14 Post – 436 Comments
Joined 11 months ago


Clearly Biden needs a spray tan and some hair dye.

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To some extent I guess I can understand the anti-abortion stance, but an anti-IVF stance along with it is wild. It's adding people. You're literally proclaiming an anti-life stance while you claim to be pro-life.

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DrNotLikeUs gets his shit rocked, ya love to see it.

The cores for both arent changing, just the random independents who will forget this when the next big thing happens.

Neither of them shit their pants or bluescreened, so there wasn't going to be a serious swing from that debate.

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system that has been monopolized by two political parties and plagued by corruption.


many Mongolians have soured on the government, which they see as benefiting business interests and the wealthy


Sounds familiar somehow...

It could have been worse... Joe coulda had a full bluescreen... Coulda been a lot better though.

IMO joe drops a smidge until donny says his newest dumb thing.

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That is great actually. Loved that game, though pistols were absolutely OP as shit comparatively iirc. why spray a dude down with mp5 when i can use my "shoot you five times in the head with my pistol" skill?

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noooooooooo muh heccin completionismarino

They didn't own a cat and it shows.

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how tf Alaska got ranked choice before all the blue strongholds one would expect. Mildly disappointed in my home state

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Countdown to massive disappointment followed by judges going on vacation for months.

The only moral abortion is my abortion springs to mind... too bad those laws don't care.

Its just going to reinforce what everyone knows, loves, and hates about either candidate, unless one of them has a "moment" during it. If Biden has a freeze-up or if Trump, idk, shits his pants, then its over for them. But beyond that, I don't see this changing anyones POV on either.

Isn't this what upvotes and downvotes are for?

If they let up and downvotes run the site there'd be dicks on the front page of r/aww on the daily.

10% is a really strict cutoff for people that make things as a hobby.

I always explained it thusly when I modded: We don't want a content creator with a reddit account, we want a redditor who does some content creation. Plenty of site to participate in and plenty to talk/post about that doesn't involve your thing.

I don't know the particulars in your case nor am I especially interested in going on reddit to learn them but if that mod is saying tone it back some, then tone it back some. Tone it back more then the 10% so it doesn't look like you're trying to game the system too much.

What They Don't Teach You at Harvard Business School & What They Teach You at Harvard Business School is a bit better overall since gives you the sum of all human knowledge. Two books though, instead of just one.

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If its FMF then its less the U.S. aiding the U.K. and more the U.S. bankrolling weapons manufacturers

When a new episode of a Disney series comes out, a post is made promoting it and no one is warned for self promotion despite the post very likely coming from Disney Marketing

Situational. There are absolutely folks obsessed with meaningless internet points who are all too eager to get that first post about Herp Derp: The Series, a D list celeb from that show you liked dying, or crossposting a meme about birds to every bird, meme, bird meme and meme bird subreddit out there. Gallowboob got a literal job from doing it. This doesn't mean that bots aren't doing it as well, just that sometimes they aren't necessary.

I think more folks would watch political programming if they could cut sweet promos like this.


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Person who clearly really cares: "No one cares that you do thing"

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Redditalternatives has two types of folks who visit it, the smaller one thinks reddit is shit because of the choices the employees make. The larger one thinks reddit is shit because spooky woke moralist SJW shills paid by George Soros are censoring free speech via coordinated downvote, report, and ban campaigns.. Sometimes a person occupies both groups.

The former group likes Lemmy et. al. The latter gets on here, sees a pro union post top of all, shits themselves dehydrated, and leaves to write screeds like that one.

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It was played up for the show but I think many of us have a Peggy in our life.

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"We've got a birthrate crisis, maybe we should make it so a single income of someone working 40 hours a week can support a family of 4?"

"... Or we could explore literally every other option no matter how ridiculous and not do anything which would impact corporate profits even a single penny."

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“So guys getting blown up in trenches in Ukraine by drones? Ha, totally not age-restricted,” the creator said. “ Me firing a 3D printed pink glock that I made? Age-restricted. We don’t need kids watching that. We want kids watching people getting blown up by mines. Love it. Awesome.”

Guys missing the corpo bottom line.

Gun manufacturers have gotten sued by families of school shooting victims. Youtube runs the risk of getting dragged into court because little Billy sees the 3D printed pink glock, decides that he can make that, that its time to fuck up some bullies, and then after that those bullies parents shoot lawyers in every direction (which includes Youtube, even if the odds of getting anything are minimal) like mushroom spores. That risk assessment doesn't exist for Ukraine war vids.

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A well regarded artistic mind being kind of a piece of shit? I am shocked! I'm just thankful personal favorites of mine like Orson Scott Card, J.K. Rowling, and H.P. Lovecraft are fine, upstanding individuals who've dodged controversy at every turn.

Wait hold on... He's a massive homophobe? She said what? He named his cat that?

Oh... well... umm... lovely weather we're having huh?

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Millennials are coming up on FORTY. We are starting to show up regularly in congress. We can run for president. We have survived multiple economic crises, the world falling apart around us, and have seen the ladders our forebears climbed pulled up behind them.

There aren't enough hours in the week to afford the American dream anymore. Every starter home is being bought by multi-nationals for far more then we have to rent back to us for far too much of our paycheck. That paycheck still hasn't gone up (despite our company having a banner year and giving massive bonuses to the chiefs) because we bought into the idea that our company is family when it turns out that family was the Donners and we're looking like a snack.

So eat a bag of dicks Whoopi.

While I am sure it is a thing that happens, I hope you'll excuse me if I don't hold my breath waiting for Mr. 10 Strikes to get his turn.

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The more mask off he goes the more I am shocked that even neolibs keep watching him.

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People are listening to AI generated music? Someone on Bluesky put (paraphrased slightly) it best-

If they couldn't put time into creating it I'm not going to put time into listening to it.

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Let that be a lesson to all those shitty police officers that you will be punished for your unethical behavior with not being able to be a police officer anymore... 30 years after you retire.

They're hard to destroy until something (people view as) better shows up. My buddy Tom from MySpace got out while the getting was good.

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Maine is one of two states (Nebraska is the other) that doesn't give all their electoral votes to the popular vote winner in their state. Trump got one electoral vote there in both 2016 and 2020.

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Misleading. At the point he was made a mod, the invite system didn't exist so you could just make people mods whenever you wanted. He might not have even noticed depending on how active his inbox was or how active he was.

The better questions would be why it wasn't banned after being nominated for subreddit of the year, and only got the axe after international attention via the Anderson Cooper segment.

Its not that he loved the subreddit, his (and by extension reddit corp) sociopathic ass simply views all that stuff as page views whether its memes, cp, or whatever. MBA cancer looking at everything as numbers.

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Black Panther made a comical amount of money. The "Woke" strategy clearly worked.

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1 Timothy 2:12 is fairly clear on the matter.

But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.

but the flip side is they can ignore that just like they ignore prohibitions on eating shrimp and wearing polycotton blends.

As an atheist I don't have skin in the game either way.

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Millennials, otherwise know as 28-43 year olds.

Because the book and disc guys couldn't figure out a way to stop you back then.

Nowadays college books have one time codes for tests, and games will sometimes have codes included for inportant unlocks to force used purchasers to pay up.

He got away with it so he's automatically a power fantasy for Cons.

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