
2 Post – 127 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

As someone currently living in China, fucking lol! Would absolutely make the same mistake.

Do more things, start doing something at home that will take a long time and keep doing it until you're so tired you can't keep going.

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What are you into?

Learn to draw? Build/make something?

Learn to program?

Shoot videos with your phone and learn to edit (davinci resolve is a free editing software). Shoot whatever, little stories/vlogs/clips for friends.

Clean everything in your house, inside the fridge, the whole shower (above/below), dust the walls, go through your closet/drawers/bookshelfs/etc. The places you'd never otherwise pat attention to.

Move furniture in your home and reorganize the layout of your stuff.

Learn to cook, really dig into how to make sauces, properly cook steaks/fish/etc. Practice cutting veggies and perfect your knife skills.

I mean, there's a million things to do.

If you go 9-5, is it possible to go back to doing shifts if you want?

Jesus, the US is sliding backwards faster and faster. Really cementing that first "3rd world country" label.

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I think a lot of the refugees from Reddit are lurkers.

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Yes, they can make more money from it.

It's absolutely terrible, if it wasn't for the free games no one would use it at all.

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Good bot! I like this shit

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FTFY is better as Fuck that, Fuck you.

To add to this, all of this is possible because we have great social security, healthcare and other things are NOT associated with your job.

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Wait, let me try *******

Does it work?

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The what now computer?

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What's wrong with his face, it looks so... odd. Don't mean to be rude but it's kinda off-putting. Never seen this guy before, don't know who he is, nor do I care.

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Please give us more cool facts!

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Put everything on 1 or 2 platforms and take cuts depending on what people are watching.

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But make sure there IS UV protection. Buying just a dark tint with no UV filter can be very harmful to your eyes.

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Yo, dawg. I heard you liked scrolling so we put a wheel behind your wheel so you can scroll while you scroll.

Yeah, I don't mind that the majority stays on Reddit. I miss the old, tighter communities and conversations. When you couldn't predict the top 2-3 top level comments because it's not all jokes/memes, all the time.

Lemmy is still young, just needs some time and work to get it's shit together and then it'll be great! Honestly, I hope Reddit stays popular so that most people stay there. As long as Lemmy doesn't turn into another escape for CP/Nazi's/random shit groups.

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I know how you feel but joining in now might be a mistake. The trend at the moment is people leaving social media, soon people won't care if they can find you or not.

Stay away!

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What's Reddit like nowadays?

Haven't been over there since the apps died.

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Americans corporations, greedy? No, surely you jest.

I have worked hard since 15 years old with only 2 times since having longer than 2 weeks off consecutively and I just turned 40.

Holy Fuck! That sounds like a nightmare. How do you accept everything happening around you?

All of those things are 100% legitimate criticisms, I want to add that the UX experience has become more and more horrible. They've regressed terribly in most aspects of their apps, wether PC or Mobile. Absolutely unbelievable, this is the thing I see from Google search where marketing takes over from engineering/customer needs/market reality/I don't know what. Stop shoving shit into the services. You beat piracy for a minute, you can keep that lead, you're slowly losing it.

Honestly, if this was any other product this would be unacceptable. It'd be like all books went back to only black and white, all movies were only 480p, all music was only mono.

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Got 'em

Looking at how American works with the topical buzzwords and everything, would be interesting to see an image like this generated every week or two weeks using the buzzwords at the time.

It's fucking CRAZY that this is what's being talked about in the US.

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Oops, I dropped my Magnum condom for my Magnum JPEG.

It's a positive that it removes jobs. The negative is that society can't deal with it.

Ouufff, Japan is having a rough time recently.

The comments on Reddit have declined since the purge, it's unbelievably shitty now.

Here's a list of everything inside the time capsule:

Movies, including Home Alone and Back to the Future on VHS
CDs, including Please Hammer, Don’t Hurt ’Em by MC Hammer and Michael Jackson's Dangerous album
A Nintendo Game Boy
Reebok Pump sneakers
A jar of Gak, at the request of a Dr. Emmett Brown impersonator, who showed up in a real DeLorean and fake hair
One of Joey Lawrence’s “Whoa! ’92” hats, which he stopped by to present
News reports, including coverage of the AIDS crisis, Desert Storm, and the end of the Soviet Union
Books, including a world atlas, history book, comic book, phone book, the Orlando TV Guide for the week of April 30, 1992, and a copy of the Book of Endangered Species
An issue of Nickelodeon magazine
A Nicktoons t-shirt featuring Ren & Stimpy
A piece of the Berlin Wall
A Barbie doll
A skateboard
A baseball
A stick of bubble gum (though no one seems to know which kind)
Photos of things too big (or alive) to fit inside, including bicycles, planes, trains, cars, politicians and celebrities
A videotape, which was a recording of the live ceremony, shot by a girl named Vicky who stood onstage to operate the Kid Cam
The camera recording the tape, which appears to have been unplanned—Mike O’Malley and Joey Lawrence both looked baffled about how to remove the tape from the camera, so the whole setup was tossed in at the last minute
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Also how absolutely shit Google has become.

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*The IRS estimated earlier this year that if Republicans don't succeed in rolling back funding increases, the agency could collect roughly $560 billion from big corporations and rich tax cheats over the next 10 years. *

50 Billion a year, almost nothing.

Could absolutely be true. The US political system has been taken over so it's not impossible.

Absolutely correct.

It's the old "let's do it and measure outrage". Companies have figured out how to slide things into the mainstream now.

Give it a bit, see how F2P games are gonna start doing things like "enable ads for 50% more coins" and then... Few years later, its standard.

Just sucks and it's so tiring to always have to be researching and be aware of everything, all the time. I just want to play my damn game, man...

They did what?

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Then there wold be a bunch of American politicians hanging.

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Carl Sagan or Richard Feynman talking about physics or astronomy.

That's not great, wish I had influence over mega corps and rich people flying jets everywhere.

Guess all I can do is throw my hands up and shrug.

You're looking at someone who hasn't taken their lithium for a few days.