1 Post – 55 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Why this list was ever sealed to begin with is beyond me.

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Ooof. I ended up digging into the article. So this clown passes a law requiring photo IDs to vote, neglects to add military veteran ID cards to the approved list, then forgets his own ID when going to cast his own ballot? Seems dumb.

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It’s really (like really really) time for a copyright law overhaul in the US.

I think this has been the first week when I didn’t have to like put Lemmy down cause I was just seeing posts I had already seen. It’s nice to have a good feed to scroll again, and not feel like I have to deep dive posts and read every comment just to see something new. Feelsgoodman.

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I’m really glad this is being done, I just hope that it has teeth. It’s going to be very annoying when the next regime from across the aisle tries to repeal the rules again. I assume there’s not an easy way to make these rules permanent. I’m happy to be wrong about that though.

I signed on here at on the eve of the blackout. I haven't been using Reddit since and I couldn't be happier about it.

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I would buy ANY political stance Drummer is selling.

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Yo, JK, it's SO EASY to NOT say anything. Just stop saying things.

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As a musician who has been following this closely for a while, it keeps getting worse and worse. Musicians of my status have less and less opportunities to make a living off of our art in a world that is becoming increasingly easier to produce and distribute in. I’ve done this a long time and have had moderate success in the past. It’s to the point now though that the ways I THOUGHT musicians made money was never available to me, and the way we DID make money when I started almost doesn’t exist anymore either.

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Oh my god I get sealioned in real life. Now I can call people out on it with a title.

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Oh weird, that projecting thing again.

I assume I will forget to make myself a cakeday meme like I did every year I was on Reddit. Seems appropriate as a celebration.

Are government photo IDs given to all citizens in the UK?

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That 15 yr old cracked CS5 I have on an old hard drive is looking mighty scrumptious right now.

Came here to say this. Thank you for beating me to it.

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I replay this game regularly. It’s so good. Gameplay, music, aesthetics…10/10 all around killer game.

My sister likes to bring the ingredients over to my house in the winter for fireplace hangs. She makes them right in my living room.

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Honestly, I dislike both songs. However watching Hell In A Cell on tv with my boys is a memory I will cherish.

It’s not the hardest of sci-fi and ultimately there’s isn’t a ton in the narrative specifically about this, but there’s some really interesting stuff in The Expanse series (book, not show) that touches on this kind of thing.

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Seems like you’re hearing it perfectly, but not listening.

The sheer amount of accounts I don't follow and/or adds I DO see already do this for me. It's a nice "feature" they added for me. Way to go Meta. I get bored fast now and close the app.

I can’t believe I’m on the music industry’s side on this. It’s a sad day when I have to root for the team that’s made it hard for me to make a living while they fight against the team that’s trying to make me obsolete.

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The convenience you required is now mandatory.

I think the theater near Lincoln Center in NYC has this format. I saw 300 there, and something else but I can't remember what. It looks absolutely insane.

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Can't fight the class war if they have us either fighting the culture war, or not talking to each other intelligently.

I just signed an offer for a 8am-4pm job, so I guess they do but it’s been a long while since I’ve had a job with those hours.

I’ve used in the past and it’s done a decent enough job for me to double check local candidates and their policies ideas prior to elections. I’m willing to try others though. Any thoughts on vote411?

Like others in here, I find myself listening to whole records. Sometimes I'll listen to a couple by an artist in a row.

I feel like I don't listen to enough music. I try to sit down and actively listen to things when I can, but mostly I'll get a record or two in while doing something mindless like dishes or yard work. Nothing gets overplayed this way.

shhhh, no one knows that here ;)

There’s a bunch of communities on but as of now I don’t see much in my main feed from them. I’m not sure if it’s just a matter of the niche community taking time to develop or if there’s a better place as of yet. I haven’t done much searching for it in a couple of weeks. I really hope these communities start to flourish here. Have been doing my best to engage what I do see to help grow.

Unfortunately the clowns running my country do the same stupid stuff at such a rate that I can’t pay attention to other country’s politics as much as I’d like.

I knew he was PM and disliked but I didn’t know about the voting act. Crazy stuff.

It's almost like I've heard investing advice say this for my entire life. Can't imagine why'd they tell us that over and over and then corner the market. Couldn't be that they lie to us. That just, like CAN'T be. Right? RIGHT?!

Ha, sorry. I thought it was awesome.

If you’re into music production and song writing there’s a great twitch streamer called Plus 6 Productions. Informative, entertaining, very engaging with chat and the viewers are fun too.

Got my first two Hydroflasks (32oz and 20oz) in 2014 I would guess? Still have both and use one of them every day.

Either that or the chem trails.

Not trying to argue at all, just spitballing off your thoughts: I feel like (assuming souls are things that exist) the brain is the hardware and the soul is the software in this scenario. If your computer’s mother board develops a problem, the data on your hard drive still exists and works; the hardware just can’t compute.

That all being said I’m an agnostic and I don’t really know the answer to OP’s question. I’ve kinda always assumed there was some star trekish we-are-just-energy thing going on. But I ultimately accept that we don’t know and can’t know and won’t know until we do.

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Wasn’t he the “punk rock” kid too? Am I remembering that correctly?

I loved all the icons. I would change mine often. Gonna miss this app.

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24/7 for a decade would be dope.