What are y'all buying on the steam sale?

Potatisen@lemmy.world to Games@lemmy.world – 256 points –

Let's share some good deals!

I haven't really found anything, hence why I'm curious to what everyone else is picking up.


Zero. I've too much already unplayed and unfortunately working now (sucks to be adult).

Buying a steam deck significantly increased by gaming time. The ability to immediately suspend and resume my gameplay, and not have to go over to my desktop helped a lot. I've played more this past year than I have in the last 3 years combined.

unfortunately working now

Try also have some kids

I'm not a masochist, why would I do that?

Good thinking, I love my kids but they suck your time/energy and money like a blackhole.

Outer Wilds. For a few friends who don’t have it yet. I’ve already bought it a couple times.

I already own it… but it’s just that good. So good I vicariously try to relive the game by watching livestreams and Eelis’ recaps of other live-streamers.

It really is something you have to experience blind. Since the entire game progression is knowledge based and pulling threads on the mysteries until the mosaic of the story and experience unfolds is truly something you can experience once.

I thought you meant The Outer Wilds, and spent a solid two minutes on a routine sanity check. Hadn't heard of this game though, so we'll call it even 😸

If you are considering picking up Outer Wilds, by god, go in blind. It's all about finding out.

It was a bit of a slow burner on release so I'm not surprised you didn't hear about it. People had access to the beta years before the official release, so when it came out essentially nothing really changed and there wasn't this big announcement.

How is the dlc? I had a tough time with outer wilds. At the time I played it, I found it to be very frustrating. I needed a spoiler to get past two or three major points. But in hindsight I think it’s really an impressive game. I’m thinking about picking up the dlc, but I’m not sure about it and I don’t want to search about it to avoid spoiler.

It started off a little slow, but imo it was better than the main game. It's both a little more streamlined and better story-wise. You probably should play the main game first

It was too spooky for me, I couldn't finish the DLC.. :(

There's a setting to make it less scary in the menus now!

It’s really good. Amazingly fits inside the first games story seamlessly.

It can be challenging sometimes too and I’m happy to help with soft hints if you ever find you need them

Heaven's Vault, Hardspace Shipbreaker, and both Subnautica games.

Heaven's Vault is a puzzle game where you have to learn to translate an unknown language. Haven't gotten too deep into the game yet, but I picked it up because I liked Chants of Sennaar, which has a similar premise. Chants is 25% off right now, so I think that's a decent recommendation

Hardspace Shipbreaker is a casual game where you break down spaceships for parts. It seemed fun, and I wanted to have something casual to balance out my library, which currently has more intense games than I would like.

Subnautica is a survival game where you're stuck on an ocean world. I'm honestly not too sure if I would like this one too much, since I'm not too much of a fan of survival games. It just seemed unique enough from the other survival games, and it had a decent deal, and it was in my wishlist for a while. So I acted a bit on impulse and bought both games (Subnautica and Subnautica Below Zero)

Subnautica is a treasure. (Despite the bugs.) I recommend playing with a good sound setup and dim lights.

For me subnautica is in my top 5. The survival elements aren’t very important, it’s more of an exploration game.

Hardspace is really nice once you get into a good flow.

Or even just taking your time to break down the ships in ways you find satisfying is awesome.


I've had this game for years but I thought it was a VR-only game. Got it in a Humble bundle for cheap.

Dunno why it's so popular all of a sudden or why it's still $30 normally. Maybe I should try playing it.

Xcom 2 has been on my list for years... hit 97% in this sale, figured it's finally time.

I recommend getting the bundle with all the DLC, slightly more expensive but very worth it esp. for the big content expansion War of the chosen.

That's the one!

$3.88, only about $0.50 more than just the standalone game. If the reviews are any indication, this is a damn steal!

I would say that's a steal. I love that game, it has tons of replay ability, and a huge modding community.

I envy you greatly right now, you're about to embark on a beautiful journey. Xcom2 is one of my favorites, especially once mods factor in, of which there are thousands covering so many franchises and ideas you can't possibly play them all.

