
63 Post – 62 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

In a world with consoles. Java needs a JVM, and those aren't typical with things like the Switch (2 soon), PS5, and Xbox Series (half the alphabet).

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As the site has never posted a profit in all its 18 years of operation, when has it not failed in a business sense?

It's even worse than that. The makers aren't even sure what was in their product to begin with.

Zahn says the kokum butter shouldn’t be an issue anyway: The company has since replaced it with cocoa butter, which does have GRAS certification. Initially, he told the Post the cocoa butter version was what he submitted for the awards, but after this story was published he said he determined that it was in fact the kokum butter version. (According to Weiner, Climax submitted an ingredient list that included kokum.)

So it might have been labeled with having kokum butter, it might not. Who knows? Seems to depends what answer is needed at the time.


Climax, it turns out, wasn’t just a finalist — it was set to win the award, a fact that all parties are asked to keep confidential until the official ceremony in Portland, Ore., but was revealed in an email the foundation sent to Climax in January.

If I'm reading this correctly, out of all the contestants, only they knew they won. Makes it a further stretch that it was a dairy company that "out" them as they wouldn't have known that the vegan cheese won.

My guess for the change about GRAS was it most likely was assumed everyone would only submit GRAS items, and since someone broke that non-spoken rule then they had to make it a clarified rule. It is something you'd just assume everyone made sure their food was most or less FDA approved (which is a logical assumption).

The Washington Post article is much clearer about this whole issue (which is linked to in this badly written Boingbonk article.)

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Wait, you only have to give a reference for a place to rent? Here in Ireland (Dublin) you need a scan of your passport, government id, work reference, housing reference, and at least bank statements from the last three months.

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Thankfully this will be a private search like DuckDuckGo.

I need an answer to how do I make my peepee become larger?

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Apple makes it hard, if not impossible, to leave their ecosystem. And they are a large enough entity (in the USA where this is based) to use and abuse this size and influence.

With Android, if i don't like Samsung, i can use Google, Motorola, etc. Same with Windows. I can buy Microsoft Surface devices, or Dell, HP, etc. I could also buy a Linux computer, Chromebook, Macbook, Android tablet, iPad, etc...

With iOS, it's Apple or nothing. This makes Apple a gatekeeper, and a dangerously strong one. For more and more people, their "computer" is their smartphone, and with iOS, Apple is the first and final word. Want to sell to an Apple user digitally, Apple must get a cut, and they must approve of it. This just further empowers Apple, as they have more and more power and sway into what can and can't be done. Combined with the fact as I mentioned that Apple makes it so hard to leave them. It is this size and power that makes them a monopoly, not their popularity. It's the same thing that happened to Microsoft with it's monopoly lawsuits. It wasn't they were "just popular", its they used their size and power to limit/surpress competition to empower/enrich themselves.

As for your example of "better like Microsoft", I do have options, and those options will still allow me to leave them easily and non-painfully, or at least if I still use Windows I can use apps regardless of what Microsoft thinks or giving them more money "just because". Apple iOS doesn't allow this. As for power companies, ISP, streaming options, these aren't the same subjects so I'm not going to address them. And before it comes up, no, consoles aren't apart of this because they are marketed and sold as limited functionality devices. iPhones and iPads are sold as fully functioning devices (see "There is an App for That" and "Whats a PC?" marketing from Apple).

The USA has gone through this before with things like Bell Telephone and Standard Oil. They were too big and powerful that the only way to fix it was to break them up. The hope is that instead of breaking up Apple like those past examples is to prevent them from abusing their power and size before they get that large and dangerous.

Also, remember that Google is in the final processes of monopoly abuse lawsuits, Amazon is being sued for monopoly practices, Disney was sued for antitrust a few years ago, and Ticketmaster is being sued for monopoly charges. So, its not just only Apple here. And these are just the lawsuits from the US government, not even including EU nations, other companies, etc...

More likely close sources drivers.

The vision pro has been out for less than 2 months and every review pretty much only shows the outside and never the main menu.

The only ones "in the loop" of this level of detail of the vision pro would be only the most die hard Apple fans.

Here is the review from The Verge. None of the images show that menu screen. And it's not alone. Here is a review from Are Technica, which is a well known pro-Apple site (it's often nicknamed Apple Technica), and even they never show that image.

Not sure where you think not recognizing the vision pro menu would make most people "out of the loop".

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Valve should enable a feature to make Steam keys self destruct for these scams. Let them generate a key that is valid for a few hours and if it didn't get redeemed in that time frame, it no longer works. A key only valid until 5pm of issue date will let reviewers redeem it in time, but resellers will most likely have a dud by the time they try to sell it.

