0 Post – 192 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Message from the whole Lemmy community: we hate you for having inb4-ed our collective standard joke answer.

Signed: everyone but you 😜

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WTF? He tasted one "for science"! While I understand there wasn't any other way to know... What if it Hay been a poisonous mixture? I suppose he'd tested it before against common poisons! Still, wow!

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I almost feel like there's an answer there for you, but I can't put my finger on it.

However, last night I had a vision about th singer of Motorhead. I think it means something...

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I dislike the fact that "ads" can also include crapware being injected into my computer (viruses, tracking cookies, mysterious scripts, etc).

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This link has been posted and discussed on Reddit too.

Of course, we shouldn't care about what people on Reddit think (and I noticed this post by chance since I log on there very rarely now), but some users in the thread genuinely ask about joining Lemmy and so I guess it's useful to know about possible obstacles to trying it that they may perceive.

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That's why we need repositories like the arXiv, the medRxiv and Sci-Hub (aaahr, my pirates!)

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Well, I still visit Reddit once a week since there are communities there that don't yet exist here (or they are nearly empty).

I'm now all the time on Lemmy and am even much more active than what I ever was on Reddit, but I only have so much time.

I noticed there are slightly less quality posts in some subreddits, but I wouldn't call Reddit crushed.

In fact, subscribers in all the subreddits I used to follow are actually up and even by a lot, while Lemmy users don't really seem to increase by much (though I'd like them to).

I'd like to see a sudden growth in Lemmy and fall of Reddit, but I don't think it's anywhere near (though I'll keep doing my part here!)

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Good guy EMS!

I can't open the Mastodon link yet (not sure why) so I can't yet understand why this would be. Still, awesome if confirmed!

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Good Guy EU

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No shit, Sherlock

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I always thought the only way to deal with earthquakes was to use gigantic mecha that only have 5 mins of unplugged charge!

Shin Seiki edit: fixed grammar

"Online fury" is a most excellent expression.

Online furies have been awakened and now you can't stop them, Wendy's!

Edit: fixed grammar

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I guess I'm out of the loop, perhaps because I mostly browse communities I subscribed to, but...

What happened? Lots of spammy bots signing up and spamming the site? I guess I didn't notice where I was looking

Also, what does application based sign up mean?

Anyhow, Lemmy.World and Lemmy (in general) are growing nicely, so what's needed to defend them is cool.

Edit: fixed grammar

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Question to anyone who might know more: would sodium based batteries be better than lithium ones for the environment, in terms of recycling or disposing of it?

In case they are indeed better, would they be better because it's better to use less lithium in general (so if you use more sodium based ones, you use less lithium) or would they be also better because their own disposal is "nicer" (as in less toxic) for the environment?

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Somehow coming to the Reddit sub Lemmy feels like the "Reddit recovery group" 😁

... Hi, I'm ConstipatedWatson and I've not used Reddit for the past 4 days!

That's something I could never understand: how do people sign up for as many as 10 credit cards and then buy stuff with money that isn't really there, then dealing with debt collectors?

It doesn't make sense to me, but I've met people who are OK with living like that

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So you're texting while driving, uh?

We should all report you, but we're too curious to know the source of perpetual motion that's been powering you since May!

I understand that prestige is super important, especially for those who want high achieving careers, so it makes sense kids decide to hold off one year if they can get in a school that will greatly improve or maintain the type of life they're used to, but I'm still a bit surprised to hear that so many kids do that.

The other universities are good too! A friend of mine graduated from one in Daegu and now has a good job in Seoul living well and supporting his family.

Sure, I suppose if they'd graduated from Seoul university, they might be doing even better, but I wonder if going to Seoul university and ending up being average is considered better than someone graduating with flying colors from a "less important" university. Hell, I've seen tons of people graduating from "less important" US institutions and now doing as well than peers from top institutions

Anyhow, it's complicated: ambition is important, but if kids don't get in they might feel like their life is over, when there are plenty of other good options

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This is tragic.

While the Wikipedia page lists food poisonings from sea turtles as rare, it still feels like a Russian Roulette kind of meal.

Would you eat something knowing that there is a nonzero chance it might kill you (as in really off you, not just give you a bad night at the bathroom)?

I suppose the answer is a lot of people would, since the article itself mentioned another recent poisoning.

It reminds me of the blowfish which is also lethally poisonous if not handled by someone who's certified to do so.

I suppose everything in life has a risk and I've done my share of reckless things, but rolling the dice on food never appealed to me.

Edit: fixed grammar

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I hear you, but unfortunately I have not enough experience nor time to moderate the niche communities I loved on Reddit.