I wish you nothing but an excellent time and lots of dead aliens.

If you don't get War of the Chosen then you will be missing out on one of my most played games of all time.

Xenonauts 2 is 30% off also. It's a modern version of classic X-COM, which is quite different from modern XCOM. It's still in early access, but it's very good. I've done one playthrough (to the end of what was available) and I'm waiting for release to do another. It's much better than what XCOM has become in my opinion though.

Nothing. My backlog is insane

This is the way. Why would I hoard 5 more games just because there is a sale? The next one will come shortly. Only buy games you plan to play in the next 2 weeks.

Inscryption. What a masterpiece!

Play The Hex next! Go in blind, and don’t mind the graphics—they’ll make sense.

It’s by the creator of Inscryption and I think it’s his finest work yet.

Hah, I even got the pack with Pony Island because it was a few cents cheaper lol! Will check it out, thanks :D

Pony island is a hoot! I knocked it out in a couple hours.

I SAVORED The Hex though. After 50-some hours of Inscryption I thought there’s no way The Hex could compare… I have a lot more play time in Inscryption, but overall I thought The Hex was fucking brilliant. Hard recommend to anyone who likes Mullins’ games.

I have so many Steam Sale games in my library that I haven't played yet that I don't know if I could justify buying more. My backlog is just too long. By the time I get around to playing any purchases for this dale, 2 more Steam Sales could have already passed.

I started playing each game in my library for about 10 min and then moving on. Some games catch me playing longer but otherwise I check them off as played. With recent Steam sales I’d buy 5-6 games, immediately install them all, and play each right away. Feels good man.

How the hell do you find fulfillment in that (unless they're super small games)? I don't think I could speedrun something like Cave Story in 10 minutes, much less roguelikes - Dead Cells, Darkest Dungeon, Balatro etc, where the gameplay loop takes hours and hours.

Finishing doesn’t matter. I’ll play something for maybe a few hours and drive on. It fills fulfilling to me. Better than never playing it. 👍

Well, I was going to buy the Star Wars Battlefront Remaster...

What happened?

it sucked. i don't even know how you could get it wrong, but they sure as hell went above and beyond to do it

Ouch, that's a shame.

From what I read, it didn’t even just suck, it was practically fraud. They knew how many sales they had and only stood up enough servers to support around 200 players.

  • Colony Ship: A Post-Earth Role Playing Game
  • Pentiment
  • Subnautica
  • Dune: Spice Wars
  • Atomic Heart

When I see Subnautica, I upvote

I have to upvote your upvote. Subnautica is one of the greatest games ever made. Gave me serious Mal de Debarquement Syndrome when I finally pulled myself away to go to bed.

How is Pentiment, it is also in my wishlist but I have a huge list of backlog.

I loved Pentiment! I found the story really engaging and the setting felt pretty unique.

Didn't have time to play. Playing Atomic Hearts now and so far it is good.

Nothing. I only play one game which is over 10 years old and it's still just as good as the day I got it.


Bethesda really hit gold with Skyrim. I truly hope TES6 isn't a huge disappointment.

Me too…mostly.

Only it's over 20 years old. And it's still getting expansions, all except for the latest of which I have bought.

And it's not "just as good", it's way better than it was back in 1999.

Another AoE2 enjoyer I presume?

Haha, yup.

I was a bit misleading though, because I also play a lot of the 2.5-year-old AoE4, and a tiny amount of AoM and AoE3 (and expect the amount of AoM to go way up later this year when Retold comes out).

It's crazy how well that game holds up even today. Also quite hilarious how completely different my playing style is today than when I was 12. I had no clue about how to counter specific units, build order or even luring the boars. I'd absolutely wipe floor with my past self even with the medicore skills I have at it now.

Yeah it's pretty incredible. I don't know if I ever played without at least resource cheats as a kid.

I do remember knowing the triangle infantry beats cavalry beats archers, but also thinking "more expensive units must be better". So I would build m@a-line to counter scouts or knights, rather than spear-line. I probably never built more than 20 vills, either.

