2 Post – 234 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Hello, my name is Cris. :)

An image of me, right now

This sounds ruder than I mean it to, but some context on why this is news would be helpful :) I have no idea who this is

I mean that broadly seems like a good thing. Execution is important, but on paper this seems like the kind of forward thinking policy we need

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Honestly I'm kinda bummed that EVERYTHING about cars is getting bigger- not just tires and wheels. I like small cars, small trucks, etc :/

Honestly the same is true with phones, the market keeps moving towards bigger and bigger phones

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Honestly I think my biggest frustration with guns in America is the culture around them. When I was a kid learning about guns in scouts you didn't get to touch one till you'd learned what felt like 12 different times what the rules are and how to be a responsible gun owner and it feels like so many people really needed that handling.

Sorry to hear you live in an area where people's perspective on guns is that they're entitled to attempting murder with a deadly weapon if anyone interacts with them in a way they don't like. That wouldn't exactly make me very comfortable with the folks I live around

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Lmao, thats an incredible image. I have no interest in reading the article, and I choose to believe the author is just very upset at lenovo's fashion crimes vaguely associated with tablet use

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To advertise to her he's gonna blow himself up. She's already got the cyanide, he's still gotta make a statement

My understanding is that there's no evidence to support the idea that it's bad for you in this application at these concentrations.

There is evidence to support it being effective at reducing the risk of cavities.

Counterpoint- people are down voting because they think its unlikely and many people are inherently gaurded against conspiratorial thinking- especially if they think it's unrealistic.

Whether you think its happening or not, the idea that the only reason anyone would downvote is because they're "opperatives" of the big social platforms is kind of out of touch with the fact that there are lots of people who don't think like you do. I'm a real person, love open source, and love the fediverse (have 3 lemmy accounts, plus an account for mastodon and pixelfed each) and I was tempted to down vote certain comments just because they seemed silly and a bit like fearmongering that there's a big bad boogey man out to get us.

I hope I'm being clear, communicating on the internet devoid of tone or facial expressions is hard- my point isn't that your perspective is silly, my point is that there are lots of people who would sincerely see it that way and disagree with you. Assuming that being disagreed with is a sign of the sort of conspiratorial situation you're describing is a self fulfilling prophecy. I hope I'm not coming across as hostile, that isn't my intent

Personally I think the other platforms are unlikely to see the fediverse as a problem until it proves it can be, because CEOs are stupid, and after eons of not having meaningful competition in this space I think they're likely to be overly proud and look down on our nice little platform. I think its far more likely its just the internet being shitty because lots of people on the internet like breaking or ruining anything they can, regardless of whether its a good thing to have exist. I could very easily be wrong, and perhaps other platform's owners do want to kill what we have before it can manifest into something bigger, but either way there are lots of sincerely held perspectives that might drive someone to down vote some of the comments here just because they think the situation being described is unrealistic.

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Yeah... Maybe it should be that way for resorts or hotels too??

Lol, what a weird take

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They are on mastodon

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What a fun AMA topic lol. I dont have a question, I'm just glad youre here, spreading the good gospel of your goofy internet standard

I honestly can't tell what happened here... The article is confusing as hell and I can't tell if its just too early in the morning for me, or if I'm dumb 😅

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I think it's clear you have never experienced being sexualized when you weren't okay with it. It's a pretty upsetting experience that can feel pretty violating. And as most guys rarely if ever experience being sexualized, never mind when they don't want to be, I'm not surprised people might be unable to emphasize

Having experienced being sexualized when I wasn't comfortable with it, this kind of thing makes me kinda sick to be honest. People are used to having a reasonable expectation that posting safe for work pictures online isn't inviting being sexualized. And that it would almost never be turned into pornographic material featuring their likeness, whether it was previously possible with Photoshop or not.

It's not surprising people would find the loss of that reasonable assumption discomforting given how uncomfortable it is to be sexualized when you don't want to be. How uncomfortable a thought it is that you can just be going about your life and minding your own business, and it will now be convenient and easy to produce realistic porn featuring your likeness, at will, with no need for uncommon skills not everyone has

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...of course it doesn't? Like what kinda point is that?

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Lmao, god I'm so jealous of Europe sometimes. I have to assume you don't live in the US.

There are some places here you can get away with not having one, but its basically a non-option for the vast majority of the US

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I had been pretty happy to find brave search as an alternative search engine, but this is kinda making me rethink using their products.. :(

It'd be cool if someone could build an open source extension for Firefox that takes their idea of using browsers as a distributed crawler, but while making it clear that a website is being crawled and not selling the data for AI training, but honestly thats just me daydreaming. I'd love an open and private search engine that isn't just a meta search :(


Mojeek is UK based, open and private and actually have their own index, they aren't just a meta search, but they dont have much in the way of any kind of summary or highlighted answers if you're looking more for an answer to a question than the list of websites

Yep doesn't come up as much when people mention privacy, but makes decent privacy claims, and aims to build a more fairly monetized search engine by giving 90% of money from ads to content creators (no idea how that will eventually work, but its a compelling concept)

Quant seems to have decent results from my initial couple searches, but like mojeek doesn't seem have any kind of summary or answers function.

I think I'll give all three a try each time I have a difficult search task and see if any of them might be worth switching to. Right now I often have to switch over to google even from brave when I'm having a hard time finding something.

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YouTube shorts do have controls, you can scrub through the video with the progress bar along the bottom edge of the screen? Unless they're getting rid of it.