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Issue here is the iPhone 14 USA models are all e-Sim. They don't have sim cards to remove. The article says it was a iPhone 14 Pro.

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Boomer Shooter = Shooter that goes boom

Boomer shooter

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Obvious strawman argument is obvious.

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"I didn't know what it was, how was I supposed to know not to delete it?"

Ugh... This was already mentioned before in another channel. Did you even read the rules? Modding you down and banned.

(These actions haven't been better, in fact they tend to be worse. I'll take PC forums over this ego tripping mod actions).

More like it's because it doesn't support Mac as much as they want them to.

Seems everyone jumped to conclusions about this article.

Yes, iPhones are blocked because they lack security. This is military, so they aren't worried about basic malware. They are worried about government level security issues (Pegasus, etc...). And let's be blunt, on this level, Apple keeps showing that they lack security in the real world situations. Yet the latest of a long list of iPhones being targeted and hacked.

Now, where people seem to be badly jumping to conclusions is that the article points out that "many" devices will be banned, so no, I doubt the latest Samsung Galaxy phone will be allowed. They are most likely going to require people use a Samsung Tactical Edition smartphone. These are designed for military usage and prevent phones from being secretly turned on for recording private conversations by hacks like Pegasus. These phones have been around for a few years now, and have likely been thoroughly tested and approved now.

This isn't some knee-jerk patriotic requirement, but a real understanding of what is and isn't a secure device, combined with the fact that Korea has to deal with a more and more aggressive China. They need real security for real world military.

They are PC that have NPUs (Neural Processing Units) in the CPU/SoC, and a few other requirements.

Here are the specs required.

It is illegal to a degree, it violates rules and regulations with the IRS. When they back a politician, they are supposed to lose their church non-profit status. But that doesn't happen because any move to it would cause a huge "the government is attacking out religious freedoms/churchs".

In fact it's now a religious event every year called "Pulpit Freedom Sunday" to purposefully break these laws.

Stepsister: Huh, it's not the only thing micro....

It's a police battering ram.

Battering ram

WebMD isn't the FDA, neither are the millions who eat it.

Only the FDA can say if something is GRAS or not. No one else matters in this context. And this contest wants to follow the FDA guidelines.

They have the app stores ban it from being downloaded if you are in the USA. This is already done, and app stores aren't affected by on device VPNs, so it wouldn't be that easy to get around.

For example, you can't download this app since (I'm guessing) you live in the USA, similar enough. It's geolocked. Same will happen with Tiktok.

I think it's that Apple did it and showed that the consumers will take the abuse so figured why not dip into it as well.

It must be impossible for you to watch TV or any movie as they are all recorded at 24 FPS.

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Room or studio apartment.


"Verifiable reference’s essential Verifiable affordability essential"

The passport, government id, and work reference are all to make sure you can "afford" to live there.

It popped off....

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It is a bad thing as it happened just at a transitional period in chargers. If it was just another USB A connector, then it wouldn't have been an issue. But we are now in the transition of USB C chargers and most people don't have a "box of them".

Newer devices are advertising that they have ever faster charging options, but these need the newer USB C connectors to reach these advertised speeds, which as I mentioned, most people don't already have. So you are stuck buying another thing to use what they were advertised as having.

Not the hardest. Worst case, install Boxes from Discovery app and spin a VM of a different OS. Make it your "main" OS for apps that won't work on SteamOS.

The emulator is more likely that the Switch 2 was supposed to be released this year and ended up getting pushed to next year. This means they have to support the Switch fully for another year and it's a harder sell when it's easy for customers to make a choice between:

  • A Switch and 3ish games


  • A Steam Deck that can play all the Switch games for free

When these are both the same price. The fact that instructions were easy to find and follow didn't help.

It was made legal in 2020. And seems to have made it illegal again in 2022, two years later.

The difference is it's now officially allowed. While it was there, it was in a "grey" area.

Because doing that would be leaving money on the table

Jesus, take the wheel

Doubt it. Would be a repeat of when Trump got COVID, where he kept saying it was nothing while getting massive medical help to recover from it.

Online gaming for certain games. Proton doesn't work with some online DRMs.

You mean the Samsung "Tactical Edition" smartphones?

They've been around for years. They were originally built for the Korean military. And it didn't cost them an "astronomical" amount of money.

So the choice is vote for Biden who has acknowledged and stated that the violence in Gaza needs to stop. Or vote for Trump who declared that Gaza should be blown to hell.

Sorry, who was kissing Israel's ass?


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