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I just chip away at my list every time there’s a sale. This time I got God of War, Spiderman, Jedi Survivor, and Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen.

DD was an impulse buy since I don’t know anything about it, but the reviews were good. It was $4.79 and I see there’s a sequel coming later this month, so that’s probably a good deal and a good time to catch up.

But I’ll probably still be “ahh, suffering…” through Elden Ring when the summer sale rolls around…

Dragon's Dogma is a great game that was ahead of its time when it came out. I can't help but wonder how much of a hit it could have been if Capcom marketed it better (or at all).

Is it worth playing on PC today? Or should one start with two.

Heck yeah, it feels very meh for the first couple hours, if you're doing all the side quests and stuff.

I recommend either sticking with it, or skimming through till you get to the main city (Grand Soren) and then see if you like it from there.

I know that's like telling someone the show gets good after the first 4 hour long episodes, but it's actually really good and nothing has really matched it since.

Man I'm hyped for the new game.

Same! I’m even excited for the lack of fast travel. Which is crazy I figured I’d be annoyed. The ox carts seem fun though and I think will give the world size and depth

Can confirm, started playing Dark Arisen for the first time yesterday myself and I am also shocked at so r of the things that were implemented in this game. Took me by surprise. I struggled a lot to get my ps5 controller working with it, as you need mods to make it visually be correct. The start is a little rough as mentioned, but just gotten past that now and it keeps getting better!

It's incomplete in certain areas, inventory management is a nightmare, and the mini bosses in dlc areas (gorecyclops, undead dragons, wargs I think they were called) take ten minutes of healthbar whittling and they respawn when you rest.

But the true test is whether the game is fun to play, and it is! Regardless of which class you're playing, the game lets you feel like a badass. I'd just recommend playing with some QOL mods.

Definitely, assuming you like the fantasy action RPG style games. Some enemies are too tough to even damage until you level up and get better equipment, so keep that in mind if you find some sections too difficult. Magic actually feels POWERFUL, more so than other games like Skyrim and Elden Ring. Even with the sequel coming out soon, I couldn't recommend the first one more; its in my most favorite games of all time.

If you're going to play DD1 you can 100% fail side quests for going too far into the story before completing them, but don't worry! Quest anxiety can ruin the game, there's a new game plus if you really want to 100% it, but with DD2 coming this week I'd say just have fun with it.

From what I understand the only thing that connects DD1 & DD2 is that there's a dragon. Lol

Dragons dogma is a fantastic game that I thoroughly enjoyed. The sequel is looking amazing so getting into the world now through the first game is a good idea

Bought halo MCC for my brother, very excited to coop those campaigns. Very sad no split screen

Thinking about Grim Dawn, anyone tried it?

Grim Dawn is the most fun I've had with an ARPG in years. The class system is very interesting and, as far as I know, unique to this game. Rather than just being a barbarian or necromancer or whatever other typical ARPG class you can think of, your class is determined by selecting any 2 archetypes. For instance, maybe you like being a pet class like necromancer, but you want to have a slightly more active play style than just watching your skellingtons paint the map red. So, you mix in the Nightblade (melee rogue) class at level 10. Your new, combined class is called a Reaper, and you have access to both skill trees, free to mix and match as you wish. Very interesting playstyles can emerge from creative pairings.

I am a casual player so I can't offer any perspective on the endgame or anything like that, but if you're looking for something to scratch the Diablo 2 itch with a fun twist on classes,you cant go wrong with Grim Dawn.

It’s actually a spiritual successor to a game called Titan Quest, which had the same dual class system. It’s a ton of fun, though pretty dated in terms of quality of life for ARPGs.

Amazing arpg. My only gripe is that it feels dated in some aspects, but other than that it's fantastic.

It's a VERY good spiritual successor to titan quest. I'll recommend last epoch too, if you like the genre and are interested also in multi-player (it has an offline mode as well)

I played it for 440 hours and I still don't feel done with it.

