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Joined 3 months ago

I was actually describing a piece of software, which is not considered a human being, and can in fact be treated differently without any legal or philosophical confusion

No you have to run them through an elaborate model first, then it's totally legit to use someone else's literal words as if they were your own

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Principle developer tip: rewrite history to make yourself seem smarter.

Soft reset the whole branch and commit a series of atomic and semantic patches (eg separating code, test, and refactor changes) that tell a clean narrative of the changeset to reviewers, future blamers.

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I thought they were there to cover the unsightly and promiscuous buttons

But I do like ironing. I do it so infrequently, I associate it with getting all fancied up to go out to a special event.

And everything about it is so relaxing... The sound of the water in the iron, the hiss of steam. That clean smell, rising with the hot steam. You're forced to slow down and pay attention, if you want to get it right.

Whether you're alone or sharing the moment with company, it's a recipe for encoding a core memory, deep in there, pinned in place by multiple senses.

Depends, but usually I will put in the effort up front and maybe tweak them in an in[eractive rebase, or just manually copy+paste.

If they're worth saving. Sometimes you have to kill your darlings though

Yeah it sucks. If the commits are really helpful, you can just paste the git log into the PR/MR/CR body after it's been merged

Thanks for the link. I'd heard the expression in this context before, but never knew where it originated

Yeah I was gonna say, just go ahead and mirror that and also make the ball sad

I loved this cheeky comeback.

Why not reinvent the wheel? I’ve already learned a great deal in just starting this project, and I’m excited to learn a great deal more.

Your energy is infectious! I'll be eagerly following this project

Reminds of the accounts of people who owned enslaved people being afraid to let them go because of how they thought once freed they would turn around and slaughter their former "masters" because how could they not.

Except that didn't happen.

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Imagine naming you iron "utopia"

A bunch of my co-workers are situated in Iceland and, you joke, but they have had to leave the office twice because of risk of lava in about a year.

Which seems like a startlingly high number

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Linux is like the Windows car but the guy is smiling

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Awards are just bespoke emoji. You can still react to a comment with a picture or emoji if you want.

IMO your comment, actually expressing explicit and specific approval, is worth more than, like... a picture of a little whale with money coming out of its blowhole, or whatever.

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It's finally happening for me. I'm not understanding esoteric meme content 🥹

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I remember this. That was a great day to be on the internet.

We just got to wait it out. Gods willing, it'll come back to meaning cryptography again.

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Great use of the trolley problem. Given the number of people in thought experiment, it's more likely that we'd be tied to the tracks than not

Good comic.

... using social networking sites lights up the same part of the brain that is also triggered when taking an addictive substance.

I can absolutely believe this. When I was having trouble quitting nicotine one of the ways I'd distract myself was to just sit and scroll bullshit on my phone. I can say without a doubt that it was hitting some of the same spots as the addiction I was trying to quit, for sure

What I consider "keeping in touch"

This in one picture captures exactly why I keep a diary.

I'll be reminiscing about a time some years ago, feeling feelings about it - but if I want to know what I really felt, I can just look it up

It's powerful and humbling.

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Wowwwww that is noxious. Maybe I'll check it out in 5 years, but for now this is a hard pass.

I was so hyped for this game too. The original had something special if a little underdeveloped. I was excited to see if they could make it bloom.

Guess not anyway

That's why you keep doing it. Eventually a chilling/deterrent effect will take hold. It's not like anyone's actually passionate about oil. They can go be apple orchard execs or something idk

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Isn't that what the meme is saying but from the perspective of what it's like to experience autism

Ahhh the prime pirating years. Enjoy! If I hadn't pirated at that age, I would have but a tiny fraction of the shared culture and nostalgia that I currently enjoy with my peers.

...and that contemporary game makers and publishers profit from today, now that I've got money to spend.

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Honest mistake, but you're probably thinking of a superintendent. They are usually an employee of the landlord, and do things like collect the landlord's rents and sometimes fix appliances, etc.

They know it

When you're trapped in the phantasm of conspiratorial thinking you'll try to map any event that makes you feel something into that crooked framework.

It's incredibly said when it's involuntary, because it shows how damaged a person's reasoning faculties have become. It's infuriating when it's done by assholes who use it knowingly to manipulate others.

Oh no I'm at that tomorrow place what now

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You did it! I'm proud of you

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What I like about the fedi is I don't care if it's a "success" in the same sense that the closed social media sites have to be. It's not like this project has quarterly profit targets to hit or else it'll have to enshittify or else the investors pull out and we're all screwed because there's no more monolith or whatever.

Nah it's just us doing our thing and enjoying ourselves. The activity around here already reached a critical mass a while ago, to the point that there's more content than I could hope to enjoy, so anything from here is vegan gravy.

Facebook's capital and access to oceans of customer data sure isn't going to die, though. Maybe mutate

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Horniness mismatch. You'll never synch up exactly, but if you aren't at least in the same ballpark, everyone just comes away frustrated.

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Ffffuck that's depressing.

I don't even have kids. I'm actually pretty against having them in general. But education is an existential requirement to a functioning democracy, and even a basic education is so broadening.

The only reason to want people ignorant is if you're trying to swindle them, which honestly benefits no one in the long run.

That's because this was targeted.

Disco Elysium fans would be pretty confused by this, agreed

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Why yes, I am human.

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If it's just an unsupervised timed test just cheat as much as you want since the test is bullshit and most likely has nothing to do with the job you're actually applying for.

That's not cheating - that's doing the job. Whether that involves looking everything up, asking for help, brute forcing it, hell (not recommended, but) even copy+pasting code.

If that's how you're going to be working, then it's an accurate representation of what kind of results your employer can expect.

Something about "global elite" just sounds antisemitic to me... is this the new new "international Jewry?"

Could be I just have a hair trigger response these days, though

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