just do nothing and the rest would go buy drugs

Cops hate him

Haha yeah goblet of fire was such an odd movie. I don't even remember the books or if it was the same but that movie made no sense.

My favourite part is how they let these kids fight dangerous dragons, one only didn't drown because harry broke the rules. They kept saying how dangerous it was, but then at the end everyone was shocked that cedric died. A dead child in the child murder games? That is crazy

He became addicted to drugs and fell off. Last time i heard anything off him, he lives in south america somewhere as a street performer and found love. So i dunno.

Oh neat, wonder what 3rd world country they plan on liberating. Hopefully their own.

I'm honestly not gonna use youtube without ad and sponsor block.

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