I have played it for a while, albeit shorter than some true veterans, and I am a little bit torn in my opinion about it. The customizations options are great and the story is cool and engaging. However, the game feels very much grindy overall and you have to win the game to unlock higher difficulty settings, which is a bit boring in my opinion. Also, the loot from some early bosses are better than what comes later for certain builds, meaning you have to return back to areas you have passed through and grind the same bosses again for better versions of the same loot that you already have, which is also a tad boring. I've also had some weird stuttering issues on Linux. Otherwise, great game and I recommend trying it!

I’m looking at Disco Elysium.

Pirate it, don’t give the thieving publishers a cent.

That game is a true gem and you should definitely play it, just ... don´t buy it.

It's.. without a doubt one of the best games I've ever played. Just hope you won't buy it, publishers don't deserve it.

Huh. Me too.
Guess the comments below just answered my question.

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Still playing Divinity Original Sin 2. The sale will be over by the time I finish.

Enjoy it. If you haven’t tried dos1 yet it’s also great but a bit rougher around the edges.

How good is it? I'm on the fence about buying it, since I'll probably not play for a while.

If you like RPGs with difficult round-based combat and lots of story you will probably enjoy it.

Considering Red dead redemption 2. Also Heaven's Vault

Having finished my second run through of RDR2 I would totally recommended it if you're planning on adopting a second life as a cowboy

I'm considering pirating the game, since I bought it 2 years ago and have been unable to login to my rockstar account or receive any help from support. I bought the game, just can't play it because of the launcher. I've only played about 1hr through, I know the game has so much more to offer

Fuuuuuuuuuuck Rockstar, sail the seas!

Like you can't even reset your password or anything? That sucks

RDR2 has been the most immersive game I played in years. It's to beautiful and the world is built really well.

Rdr2 I bought full price and don't regret so if you can get it for cheaper it is worth if you like slower paced games. I know some people can find it boring especially the beginning parts but the story is great.

Bought DOS2 because I finished bg3 and is going through withdrawal

Also highly recommend the Pillars of Eternity series! I LOVE Deadfire. Who doesn’t want to have their own pirate ship?

Wow that also looks really fun! Looks like it will run on my potato-pc also. Thanks for the rec!

Dunno if it's on sale, but Solasta Crown of the Magister is a great dnd game made by a small studio. It's much shorter, but imo the general mechanics are really good and the use of height in combat is better than in bg3.

Also not to mention workshop support! There're a few campaigns that come with the game already, but people can make their own and add them through the steam workshop

It is! 7€ on steam now. I have never heard of this one but it looks awesome. Into the cart it goes. Thanks for the rec!

Edit: 9€ not 7

That looks okay. What's with all the DLC?

As they are a small studio, they did not have the money to buy all dnd licensed content upfront (Wizard if the Coast makes it quite expensive). When the game was a success, they added dlcs for additional races/classes they could now afford.
Lost Valley and Palace of Ice add new campaigns (they are ok but I enjoyed the base campaign more).

If having all the races and classes from official dnd content matters to you, I would recommend the Unfinished Business mod (you can find it on nexusmods). Personnally I played the first campaign with the limited options from the base game and I still had a real blast :)

Thanks, I don't really have any attachment to the DnD brand so doesn't bother me. Will go for the base game.

Maybe an unpopular opinion but I liked DOS2 more than BG3. Not to say I don't love BG3, but I love DOS2

I've read this opinion a few times actually which is great news for me. Bg3 was the game that pulled me back from a long hiatus from gaming and after finishing it I was kinda lost about what to play next. Lookin forward to playing it.

I have a feeling you’ll really enjoy it! DOS1 is also awesome but rough around the edges in comparison. The story is super whimsical though. I really loved the story in dos 1 lol

Ah thanks for the recommendation! Due to kids and life in general I am about 7-8 years behind when it comes to gaming. It's nice being able to get back to playing every now and then. Also, no need to get latest and pay full price which is also nice.

If only for the soundtrack, it's worth playing once, at least. It's so haunting and beautiful. The first time I played DOS1, I knew I would love it the moment I heard the music at startup. RIP Kirill, his music was so beautiful. Also nice they put his music on the piano in a certain evil dude's house in DOS2!

