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There's a stereotype that trans femmes drinking monster energy drinks

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Also to mention this isn't the type of transphobia where people dehumanize or call trans people slurs and the like. It's the far more annoying subtle transphobia where our existence isn't aknowladged

At least where I live energy drinks are cheaper than coffee (unless you are drinking shitty instant coffee) plus while I do like how coffee tastes like it is a lot less appealing than then sweet tropical fruit flavored energy drinks

Just quickly google how to write a proof and try to learn the subject while doing the test, easy

Do love the "it feels like what I am doing is a bit immoral but hey I am getting cash"

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Being a hacker in the early days of computers must have been so fun and accessable

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I find him only responding in the forums sketchy, like I a lot of people have an will watch gamers Nexus video and will want a response from Linus. If Linus actually wanted to clear the air why wouldn't you do it on the wan show, he did it with the trust me bro situation. Almost nobody who watched the GM's video will read this post and I think that's what Linus wants, less eyes on the situation.

A couple of other things am sorry but DW guys we had a bit of a miscommunication with billet labs and sold their best prototype but we are gonna pay them back soon*tm is an awful way of handling it.

Also with the inaccuracies he doesn't actually address the problem, they are making too many videos too quickly, no matter how many checks and balances you put in if you rush people you will get a rushed shitty product. Not to mention he doesn't actually respond to the glaring issues of benchmarks being wrong or them trying to get the benchmarks to fit amds given ones or hell the clear conflicts of interest with noctua or Asus

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I wonder why the cut off is at 3 years old, do they think 2 year olds are too young? Or like not good conversationalists?

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Tbf an environment where people can work on the things they want seems a pretty good one.

Like sure we aren't getting more games but idk the steam deck has been a wonder creation of theirs, plus feels a bit entitled to expect more sequels or games bc we are just consumers of their creation.

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I am guessing no one's gonna give an actual answer to what the meme is about (yes I know it's from house of leaves, I have 0 interest in reading it) so would be actually nice to have a more in depth explanation

Why do we allow most people to drive 3 ton vehicles

Even then that's not that accurate, more like move to a different place. It's inconvenient and might not have all the same things you wanted/liked from your old place but you can actually change things in the new place if you really want to

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Now way that would negatively impact the person using that app

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As a person who gets tired of the same food very frequently this sounds pretty good

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Question is by whom is she being railed

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Didn't expect to see an ad on Lemmy

You do realize you don't need to have genetic offspring for that right? You make friends and family and just interact with other people and it serves the same purpose and if you really want a child for that then well adoption is also an option

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Plus he should be presenting very stereotypically like a kig for 2 years before

I recommend this video which talks about bartering and how our simplistic view of bartering is quite innacurate to how things worked pre-money societies.

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Don't let the UK get away with their bs as well, they use a mix of metric and imperial. Imo that even worse bc at least america is consistent with their bs measuring system

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Fuck cars

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Bc safety is important, please don't put actual eggs up your orifices, go with silicone ones instead

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Was there a reason why they kick you out when you say melon?

We just don't live in a world where making the changes you want are encouraged. We have been thought to just accept whatever changes happen or at most file a suggestion that almost noone will listen to. Obviously open source is different but it's still such a tiny minority compared to how the rest of the world functions

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Big uffff

I love comparing becoming a warlock to becoming a stripper

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Windows might have changed the boot order in your bios, so just go into your bios and check if the mint partition is set to boot first

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I do miss vexicologycirclejerk

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Me playing baldur's gate and then having no spell slots for the next encounter

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Vegeta is also a general spice mix here in eastern Europe and it's great

Didn't he base alien on the experience of women being raped and wanted men to feel a similar fear?

Anarchism ftw

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Yeah it's weird how bigots automatically imagine us having sex and then are disgusted by it, while normal people see it as a supportive symbol.

Fuck you

Really depends on the genre but especially AAA have definitely over done it. Personally I love terraria and forager and those games are grindy like that but it fits the game. As opposed to the loot/crafting system in Control, that game really didn't need it and would have been more enjoyable without it (tho I still really enjoyed the game due to the story and telekinesis combat)

Not the economy

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Yeah I have stopped taking these headlines and hype seriously, we get such "discoveries" hyped up every couple of years. Obviously big if true but it's a damn big if.

Even billionaires can't escape sexism

"There is no racism in the EU"

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