Should I give up HRT to save money since it doesn't work for me and is having no real impact. to – 33 points –

I've been on HRT for 3 years, and I really have lost all hope that I will ever look like a girl or be gendered correctly or even just be treated with dignity. I'm really ugly and honestly I can tell, people lie and say well it's your personality that matters. It's really not that hard to see, and I am wondering if there is a point to spending 120 dollars a month, just for peace of mind.


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120 dollars a month is very expensive for estrogen :/ Is that what it costs to get it legit in the US?

America is even worse than I thought if so! I pay a third of that for estrogen, finasteride, and progesterone! And that's in the UK, which is its own special hellhole...

It depends on your insurance iirc.

My insurance has a deductible which means I need to spend $2.5k before they will fully pay for things like meds, or visits. This makes all medication notably expensive. My ADHD meds went from $8.00ish to $210 just because my plan switched. I put aside $2.5k for this purpose though. It fucking sucks and getting a better plan just simply costs 2-3x's as much.

Definitely not typical for US. 6mg/day of tablets should be under $25/mo even without insurance. Spiro is about $20. GoodRX coupon or Costco membership is all you need.

Source: am in US, and have paid the Costco member price about 2x a year because insurance is very picky about timing of refills.

Honestly at that point might as well by diy hrt, it is far far cheaper and well I doubt they'd care where you get your hrt assuming you have gone through all of the process of getting her.

Yeah that seems normal especially if they don't have good insurance. I used to work at a pharmacy and I have seen plenty of insanely high drug prices. One time I saw someone getting charged a little over $4,000 for one prescription. That wasn't estrogen though, I think it was something for cancer if I remember correctly.