Maybe I should replay it again. Just like OP I'm having a bit of a BG3 withdrawal issue.

Whilst we're recommending... >:3 points at Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous, grins :D

Character creation is the first boss 😅 Took me... many hours to beat that one. Good luck! :D

Haven't bought anything yet, but this one is in my cart!

  • Amid Evil
  • Balatro
  • CrossCode
  • Echo
  • Creeper World 4
  • Unsighted
  • Metallic Child
  • Dune Spice Wars
  • Atomic Heart + DLC

And you know what sucks? I'm probably gonna only play two of them (Amid Evil and Balatro).

I highly recommend Amid Evil. I wasn't even a big Hexen/Heretic fan, but it's fantastic. It has the record for highest screenshots->playtime of any game I've played on steam.

I actually started that on Friday and the architecture of the levels is straight gorgeous. They do feel long, but they are gorgeous.

I refuse to spoil anything, but I think I took a screenshot every 30 seconds on the last map. It helps you manage to traverse every single square foot of space in the map over the course of completing it.

I bought dune spice wars for a friend, and he seems to be enjoying it.

I bought Satisfactory and Back 4 Blood for myself and Monster Hunter World for my daughter.

You have a family and you bought Satisfactory? Well I’m sure it was nice while it lasted.

Lol, I would have bought factario, but I have trouble spending that much on a game, and I would have had to buy two copies (one for partner). However first person games give her motion sickness, so satisfactory was about 1/4 the price overall. And she's hooked on monster hunter world herself, so I have time..

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Midnight Suns maybe, haven't pulled the trigger yet

Just a heads up to those interested, it’s part of this months PS+ Extra too.

I'm the same. It's sitting in my cart.

The combat and deck building is fun as hell. The story and everything else can fuck off imo lol

Aye, funny seeing it as a jrpg. The downtime gameplay doesn't really suit the rest of the game. Would have rather seen an XCOM setup with more cutscenes, but also I do love the Abbey itself that place is a dream home.

!Also my favorite team is probably blade,wolvie,morb. Itsa lotta bleed!<

I ran across a metroidvania called Feudal Alloy set in a medieval world where you and all the enemies are low-tech robots with fish bowls as heads. There's an interesting mechanic where swinging your sword generates heat and if you're overheated you can't attack temporarily. You can upgrade different parts of your body to fit the situation or your play style (more armor/damage/health, slower overheat, faster cooldown, etc), and the art is nice.

Felt like a lucky find for me because I just found out about it last week from an old vid on one of the yt gaming channels I follow (Let's Game It Out if anyone likes watching a dude try to break games by essentially QA testing the hell out of them), and when I checked the steam sale this week it came up for under 2 bucks.

Controls felt a little janky to me, but I loved the game. I would recommend it to anyone wanting a shorter Metroidvania experience, especially if the art style is appealing to you.

Warning. The game only has like 2 bosses. It uses rooms that keep spawning mobs as replacements for normal bosses.

Spoilers haha. But yeah, seems like a bit more of a casual experience from the couple hours I've put in so far. Glad it was like a buck fifty

I got the Vampire Survivors DLC. I try not to buy Steam stuff anymore unless it's either a deep discount on something I kind of am interested in, or it's something I badly wanted.

So far I've picked up:

  • Dead Cells
  • Signalis
  • Owlboy
  • Starship Titanic
  • Balatro
  • Melvor Idle
  • Night in the Woods
  • Castlevania: Lords of Shadow - Ultimate Edition
  • Dome Keeper
  • Pentiment
  • Blackshift
  • Ouroboros

Having a blast with Balatro to the exclusion of all else.

It's unfair how fun Balatro is. You'd think someone would've thought of the concept years ago.

Night in the Woods is an okay story/adventure game, but man the soundtrack for that game is a real earworm. Years later now and some of the town jingles still pop into my head randomly. RIP to the composer who passed away way too young.

I'm not going to elbow drop Owlboy, but I think you should try it within the refund window because in my opinion it's way overhyped, and does not deliver much mechanically.

Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 and X-Plane 12. Maybe also Forza Horizon 5.

FH5 definitely worth it, especially half off. Premium edition adds a lot too

I'm also considering getting Forza Horizon 4 and Forza Motorsport. Can you recommend these?

I've only played Horizon 2, Horizon 5, and Forza 6 so i don't know anything about those. I liked the ones I played though.

I'll probably get FH4, but Motorsport is out for me, since it's broken on Linux.

I just bought pico park. I need more good local couch coop games

Pico Park made our group rage in the best way. It's a cute and fun game

Any more good couch coop games?

Edit: my group has people who have never played controller so I need something easy to pick up. I have tried overcooked but I guess there are too many buttons

Sorry, I don't really have any for PC, we played Pico using remote coop

I just bought YEAH! YOU WANT "THOSE GAMES," RIGHT? SO HERE YOU GO! NOW, LET'S SEE YOU CLEAR THEM! and I'm kind of excited to play it

I spent a whole sick day blasting through a good chunk of the games a while back. It's weirdly fun. I basically just bought it for the pin pull game that always infuriates me in ads but spent several hours getting all the stars in the parking lot game instead.

Likely nothing, too much backlog from last sale still. I wish there was a deeper discount on bg3 though

It's not on sale, but I had already decided to pick up Pacific Drive before I knew the sale was happening.

Also picked up Party Animals as a couch party game, and Outer Wilds as it's been on my list for ages now.

Pacific Drive is cool, I like the style and gameplay, but it feels very drawn out and repetitive.

From watching other people play it, it seems like all you really do is drive from point a to point b while weird things happen. And occasionally random things break on your car.

Seems like an odd concept really.

Everything sounds boring if you describe it that simply.

While I generally just like survival and looting games, the setting and story are also quite interesting to me in Pacific Drive, and while I've only just started, the hazards are already becoming serious concerns in each level. I can't say if it's gonna be amazing or anything yet, but it's been enjoyable so far.

If someone was into survival games much and liked the settings of games like Control, I'd figure it'd be worth a try.

I've only played it a bit so far, but it's been enjoyable fwiw. I'm pretty into looters and survival games, though, so if that's not your bag, I can see it seeming boring. I find arena pvp shooters repetitive, personally. Everyone's got their own interests.

I considered getting TW Warhammer III ... at least until I saw the scandalous prices for it's DLCs.


If that's any consolation, I bought the game before the DLCs came out, and it was more than enough to have fun with it.

Forza Horizon 4 Ultimate. Good deal for game and DLC bundle. Hoping it's a chill game with the open world.

Untitled Goose Game. Wanted since it came out and cheap enough not to pass it up.

Cult of the Lamb. Let's see what the fuss is about.

KIGHTFALL. So it's horses with go kart phstics. Only a couple bucks. I'm in.

Cult of the lamb was fun for me! I wish you a healthy cult little lamb

That reminder that the cult is just expendable resources made me love the game. I name them after my family and friends, and after I ran out of names, started adding numbers. So sacrificing Mom 4 and Sister 5 to the Outer Gods, only to save a new cult member and naming them Mom 5 and Sister 6 makes me laugh.

I was surprised to see two games called Knightfall. Not the one you're referring to (assuming it was a typo), is a 2D dungeon crawler, and came out in 2017, with 13 reviews.

Huh, interesting that it's OK to have such a similar name. Maybe it's all OK until someone complains.

I'm thinking about Forza horizon 4....not sure if I will though ... anyone have anything else to add about it?

I bought Wrestlequest and You Suck at Parking. The former you probably won't vibe with if you aren't a big pro wrestling and maybe RPG fan. The latter is fun but at ten bucks on sale still feels a smidge overpriced

Got the two DLCs for Melvor and that's probably that. Although I've been eyeing both Oxygen Not Included and Blood West ngl.

I finally got tired of Melvor after like a year and the first DLC. I guess I could see myself going back and doing the 2nd one at some point but my interest hasn't been there since I put it down some time last year.

