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Joined 3 months ago

Exactly as anticipated.

Not for two decades now, and thank god for that.

I've started building mine up again, too, because too often a movie I want to watch isn't available to stream and purchasing a physical copy costs less than a digital copy.

You know moving to another country isn't as simple as just deciding to do so and booking a flight, right? Most non-part time jobs in Japan require a degree, for example, as do most work visas for foreigners.

This is just as relevant for Trump. His running mate matters. Neither of them are statistically likely to survive a second term in office. One of them is a little bit older and appears to be more frail. The other one has a terrible diet with no exercise and could keel over from a heart attack or a stroke at any moment.

We should be talking about the VP picks much more than anyone is.

I think there are a lot of people who are so disconnected from the news, and their family and friend groups are similarly disconnected from the news, that it barely reaches them. They might be able to name the current president but not much else.

Those people won't have watched the debate.

One step at a time!

First, only landowners can vote. Then, only male landowners. Then, only white male landowners.

Gotta boil that frog.

Homeless people who get arrested for camping and similar minor "offenses" are typically quickly released. Many of them have mental health and substance abuse issues, so they're not the best workers. Even the prisons don't want them.

This is not an American thing. People around the world are biased against immigrants.

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Like he could be if he tried.

Beetlejuice was never funny, so much as it was fun and weird.

You may be joking, but I think that is a big part of what they look for, consciously or not. Progressives can be pretty happy discussing news and ideas with other progressives. Conservatives don't want to talk about things too much unless there's an argument to be had.

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The lack of paragraph breaks really sells it.

Democrats have already voted in their primaries. To switch candidates for that party now would be to disenfranchise those voters.

Braxton, who was born in Newbern and described himself as a “handyman for the community,” hasn’t been able to access town funds since Stokes was appointed as mayor four years ago. He has used his own money to provide residents with COVID-19 supplies, as well as to host food drives and other events, according to The Guardian.

Sounds like they voted for the right person.

No. That's not a fix. You're still focusing on this being American, while it is pretty universal.

Like hell it isn't. I watched that as a young kid and it's been a favorite ever since.

It is the movie that led to the creation of the PG-13 rating, though.

  1. Yes, they are. They don't care about their customers, just the premiums they can rake in without paying out on.

  2. Being the person who pays the bills does not and should not grant that person access to another person's medical records, even if that person is a parent. I get that you submitted the authorization in this case, but I am speaking generally in response to your comment which seemed to imply that third parties should be given medical information if they are the ones paying the bill.

The commission has five members, each elected to represent one of five districts in Georgia. But elections for each seat are decided in a statewide vote; though the commissioners must live in the district they represent, a voter in Savannah or Augusta has as much say over the commissioner representing Atlanta as a voter who lives there.

Whose dumbass idea was that?

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Other way around for me. I used to find "stupid humor" obnoxious, but now I can appreciate it better.

I've been in some of those groups. They don't discuss ideas. They discuss people and events, sports, maybe what they did last weekend or plant to do this weekend, talk about their families.

Their military is not what North Korea wants to purge. That's where they actually bother to send food.

The military treaty states: “In the event that any one of the two sides is put in a state of war by an armed invasion from an individual state or several states, the other side shall provide military and other assistance with all means in its possession without delay.”

Okay. And that hasn't happened.

We had a run.

Shoe shiners:

  1. Are exceedingly rare in the modern era, and
  2. Shine shoes. They do not clean sneakers.
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It sounds like you just need to exfoliate when you bathe. You're wiping soap on your skin (presumably), but you need a coarser texture to remove the dead skin cells which build up.

Would you try to shine sneakers?

Me reading the headline thinking, "It can only be Tractor Supply."

No, this doesn't apply to actual crimes.

You sure about that /s?

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I grew up food insecure when I was very young, and you really don't get over it. It's been hard not to hoard food as an adult.

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This has always been the case. It's just that nobody cared/could do anything about it. Now, there's an effort to feed these kids, but if course the Republicans have to fight it.

If it's a camping trip, six months because that's when campsite reservations open and they book up fast.

Anything else, 2-4 months, usually closer to 4. International trip more like 4-6 months.

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Fortunately for him, Lyme disease isn't so common out west as it is back east.

The world has known about this genocide for years and we're still barely getting recognition for it from our governments.

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Netanyahu knows he's fucked when the war is over.

Keeping six months of food on hand is definitely hoarding.

But I get it.

There are active communities dedicated to Linux and Linux support. Those would be better venues for this question.

As well they should.

They raided her home, which she shares with two other people. We don't even know which of the three was the intended target.

Last Thursday, FBI agents carried boxes out of the home Thao shares with her son and partner.