You Can Thank Private Equity for That Enormous Doctor’s Bill to World – 161 points –

You can think private equity for expensive everything.

And also all of your favorite stores and restaurants closing down for no good reason.

Came here to say this. Thank you for beating me to it.

If civilization survives, our descendants are going to look back at private equity firms and wonder why we allowed such things to exist.

If civilization is going to survive, leaving this specific problem to our descendents won't be an option. Private Equity is an us problem, and we need to treat it like one.


Out of curiosity, how can there be 30 upvotes on a paywalled article? Do they all have WSJ subscriptions?

Mainly just people reading the headline, upvoting, then continue scrolling (I am guilty of this as a lurker). Working in healthcare, I don't even need to read this article to know it's true. Private equity is the antithesis of good public healthcare.

They have been taking over practices since at least early 2010s.

By the time this shit goes normie stream, the fuckening has already happened.

Privacy is another example lol

You're certainly right about observing this incongruity. It's probably one statement that feels so obviously correct that people upvote it without even bothering to read the article.

THANK YOU! I can finally read the NYT now

I recommend switching to Bypass Paywalls Clean, since Bypass Paywalls is not maintained anymore.

Thank you too!! I tried it last night and I couldn't get into NYT or other sites on the permissions list. I'll try this one today and are also worth trying out if BPC doesn't work for some reason. There are also self-hosted solutions like 13ft and ladder.

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