Even before that though I think that township thing was a huge misstep. I'm all for trying some new stuff as a dev and not everyone's going to be happy but cramming some weird town management sim into the incremental rpg genre never really made much sense to me.

Township does seem rather tacked on I agree, outside of the tasks there isn't much to do and it doesn't reward you enough to justify the money sink. Quite frankly, there's a lot in the game that seems rather pointless outside of getting to lvl 99 (120 with DLC), but I guess that's the point.

Have a ton of games already, but I picked up Nuclear Blaze and Streets of Rogue on the cheap.

A week prior to the steam sale, got a good deal on River City Girls 2 and Mechwarrior 5 Mercenaries on Fanatical, $15 for both together.

Streets of Rogue is amazing, especially with friends. Absolutely bonkers game.

I bought Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth for myself And Bombrush Cyberfunk for my wife. I got the money from selling all my old tf2 items.

I loved Infinite Wealth! Don't worry about FOMO if you didn't get the DLC, it's not that great.

I bought the deluxe version so I think I have it. I just found out you know who got the BIG C.

I started the series late, in 2020 after buying Yakuza 0 on a whim, and ended up playing through the entire series that was out at the time that year (including Judgment). Infinite Wealth hits you very hard in the feels if you've been following Kiryu since he was 20. I love Ichiban as well and think he's a great protagonist to pass the torch to.

I picked up Solasta. Pretty decent, but awfully linear with no real RPG choices. Worth $8

It's more of a tactics game than an RPG really.

Like D&D X-COM.

I've never been so interested, so fast, as when you combined those two names.

It's good, but I wish it were even more like X-COM with loads of deaths and managing a roster of heroes rather than just a small party.

Especially since BG3 has done the small party adventure thing so well.

I bought:

  1. Orcs Must Die 3
  2. Thronefall
  3. Last Train Outta Wormtown

Thronefall is one of my favorite games when I only have a few minute to burn in between when my kids leave me alone.

Jedi Fallen Order! It's a great game and only like £3.50 in the sale. Might also pick up Kingdom Come Deliverance and Mafia Definitive Edition since they're both under £10

Personally, I'd say it's a fair price at £3.50, but not worth more than that. Fallen Order should've been called "climbing simulator" instead, as that's what you spend half of the game doing.

I honestly really enjoyed it but maybe I had the difficulty set hard enough that I was instead spending most of my time fighting. Tbf I also enjoyed the tomb raider trilogy which was mostly climbing puzzles

Ended up grabbing Jupiter hell and wizordum. Jupiter hell is a Doom adjacent top down turn based rogue like. Wizordum is a retro fps of the hexen variety. Both games evoke nostalgia in different ways for me.

Jupiter Hell was okay. I absolutely LOVED doomRL, and felt the jump to Jupiter Hell, not certain why it didn't click. The controls are interesting. And would still support the dev.

Not much of anything on the SteamDB website interested me, I bought Deadly Premonition: The Director's Cut for $1.24

Went to buy it... Already own it. Probably won't play it anyway.

I'm thinking about picking up a Persona, but haven't decided where to start. Haven't played one before but I've heard great things!

All the games are unique to themselves so you can start with any of them. I'd suggest 4 Golden personally.

I was eyeing it - the price is very tempting, hahah. Any tips for a beginner?

You can best the dungeons in a single run if you set up right. It's tough in the beginning but I'd you want to do everything you have to minimize the number of days you right in the dungeon.

Likely nothing, maybe one title if it's shorter and I'm done with Balatro for a while.

I can't beat the goddamn black deck, I don't know what's wrong with me 😢

IMPORTANT UPDATE: I have managed to beat the black deck. Vagabond for a lot of death cards, shoot the moon to make those death cards queens, and an early triboulet led me to victory. I wish all fellow balatroers a pleasant evening and a lucky night

Broooo, that black deck is harder than the next stakes on other decks, it's insane! I need to try again though, it unlocks a new deck and I want them haha

I'm tempted to get Risk of rain 2 at last but have some other games I already own in the back burner so will see.

