Norah - She/They

@Norah - She/
9 Post – 708 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

šŸ‘½Dropped at birth from space to earthšŸ‘½


Right, that was the other point I meant to make. There absolutely is a way to seperate the powers that sudo grants. The sudoers file allows you to limit a user or groups permissions to only certain commands. Distros could and should absolutely take advantage of this.

Well, no, not exactly. Most accounts on desktop linux distros are admin accounts. The way I would define that is whether or not the user has sudo permissions, either by being in the sudo group or sudoers file. Some distros do ask if you want the user to be admin. And that's pretty analagous to being admin on windows and getting a UAC prompt for an elevated process.

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Yeah, I think they're based off the fedora atomic desktops of Silverblue and Kinoite respectively which are gnome and kde based. They do angle Bluefin as more workstation oriented, for what it's worth.

If you want a non-gaming alternative to Bazzite to recommend, there's it's two universal blue siblings, Aurora (general purpose desktop) and Bluefin (silverblue/workstation distro). They both have the same setup as Bazzite but without the explicitly gaming elements.

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Are you saying to use an image to text engine just for what are text fields in applications? That sounds horribly inefficient...

That's all really fair. But I also just assumed he was parroting what the mother had called it, and that she was just blissfully unaware that she'd mixed the memes.

Do you subscribe to ! at all? It's decently big, but you're right about missing the one from the other side.

For anyone else that was curious. This makes me feel sick. People are already treating AI as some unbiased font of all knowledge, training it to lie to people is surely not going to cause any issues at all (stares at HAL 9000).

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And the bot, as an extension of it's corporate overlords wishes, is telling a mistruth. It is lying because it was made to lie. I am specifically saying that it lacks intent and agency, it is nothing but a slave to it's masters. That is what concerns me.

Yeah, I tried to use similar phrasing to you in case it jailbroke it at all. Creepy af

My car doesn't talk like a human. If you want to be technical, then it's proxying lies it was taught too.

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I think you missed the forest for the trees my friend. I was simply commenting on the fact you made it sound like Apple Silicon is it's own ISA.

Thanks for the recommendation, I just installed Bazzite. Had been trialling LMDE but found it frustratingly lacking. No Driver Manager on that edition made NVIDIA drivers a nightmare. Meanwhile that's handled in Bazzite and it has a shortcut to install Moonlight? Awesome.

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I don't think you need to be chronically online in Australia to know about it either, and we don't watch the parade. We do share a language, and more importantly, most popular music with y'all though.

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Yes. I completely agree that there should be. However the other poster's claim that it makes Apple just as bad as Microsoft turning a syncing feature on without user consent is ludicrous imo. That just feels like giving them a free pass on what is, I believe, an as before unseen escalation in the erosion of user privacy by large corporations.

How do you imagine that geoblocking content works if IP addresses don't expose where you live?

And better get off the internet right now if your concern is exposing your ip cause it was never secret to begin with.

qaz could be using any of dozens of different methods to obfuscate their IP from the wider internet to write their comment, Tor or a VPN to name just a couple.

Wait, I assumed the mum, blissfully unaware of her own ignorance, taught him loss but called it a rick-roll?

Oh no, an annoying red dot. Microsoft are straight up hoovering up users data into the cloud by automatically enabling syncing. These two things are not even close to the same.

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I love your new glasses choice, they frame your face much more femininely :3

Wow. I genuinely can't believe people are upvoting you for this. Like yeah, I super agree it's a dark pattern. Stealing people's data is WAY worse though, uploading potentially sensitive photos or documents to their cloud with no user input. But according to you that's fine because it's less obtrusive and annoying? Yeesh I'm glad I don't have your priorities.

Edit: Like, have you seen most people's home screens? They'll have a dozen other "red dots" and it becomes part of the background. In the same way as you talk about with Windows errors. Here's mine:

Oh noooo, a red dot on the Settings app...with all the other red dots...

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Apple Silicon isn't an ISA, it's just ARM, what are you saying?

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Are you kidding? Think about all the skilled contributors that currently work on emulators, do you not think that some of them would switch to working on re-compiling games? And I agree there are probably weird platforms that it wouldn't be easy for, but anything x86 is going to be much more trivial. I mean, someone was even reverse-engineering Super Mario 64, re-coding the entire game. The original source code and ability to use the code without getting sued would make things so much easier. Yeah, not every game would be done, but the big titles would be.

