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Joined 12 months ago


"Why are you trying to do [x]? Have you tried doing [y] instead?"

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What's with all the tankies recently? If they wanted to change things for the better they would organize and vote for biden, even if he sucks. The organizing is the important part anyways, voting is just damage control.

EDIT: In case it was unclear, I do not mean organize to vote for biden.

EDIT: I am an idiot. This is a primary. Don't vote for biden if there is a better candidate.

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There is absolutely some muscle loss when on hrt. A study suggests transfems are comparable to cis women after about 2 years on hormones. Dunno if transfems have an easier time having visible abs, though.


How the f##k was this photographed


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I found it very helpful to stop worrying about labels and words. They are nice for getting a feel for the possibilities and to convey ideas to others, but at the end of the day they will always be imprecise and lacking.

Feeling like you don't fit into the gender binary is pretty common among trans people, and plenty of cis people rebel against it as well, so don't worry about whether or not you are an archetypical trans or cis person or whatever.

The only thing you need to ask yourself is "is there some other way of being that would make me happier/more comfortable?"
Maybe you want to change how you dress and present yourself?
Maybe you want to act and carry yourself somewhat differently?
Maybe you want to change your name or your pronouns?
Maybe you want to try makeup, shaving, or doing something dfiferent with your hair?
Maybe you feel your brain would work better with different hormones, or that your body isn't quite to your liking?

For some people mentally exploring their identity is enough.

Try anything you suspect might spark some joy, and don't worry about anything else. I realize not all of these things are equally easy to test out depending on your circumstances :(

Also check out the gender dysphoria bible in the sidebar if you haven't already, It's a very good read.

Best of luck to you on your journey! <3


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Tankies are only aesthetically left

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They has a hammer and sickle in their username, a symbol most socialists have abandoned because of tankies.

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120 dollars a month is very expensive for estrogen :/ Is that what it costs to get it legit in the US?

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I would recommend checking out this website: https://genderdysphoria.fyi/ It has helped a lot of trans people understand themselves, and would probably help you understand trans people as well :)

EDIT: This game let's you walk around and see some common terms and stuff: https://purplesloth.itch.io/whats-your-gender

Yeah? So do I. But how do none of you understand game theory? You are not sending a message by not voting for biden.

I honestly thought this was a parody at first. Imagine believing people should suffer needlessly because they think god says so when a harmless cure exists.

It's a spinoff of a movie (by the same name), and the first season is somewhat slow. I really recommend watching the movie btw, it's absolutely worth it.

Don't read the comments there :/ Terf island is appropriate

yep :(

It should be noted that evolution doesn't care about individuals, so not only behavior which increases an individuals chances of having children are incentivized. Evolution happens in a population, which is why it is advantageous for a group to have selfless traits.

Some people don't have an inner monologue at all, actually !

Dunno what either of those things are called

A spectrum can have multiple dimensions, but that might not matter if you're only comparing in a single dimension?

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I think you meant "being a woman isn't bad" o_o

I am very much pro palestine. I'm sorry I was not aware this was a primary, in that case voting against biden makes a lot more sense. I meant unionize in the normal way, as you defined it. Unions are an excellent place to also organize protests etc. Unions are absolutely tied to political movements. Here in norway they are/were associated with the workers party, a social democratic party, however they (the party) have been drifting farther and farther towards the center over the years.

I've seen people discus the election and no one brought up that it was a primary, so I foolishly assumed it wasn't.

:/ Unionize and vote against fascism instead.

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Gynophilia, androphilia, romantic attraction, sexual attraction etc. absolutely makes everything complicated yeah. And then there's cultural stuff and minor personal preferences. There's no real end to how many axis you could legitimately argue for including in a sexuality chart.

There are an infinite number of numbers between 0 and 1, and yet there is no repetition. Pi and other irrational numbers are infinite yet non-repeating. I wish I knew the name for this kind of thing because I'm sure it's been discussed in philosophy (a kind of opposite, eternal recurrence, has been discussed a lot).

I don't think anyone knows enough about the universe to say whether or not there is infinite variety in macroscopic stuff, so I don't think anything can be ruled out.

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my apologies, whenever I've seen people discus the election they didn't mention this was a primary. In that case obviously do not vote for biden.

Take breaks (ideally in the form of walks), explain the problems you're trying to solve to people willing to listen or to inanimate objects (rubber ducking), and engage in as many different perspectives and ways to approach problems as manageable (as opposed to as many as possible).

Your subconscious will sometimes work on issues in the background as you take walks/take a shower/etc, and knowing different ways to organize and approach things will give your mind more ways to consider when working.

Working continuously on problems without taking breaks can trap your mind in little loops, where all you're doing is trying to solve things in different variations of the same thing over and over, Escape the loop, and remember that you and your subconscious are parts of the same whole.

Yes, but distance is still continuous, a minimum measurable distance (between stuff) doesn't make space granular. I suppose there might be a minimum measurably meaningful number of configurations, but I'm not super convinced.

Whether or not an infinite number of particles will fit or not is not important, no ? I'm not sure what you mean by finite granularity. There is no "grid", space is continuous, the planck length and the fact that push on each other doesn't really factor in. By virtue of space being continuous and particles being finite, means you can configure stuff in infinite ways.

Edit: Not quoting you with the reference to a grid. I know that's not what you mean.

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There are infinities without repetition. Usually the proofs for the stuff you describe assumes finite possibilities.

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