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Joined 4 months ago

I will admit that it took me far longer than it should have to realize that you meant season 3 and not an s3 bucket.

A Chicago resident would be an expert in shit pizza after all

'The wind keeps blowing my wifi signal away ' is more than enough information to diagnose the problem, and 'the computer forgot my password' is now a real thing since password managers started coming baked into browsers.

We are so far beyond parody of ourselves that i have no idea how the onion stays in business.

14 more...

I think this one has legs, as they didn't just fail to protect, but also prevented anyone else from going in.

Questioncore, lemmypunk

Yes, but were any of those people not going to vote for Trump?

Don't forget the oughtright lies.

Not less standardized so much as when the only cooling loops were custom ones and not AIO

Blazing Saddles still holds up

And that's what I get for not reading the article all the way

I thought that was Harambe. Or was he the first sign of deviation?

Our sonic ran out of toys for their wacky packs this week. Also lettuce, onion rings, pretzels, and limes.

I'm assuming they're having a major supply chain problem.

Can't imagine how this could be perceived as anything but retaliation for the EU daring to attempt to regulate Apple

8 more...

Technically yes, but the thermal load of putting all those computers inside the other computers is generally prohibitive, and image quality once you get 3 monitors deep in the tool chain is poor enough you have to start making the text bigger.

The parts of the state(s) where nobody lives are driving down the number. For Missouri that number is accurate if you live 3 hours from any city with more than one zip code.

Could you imagine if the thing that kills HOAs ended up being liability for the actions of their members?

Go Ralph go!

31 more...

i think it is disingenuous to represent that AC is a standard or required by law for a rental anywhere, at least in the US.

Having AC is a standard and required by law in many places in the US


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This is how field service jobs are written in my experience, yes.

Lmao, this was such a panic reaction by sony that they've banned all US territories as well multiple countries where PSN is active.

They are so cooked that this isn't even funny.

It makes me wonder how many other people back out after hearing that the job is on-site. And it makes me wonder why this wasn't specified in the job description

They're trying not to get filtered by having it listed as on site up front, and banking on people saying "well, I'm already foot in the door i guess i could settle" once the interview process starts.

It's 2024, none of us are ok

Sounds like someone needs a visit from their democracy officer

Endless DLC is literally the paradox business model. I happen to find it an acceptable compromise for continuous development of the games I like, at least the way paradox does it, but lets not pretend like this was going to be different from a business model perspective.

8 more...

They still are

It's Monday in Japan, it took precisely the whole weekend.

1 more...

This is your ISP's pricing list:



15mbps down / 5mbps up


22mbps down / 7mbps up


30mbps down / 10mbps up


-other speeds up to 1000mbps Wireless are available-

They're a rural fixed wireless provider. I don't understand why they would try to serve the middle of the town.

I would personally consider getting a refund, but the hotels there aren't that much better for speeds. The city /does/ have good internet access available, i don't understand why nobody purchases it :(

7 more...

Let them fight

Mixed so far. The one thing that arrowhead has taught this community is teamwork. We're on course for Mostly Negative in the next week or two.

2 more...

I love how the Oreilly books became the gold standard for covers for this sort of thing.

It's just so sad that the US healthcare system is the thing that's holding back business. Seems counterintuitive.

It's holding back your business. The wealthy do not have this problem.

This is working as designed.

The fact that that person happened to be looking on a system downstream to this one, while also having the context needed to pin it back to xz in particular is the lucky part. The same attack in any of countless other places wouldn't have gotten spotted the same way, or as quickly. That's not to say diligence on Freund's part wasn't a big factor here, but it's important to identify that luck was a big factor.

I tried to find the list but brain failed me and i kept getting bar association stuff. Did you know that while Missouri doesn't require AC it does require that units be kept to a 'habitable' temperature, and there's enormous case law defining that word that makes it defacto required but technically not.

One of these days a Corp is going to push hard enough they get their rights stripped away for not meeting the 'to promote the progress of science and useful arts' part of the copyright clause and i'm starting to wonder if the big N is going to be the winner.

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It would have gone live with yesterday's patch and didn't, so there's significant substance to their statement so far

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with our unrealistic ideological agenda that has no basis in a factual reality

I think I've spotted their issue with you.

There was one just a few weeks ago with Helldivers 2 and requiring PSN accounts on pc even if you don't live in a country with PSN

Let's not pretend like the rest of us would have disagreed. If Trump sees the inside of a cell that will be an anomaly at this point.

The worst part is it's probably not even deliberate, just what drives the most eyeball time.

In a sane world, one of two things would happen, ideally both:

Immediate Impeachment and motion for a mistrial be granted

Arrest for Obstruction of Justice

Ya gotta remember that at its inception, at least in the US, copyright had 2 things going for it:

The duration was limited to 14 years, not the death of the author +95 or fucking whatever it is currently, and that much of that duration would need to get burnt up in duplication and distribution of the work, all of which had significant costs associated with it. Hundred year long guarantees with unlimited instant reproduction of a work and instant mass distribution functionally for free would have been anathema at the time, and this kind of abuse of the system goes directly counter to the original as-written intent.

Too bad those 'originalists' in the courts only use that concept to suppress women and minorities instead of maybe picking up a small W with it here.