You might say this is selfish because I'd leave this to others, as if their time is less valuable, but really you need to be capable of being a moderator and I'm really grateful to those who do so. You also need to be an expert (or knowledgeable enough) in the topic being moderated.

While I was on Reddit my main account had a single comment in 12 years of having accounts (and even more without): it was a request to get a Tildes account in June 2023, then I found out about Lemmy and here I am (and here I'm way more active than I've ever been because I feel Lemmy is small and needs active users and I enjoy being here a lot more)

... And so it begins...

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Hey dude, I've been looking for you for so long, since my Dad stole your bike and that was a turning point in my life, since I made a point of stealing your son's bike.

It is said that this will continue for generations until the seventh son of a seventh son, who'll transform into an upside down toothless vampire who likes garlic.

In order for this prophecy to come true, please ensure all your progeny keeps buying bikes.

PS Welcome to Lemmy!

While the concepts you expounded are correct, their order is wrong.

Pizza did come after fire and wheel, but it is, of course, more important of them as it is encapsulating the concepts of "fire" in its forging and "wheel" in its shape.

Clearly, pizza represents the pinnacle of human evolution and, if you so desire, you can have it with a topping of penicillin.

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We're all being so harsh with him. How could he have known beforehand that his truck is not a surf board?

People need to be free to experience and innovate! If it had turned out it could surf, he'd deserve the Noble prize! Sheesh!

(/s and also, intentional misspelling)

Is this a Portal reference? I remember hearing it from GLADOS!

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You hit the nail on the head, mate!

In previous times, I used to follow certain sites more closely, but then life happened and I lost track of things and now several sites have closed and I don't know where to start.

For example, I used to dig GameSpy for game reviews, but it closed down. I rarely buy games these days, but I don't know what to read when I do and want to inform myself (I remember IGN, but I don't know if it's good). I can check out reviews on Steam, but they're short reviews.

Same deal goes for PC reviews or computer accessories. I don't know where to look: everything looks like an ad site. I remember but I don't know if itself is an ad site or what to compare it to, if I wanted to check a second opinion. Every YouTube video about technology feels like a sponsored ad, though some are legit

Edit: fixed grammar

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I wish salaries everywhere went up with inflation and so we wouldn't have to feel the pinch...

I know, I'm saying trivialities...

Good things come to those who wait (and block ads)

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Good guy EU!

You guys joke about this, but he managed to create a connector with three sides: up, down, and "oh yeah the first side was the correct one"

Unfortunately, when we sign up to their EULAs we "willingly" give everything up... So technically it ends up being legally theirs 🥺

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It really feels worse now, even in terms of topics in the subreddits for which there is no equivalent here.

Still, until certain things are born here or well populated, I'll still check it out from time to time.

At least, so far I seem to check it less and less and am grateful for Lemmy and its growth. I hope it keeps growing!

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Wait, are universities still using Respondus?

I feel for you. It was used a lot during the beginning of the pandemic, but I thought it was dropped by now.

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If you wait in front of an empty screen it's much more pleasant than being in front of visual and audio spam drilling into your head.

It's of course true that YouTube can't support a website for free, so it would be the correct thing to watch some ads: problems arising are that (A) some ads are malicious (either as misinformation or as viruses or as links to those), (B) they've grown from a reasonable amount to an unreasonable one and often interrupted at the worst possible time)

I've seen all the movies from 1 to 7 at the theater (4,5,6 when they were remastered right before Episode 1). I like the old 4,5,6 though they're not perfect, but they are enjoyable. I tolerated 1,2,3 and applaud their existence since they made me discover Mr Plinkett and Red Letter Media. When I saw Episode 7 I had to stop. It felt too much of an insult to the viewer's intelligence (it wasn't enough to have two Death Stars in Episodes 4 and 6, they had to have a Mega Super Death Star in Episode 7... But this was very much not the only awful thing about the movie). I've watched Episode 8 on an airplane and I still have to watch episode 9

You look great while going to work!

... BTW what is it that you do for life? Hunting bounties?

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I enjoyed his Ghost in the Wires book and also his segment in the Secret History of Hacking documentary from the History Channel. I bought two of his other books about social engineering from a garage sale. I better start reading them

He seemed like a nice guy, though I've read his version of his story, but I'm sad to see him go so early

The internet is fine, it's social media and the people using it that are toxic (aided by algorithms pushing people to give their own worst for all sorts of reasons)

I remember that during the development of Black & White they had a journalist writing about its development and how exciting it was going to be.

Black & White got realized, but these interviews seemed a very fishy way of hyping the game and it's when I got wary of Molyneaux grand claims