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Joined 6 months ago

Clearly the blue team fans will simply abandon their team going into the superbowl.

Hoovie's garage and Tavarish. Both had good channels fixing cars and then they went off the broken supercar deep end, then wound up with the Car Stories channel and decided to rip off the Top Gear format of doing stupid, obviously scripted adventures.

Nobody gives a crap about fixing a completely unattainable car or re-living the demise of Top Gear.

I know the trick to making a small fortune in crypto: Start with a large fortune.

Zack and Miri Make a Porno is this movie.

Nate's predictions turned to crap in 2018 and never came back. Polls don't work anymore and Nate is handicapping trash.


Every time America is about to/in the process of making a mistake there's a video of Bernie Sanders warning everyone not to do it.

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I wore a steel ring to an MRI, and the second I got anywhere close to the machine I could feel it vibrating on my finger. There was definitely warning signs for this person, and they still went ahead.

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Rectum? Damn near killed um

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They only understand when lawyers talk to them.

Take a picture of you burning it in a pentagram

Who would have thought that Twitter would become the new Somethingawful forums, and that Musk would take the role of Lowtax.

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I don't think the word "Charlatan" has ever applied to anyone more aptly than Musk.

Buy Mar-a-lago when it inevitably gets auctioned off, rename it the Barack Obama Center for Displaced Youth and fill it full of children separated from their parents at the border.

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You are either going all in with VMware or you're dead to them. Full suite or nothing, take your pick.

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They look better than pump jacks and oil derricks.

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How many power outages has that Lasagna seen?

They're made of starch. It's like people eating those corn starch packing peanuts over here. The toothpicks are edible, though probably not made in a facility with food grade standards.

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TL;DR: It was the bean counters

Anything made by Kirkland

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Protest = Jail time

Throwing rocks at Rishi Sunak = Jail time

It's important to recognize opportunities when they present themselves.

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Whenever she tells me she's going to do something I react "Hey honey, you should go and do something."

"I'm going to the store to get some milk"

"You know what? You should go to the store and get some milk"

"I'm going to wash some pants."

"Honey, I think maybe you should wash some pants."

Sorry Live Nation, the billionaires gouging us for food and shelter take precedence. 😢😢😢

So if you're on a site with hundreds or thousands of company owned tools it would be very helpful to have them connected for things like:

  • Tool status
  • Tool location
  • Service information
  • Lifecycle control
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Waiting for the responsible parents who pulled their kids out to get charged for truancy.

You're going to look like a doofus holding your laptop to your ear, but it's totally doable.

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Reversible Computing

In theory, we could make computers consume orders of magnitude less power, enabling extreme miniaturization of systems.

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60 year old house. They used to use this stuff called "no corrode" pipe for sewage. It was made of tar and straw and had around a 60 year service life. Mine finally collapsed, backed up and caused $30k of damage to my basement + 25k cost to dig up my back yard to replace it.

Sounds like they are. They're going to let America fight its drug war in America.

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Post history does not deliver.

I know people hear Hashicorp and instantly think Terraform, but Vault is the real crown jewel here.

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It's a stall tactic. She gets to delay another two weeks while she prepares her rebuttal.

Good old Occam's Razor

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Most people on the internet, as it turns out.

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But it has the word bullet right in it. Sounds like you're anti gun. Why do you hate freedom?

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Contractors can be paid out of project budgets, they don't need benefits and other perks aside from cash and they can be hired and terminated quickly with no severance

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Listen Elon, I have three words that will blow your mind: Middle out compression!

Stanford is literally in Silicon Valley. It's no shock that the University that cranks out tech bros and is funded by the same group doesn't want anyone reporting on anything unethical.

It was rapture when the path of this eclipse crossed the path of the eclipse two years ago. I think it was somewhere in Missouri/Iliinois. If you ascended, congrats. I get to go to work tomorrow.

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There was a nasty bug with some storage system software that I had the bad fortune to find, which resulted in me deleting 6.4TB of live VMs. All just gone in a flash. It took months to restore everything.