Maybe Lies of P or Star Ocean The Second Story R, plus one or two "Survivors-like" (Halls of Torment, Death Must Die).

+1 for Lies of P. It's the most Fromsoft-like game of that style not made by Fromsoft I've ever played. So if you're a big Soulsebornering fan, it's right up there with those.

I've only heard good things and watched a Streamer playing it last year, and I want to play it eventually myself.

While I generally like Souls-like games, I never got into most Fromsoft games, except Elden Ring, so we'll see how it goes.

It's on Game Pass if that's of any help

Halls is great, I need to go back and check if they've added anything else.

Over 600 games so there's not much I don't have but I grabbed that new ratchet and clank to throw at my 4090, and I got some stupid idle game I'm addicted to. Thinking of grabbing the halls of torment/brotato combo

Hadean tactics. It's a combination of slay the spire and tft. It's sucked me in.

I've bought Witch Spring R to play on Steam Deck while I do memory OC and testing on my PC

I just bought Balatro on Fanatical which came with a free game voucher so I picked up Grip: Combat Racing asking with it. Both really fun games.

Tempted to get FF7 remake but I need to put in more time with a Baldur's gate 3 before buying another big game

Does the combat in BG3 get better? Felt clunky to me and not sure I should continue.

Being based on DnD, it takes a little getting used to, especially compared to most RPG combat that were built for PC rather than tabletop. That said, while the system doesn't get any less 'clunky' it does feel more natural as you become more familiar with it.

I mean I suck at the game and play on the lowest difficulty, I just think the story is awesome. I'm the wrong person to ask lol

I'm very tempted to get Dead Cells' Castlevania DLC, but I haven't been in the mood for metroidvanias lately. The base game is fantastic, though, and I absolutely recommend.

Not a thing.

I was starting to get nostalgic for an old game called Riddle of the Sphinx, found out there's a remaster of it on Steam...that is apparently put out by one of those shady fucking churches, so nope.

I've been playing the hell out of Satisfactory lately, I've had the game beat for awhile but I'm buying all the trophies. I want to FULL CLEAR the game in early access before the 1.0 release and I'm building up coupons for the Golden Nut.

Last summer I got one year of gamepass for free with the MS rewards program (before it was nerfed into oblivion), and I played a grand total of... Three games on it. Maybe four? Gaming doesn't excite me like it used to. It's not that good games aren't released anymore. I guess I just got older and my taste changed.

I bought Golf with Friends and gifted another copy to a friend of mine, just to spend some good time with them. Nothing else really excites me.

Despite a sizeable backlog I still bought stuff. American Truck Simulator, The Longing, and Subnautica.

  • Arcade Moonlander
  • Astrominer
  • Minit

I have a backlog, and I have a rule that I don't buy a game unless it is USD$6.08 or less in my local currency.

The Talos Principle 2. After spending nearly all day on it yesterday, I am hooked. It really does it justice to the first one, I just wish they would release a VR version as the original in VR made the game much more intimate for me—I never played the pancake version.

Works great on my Steam Deck, too.

I'm considering Bomb Rush Cyberfunk but I reckon it has a decent chance of ending up in Humble Choice so I may wait for that. Definitely a game I will enjoy, but I have a big backlog so eh.

I'm on the fence about Arizona Sunshine 2. I understand it's quite short relative to its price. I might wait for a deeper discount.

I recommend getting critically-acclaimed game "Half-Life", it's great with mods like Action Half-Life and They Are Hungry.

The Talos Principle 2. It's a cerebral, first person puzzle game by the makers of Serious Sam. The first one was amazing! One of my favorite games. The reviews make it sound like this one is at least just as good. It's not even that old and already 40% off.

The only one that really grabs me is Eggcelerate for some reason.

Hidden Through Time 2 and Monument Valley 2. Just small games where I liked the first game, I‘m still far from done with my Xmas purchases so no need to go harder for me.

Nothing. isthereanydeal wrote me there's something off on GoG.

Shadow Empire - best strategy game I've ever played.

Have played everything good that’s out there so nothing…