It doesn't super matter to me, I try really hard to avoid short form content. My attention span is bad enough as-is

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Most people don't install windows or ask a family member or friend to do it for them, they buy a device that has windows already on it. The number of people who put windows on a device themselves is a miniscule fraction of windows users

I don't know why porygon is in need of justice, but I agree, I fuckin love porygon 😤

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I'd be very curious to hear more details on this, do you happen to have a source handy, or any recommended reading?

In fairness, the money he gets from being a scumbag with fandom probably can't be used to fund Wikipedia unless he wants to donate the money he's making from his business to run his nonprofit. It's not surprising he wouldn't do that (even if thats the way the world ought to work) and I don't presently have reason to believe he personally gets anything out of the donations that are given to keep Wikipedia running

The desks are clouds...? How would clouds even remotely look like desks??

Was this supposed to say rocks? I'm so confused 😅

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I did not know that about IBM's history... 😬

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I feel like I understand both, though what I miss isn't the mass produced content, its how much more viable small communities were on reddit. The big communities here on lemmy are way better than the ones on reddit (which universally sucked) but most of the communities I wanted to engage with regularly are kinda niche. Its a double edged sword, but I do think the community feel here is so much nicer, even if it comes at the expense of small communities being absent, or less active

Aves libre is the best Foss app I've used for managing a picture library.

learned about Organic Maps recently and its a really nice (albeit very simple, for now) open street maps client for GPS navigation. The interface is super nice

Material files is by far my favorite file browser app, I've been using it since before I paid much attention to foss vs proprietary

Droidify is my fav f-droid client

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Lemmy continues to have a weird issue with showing super old posts sometimes on "hot" sorting. This is from 2 years ago for any folks who didn't catch the date

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Do you happen to have any sources on the subject? I'm not familiar with the organization

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I appreciate your added context and perspective! Thanks for sharing :)

They weren't talking about using linux, they meant installing it. They were referring to downloading a disk image, writing it to a flashdrive such that it's bootable, making sure your bios is set to let you boot from removable media, pressing the right key for your device to select the boot media, picking the flash drive, and then navigating the installation interface.

There are definitely places where I see folks getting stuck in that process if they're not a technical user and/or familiar with linux

I expect the latter

Its worth mentioning that SD maid has a new version in development, so it may make more sense to buy the new version, although its presently in beta

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He. Not he/she. He

Also as someone who knows a huge number of feminists that are militantly anti-terf, it's categorically untrue that strict, trans exclusionary interpretations of who counts as a woman are in any way an intrinsic aspect of feminism

You're right though, he will need a strong support system, and I also hope there are folks in his corner

Hope you are well

Generally, customization. My understanding is that the origin of its use for describing customization, modding, personalization, etc. comes from the car world where it was used to describe tastelessly modified cars with too many cosmetics, and is most associated with Japanese cars. Folks in various communities where the term has been used to describe customization have occasionally debated whether it has a racist origin (it seems probable that it does, though is now pretty much unrelated to any of that origin), and whether it's innaproprate to use today as a result

It's often used in this community to describe thoroughly customizing your Linux or Unix desktop, and carries sort of the same energy in my mind as like pimp your ride, but for your desktop.

Hope this helps!

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Yum! Brands, Inc. (sometimes called simply Yum!), formerly Tricon Global Restaurants, Inc., is an American multinational fast food corporation listed on the Fortune 1000. Yum! operates the brands KFC, Pizza Hut, Taco Bell, and The Habit Burger Grill, except in China, where the brands are operated by a separate company, Yum China. Yum! previously also owned Long John Silver's and A&W Restaurants. The company was created as a spin-off of PepsiCo in 1997.

I went and looked up the Wikipedia page out of curiosity when someone disagreed that they're a Chinese conglomerate and thought I'd share for anyone else reading the thread.

Short answer: not a Chinese conglomerate.

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I had no idea he negotiated to get them the things they wanted afterwards, thank you for sharing that. I was completely unaware

I really enjoyed reading this article, thank you for sharing it :)

Right? For how much companies seem to love bubblewrapping anything they do in PR, they sure do suck at it sometimes...

As much as I'd like that to be true, I've definitely still seen vegan spaces online that are intensely alienating and hostile 😅 when I was using reddit, often anything from r/vegan that hit r/all was pretty hostile to anyone who hadn't already decided it was an important issue for them and made big lifestyle changes accordingly, adopting veganism.

To be totally honest I've also never seen any beef industry propaganda encouraging people to hate vegans or resent veganism. If you can think of any examples off the top of your head I'd be curious to see them (if nothing comes to mind thats fine, I don't intend that as a gotcha)

I'm not vegan (grew up with an eating disorder, not in any position to cut stuff out of my diet or make eating more complicated/difficult, though I have a lot of respect for vegan ethics) but I am a big nerd about open source stuff and linux, and I've observed similar things in that space. I have a friend who's averse to open source stuff because folks have evangelized to her aggressively and with the same sort of superiority complex many folks perceive vegans as having. I'm grateful she's excited to listen to me talk about the stuff I'm excited about anyway these days, but I'm careful not to make her feel pressured to drop proprietary software she's using for open alternatives because I want her to feel respected even though she's not invested in this thing I care about a whole lot

I think when you work hard to adopt a big change for reasons you're proud of, it's easy to view yourself as superior for having learned the thing, or made the dietary change

Friggen love aldi. I'm kinda disappointed every time I have to go somewhere else now. Just wish they had longer hours cause my sleep disorder means it's hard to make it there before they close sometimes

You should join us over on the Unixporn community! Always fun to see peoples customizations lol