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Joined 1 years ago


And didn't you have to pay to not be listed?

Good to finally see the important words, "conservation of angular momentum".

There's a hierarchy, but surely there's also a minimum level that a candidate should meet.

If he indeed turned water into wine and made all things, why would he need to recurse as if he can't get it right the first time?

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Exactly. Driving is a continuous real-time control process, with PID loops for speed, steering, clutch, etc.

I hope they can find his emails.

There's no rule that says a dog can't be a commentator.

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Don't overestimate the strength of conviction of individual Republicans. Given the choice between upholding their principles and maintaining their position, the great majority of them choose the latter every time.

Seriously now, why is he so upset that his kids have to testify? It's not like they're being arrested. All they have to do is get up there and (at least pretend to) tell the truth. What's so awful about that?

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They need living space!

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Is this an admission of defeat by the red team? Aren't they effectively saying that they don't want their state's results to be certified, and throw away their electoral votes because the blue team might win?

Or is it deeper, resulting in the more-populated blue team areas to not make certification, and therefore the state goes red?

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Donald Trump faces travel ban to 37 countries

That's 3 more countries than his 34 felony counts!

What's the alternative? Fix it with a sharpie?

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So, that's a guilty plea?

They're anti crime?

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"Let's go to bed so these people can go home."

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A hidden hero.

Wow, how unexpected. Never saw this coming...

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Why is it that those who are most vocal about being American don't understand what that means?

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The king is dead. 😥

Whether mandatory voting is bad or not, certainly it's way better than the American situation, where one particular party's strategy to win elections is to discourage and actively prevent people from voting. In Australia, every political party seeks to win by collecting votes.

Maybe not, but the application of the rules certainly seems to change.

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Does he even understand what the word "sorry" means? Has he ever uttered it in his life?

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Their favorite letter is "arrrgh".

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There was no one standard pirate flag. Different pirates used different flags, often with similar themes (black, skull, etc). The idea was to be intimidating: it was cheaper and easier if your target gave up without a fight.

Pooh Bear must have lost a few too many games.


Out of curiosity, how can there be 30 upvotes on a paywalled article? Do they all have WSJ subscriptions?

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Hawaiian word for foreigner, white person.

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Impeach Hunter!

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The orange antichrist.

Now we're going to play a real fun game. It's called, "Who is your daddy, and what does he do?"

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So much stupid brinksmanship. The US seriously needs a better system.

Without being in-your-face woke: as many as are appropriate to the context.

Without "them" calling the story woke: none.

Yeah, gotta be wary of those sinister people...

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Suggestion: Each comment should be reposted to ! , or that community should be invited to respond here...


So really, independent voters who lean left are being encouraged to stay home. Presumably this helps the far-right candidate.

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Australia has received too many convicted felons already, after they entered about 200 years ago.