How far in advance do you usually plan vacations? to Ask – 42 points –

We're last minute people, maybe a week in advance without air travel, a month with. A family friend just invited us to join them on a vacation NOVEMBER 2025. That seems bonkers to me!

How far in advance do you plan a small trip like a road trip or visiting family, and how far in advance for a big trip like international travel, a cruise, or Disney?


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If it's a camping trip, six months because that's when campsite reservations open and they book up fast.

Anything else, 2-4 months, usually closer to 4. International trip more like 4-6 months.

You must camp nicer places than I do!

Washington, so probably. Beautiful place. They implemented the six-month opening a couple of years back because all the campsites would get booked out years in advance for the best times of year.

Dispersed camping. We plan the day before we decide to go. A lot fewer people, dogs can be off leash, etc.

We avoid that because anywhere nearby, attractive, and easy to bring your gear to tends to fill up. Better to have a reservation and know you will get a spot.