Key misinformation “superspreaders” on Twitter: Older women to – 610 points –
Key misinformation “superspreaders” on Twitter: Older women

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It was played up for the show but I think many of us have a Peggy in our life.

I feel like Peggy was played down compared to the ones I know irl. If Peggy was realistic, she wouldn't be likable.

So much hate for her. How can the Internet hate a woman who made Hank Hill so happy? Shouldn't she get at least some points for that?

Whenever l have run into snooty Quebequois that insist that I speak French, I channel Peggy and say "Jay parlay fran-says tray bee-en. Jay-tude on lay-cole quart ons."

That does the trick and they will beg me to speak English.

i had this cuban moreno friend who was overly proud of his spanish heritage and would make fun of my chicano spanish sometimes. each time he did it in public, i would shut him up by asking someone in the group which one of us was latino which one was american; my garden variety mexican looks always got picked as latino and his afrocubano ass got picked as american. it was especially delicious if the person i asked knew that he could speak spanish.

i thoroughly enjoyed using american racism to put him in his place and it's probably the only time in my life where that racism worked to my advantage. lol

Pretty sure she's supposed to be in like her thirties, maybe forty-ish.

I have an aunt that one of my brothers described as

"She is like Peggy Hill but doesn't make me laugh"

We just call them Karens these days

Karens are different imo. Peggy would never call the cops on a black person, or present some distorted/dishonest version of events to a store manager/911. Shes just a narcissist. I could see an B plot of her getting pulled into a Karen's orbit though.

Kahn I could definitely see doing some straight up Karen shit.

"Hey Cotton, meet Kahn, he's Japanese.

NO HE AIN'T! He's Laotian, ain't you Mr. Kahn."

Possibly the best interaction with Kahn in the show. Definitely Cotton's best lines.