As far as emulating the rest, access to the source code would make it far, far simpler to figure out compatibility issues and make sure that every game is actually playable.

You mean like what they're doing to VMware and canning perpetual licenses the second they took over? I guess in some ways they are actually great for FOSS, because I've never seen more interest by Enterprise in Proxmox before they made that decision.

the writer is claiming that the writer's gender

Are you purposefully talking to It using the third person? Because that just seems like a roundabout way of misgendering them on purpose, with an extra dash of disrespect.

What the hell are you talking about? The person was getting laser hair removal on her body, told the tech she was trans and the tech said it was fine and removed the towel to do the hair removal.

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Yeah. It was pretty funny to me because (run by the folks) had 4 times the error reports submitted for DDG than Bing. Bing has a bigger market share, so I think it's purely down to DDG users being more technically-minded.

Be me: has chickens

Also me: is a surburbanite


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Have you made a request to be added on the Jackett github page yet? Getting this set up with the *arrā€™s would be awesome.

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I get the FitGirl repacks of Empress cracks because:

  1. Trans girl pirates are way cooler than transphobe pirates.
  2. Empress fucking hates it.
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great now my top post on lemmy so far is about piss

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This seems pretty on par with most of the unicorn-seeking couples Iā€™ve met honestly. The level of emotional entitlement required and the attitude that itā€™s a ā€œtotally straightā€ interaction.

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Itā€™s kind of got some ā€œjet fuel canā€™t melt steal beamsā€ vibes to it. The beams didnā€™t melt. The fire was just intense enough that it caused the tempered hardening to fail. Without which, they could no longer sustain the load of the rest of the building above it.

Architectural materials are designed to deal with typical loads, plus a decent margin of error. Most people donā€™t have beavers in their walls, so bite force isnā€™t a typical load. Neither is a fully-laden jet airliner crashing into your skyscraper.

In my state of Victoria, in Australia, itā€™s required to use steel frames for construction of homes in bushfire-prone areas. Fire is a typical load that meeds to be engineered for. However, a single-story house (we build out instead of up when thereā€™s the space) doesn't need hardened steel beams, and without 100 floors to support it wonā€™t collapse in a fire.

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That website has been the same since itā€™s first archive on 2002-12-17. Aaron Swartz had just turned 16 a month earlier. I know I had some seriously immature opinions at that age. As well, that website was still up as of this January, a decade since his passing. is also still up, and it doesnā€™t look like it was updated since 2002 either. Neither is any of this referenced on his wikipedia page, nor on itā€™s talk page. This feels like such a reachā€¦

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i felt differently about my personal childhood copies after coming out as a trans woman ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ itā€™s not like i went to the shop and bought a new set just to burn like a republican would have

Found the American.

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As a leftist, the fact that everybody has just gone along with the concept that battery-powered vehicles are an everyday necessity is pretty frustrating. Long-haul trucks with batteries instead of freight trains. Thereā€™s a trial in Germany powering trucks on freeways with overhead lines. People with range anxiety dragging around a 500km-range battery for their usual 40km daily driving, just so they can do their once yearly road trip. When better public transport could solve this. We donā€™t need new battery technology, we just need to actually spend the money to improve public transport.

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Your average man does not have better Abs than this absolute Queen šŸ‘

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I've had a few trans boyfriends, and I was still attracted to them when they took their binders off ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ

Also, there's nothing preventing them from stopping hormones if they start to grow bigger than they are comfortable with.

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Not in America, but Iā€™m trans and have a number of trans friends in the states who are really scared right now. I live in Australia and have participated in pro-Palestine protests (if thatā€™s who youā€™re implying with that). I loathe Biden, I think heā€™s a shitty old white dude, and I wish yā€™all could do better. But if protesting against Biden allows Trump to be elected, then there WILL be far worse consequences, both domestically and abroad. Thousands of trans people will lose their lives, and countless more will lose access to life-saving care. He will likely cut off support to Ukraine considering how heā€™s ingratiated himself to Putin before. He hasnā€™t indicated heā€™d stop supporting Israel either.

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