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Joined 1 years ago

Wait. They could before??? wtf

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Abandoned it? What?

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wet containing moisture or volatile components

Water is wet. The fact that this is an argument is ridiculous.

We’re fucked.

It’s happening on lemmy too. People making posts in multiple subs saying that FF is super buggy, etc.

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The shell corps don’t protect in this case

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Not sure if that is a serious question, but it’s because formatting doesn’t depend on the type of variables but going to the definition of a field obviously depends on the type that the field is in.

formatting does depend on the type of variables. Go look at ktfmt's codebase and come back after you've done so...

Maybe my example was not clear enough for you - I guess it’s possible you’ve never experienced working intellisense, so you don’t understand the feature I’m describing.

Lol, nice try with the insult there. I code in Kotlin, my intellisense works just fine. I just think you're quite ignorant and have no clue what you're actually talking about.

Ctrl-click on bar. Where does it jump to?

it gives you an option, just like if it was an interface. Did you actually try this out before commenting? Guessing not. And how often are you naming functions the exact same thing across two different classes without using an interface? And if you were using an interface intellisense would work the exact same way, giving you the option to jump to any of the implementations.

I'm sorry, but you clearly haven't thought this out, or you're really quite ignorant as to how intellisense works in all languages (including Ruby, and including statically typed languages).

The COO holds 1.4 million now, so she dumped 25% of her shares

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This is clearly meant to be a meme, but I’ve literally seen someone in real life who has done this and it was pretty dang clear they had a buttplug lighting up their ass

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I’ve had IT bug me about this at my company for the past several updates. For some reason their software never picks up that I’ve updated my machine, maybe because I literally do it only hours after the update has come out. Every single time I’m like “I’ve been on that version since the day it released. They then do something on their side and are like “oh it’s showing up as up to date now, thank you”… smh

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“We make no apologies for saying God hates pride or pride flags as it’s an agenda that harms children and undermines parental authority, and the only backlash we see is coming from radical Democrats, the fake news media, and weak Republicans who bow down at the feet of leftist cancel culture," he said.

These people literally have never even opened a Bible. God doesn’t even hate Satan, it’s pretty dang explicit.

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“Spread those squirrel, I’m about to cum buckets”

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This has nothing to do with being a walled platform. All these maintainers of all these lemmy servers would have to do the exact same thing if Nintendo came to them. And if they refused then Nintendo could go to the server host. And if that didn’t work you would end up in court. It has nothing to do with walled gardens and everything to do with Nintendo abusing dmca.

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Haha literally reads like an onion article.

This thread is absolutely terrible. I’m very sorry op. As a software dev, I think I’ve hit the save button maybe ten times in the past 2 years. You are right that it should auto save by default. That’s just required in this day and age. People saying they don’t want auto save because they don’t want cats losing their work literally do not understand how auto save works in the vast majority of modern systems. A simple example is Google sheets, where you can literally see every change made to every character in every file throughout time. You’re not going to lose anything. Software devs solved this in their own tools literally decades ago. My job is literally editing text files all day long. I can’t remember the last time I lost data due to a crash or a cat or anything.

Some people even mention LaTeX which literally has a solution with Overleaf. If software doesn’t autosave in this day and age, it’s shit software.

What you have here is another case of Linux users jumping to defend the only things they have to defend, even if it’s absolute shit.

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pee cat

JB and KG are the most wholesome people alive. They are truly just being themselves 100% of the time and it’s amazing.

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I informed my SecOps team and they reached out to Slack. Slack posted an update:

We've released the following response on X/Twitter/LinkedIn:

To clarify, Slack has platform-level machine-learning models for things like channel and emoji recommendations and search results. And yes, customers can exclude their data from helping train those (non-generative) ML models. Customer data belongs to the customer. We do not build or train these models in such a way that they could learn, memorize, or be able to reproduce some part of customer data. Our privacy principles applicable to search, learning, and AI are available here: https://slack.com/trust/data-management/privacy-principles

Slack AI – which is our generative AI experience natively built in Slack – is a separately purchased add-on that uses Large Language Models (LLMs) but does not train those LLMs on customer data. Because Slack AI hosts the models on its own infrastructure, your data remains in your control and exclusively for your organization’s use. It never leaves Slack’s trust boundary and no third parties, including the model vendor, will have access to it. You can read more about how we’ve built Slack AI to be secure and private here: https://slack.engineering/how-we-built-slack-ai-to-be-secure-and-private/

Kagi and sealngx figured it out just fine. Turns out if your goal isn’t to show advertisements then it’s not that hard of a problem.

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If you try. Have you ever maintained any sort of large FOSS project? Have you ever run infra for FOSS? Even if you control your own DNS, you somehow became your own Domain Name Registrar, you bought the fiber all the way to your internet backbone provider, you are still compromising somewhere. For those of us that actually maintain and run foss projects it’s a massive pain in the ass. There’s nothing to “give up”. It’s all about using your personal resources wisely. I can’t spend time trying to get gitea up and running when I can quite easily use GitHub and lose absolutely zero functionality. And it’s not like any project I put on GitHub is somehow worse off than on gitea, they’ll function exactly the same since I only use MIT licensing.

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Because foss is usually not the easiest option. In fact it’s often quite difficult to maintain. So not only creating foss but then hosting your projects on foss is not tenable. Where does the line get drawn? OK you’re running forgejo. Are you running it on infrastructure that you control? You don’t control the DNS, you don’t control the ISP, you don’t control the fiber, you don’t control most of the stack. Putting something on GitHub is really inconsequential if you’re making your project open source since anyone can use it for anything anyway, so who controls the platform doesn’t matter in the slightest.

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Ads are aimed at you, not the people in the article

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Your comments can be public, but your data is yours. That’s the whole point of GDPR. Think of an art gallery. The gallery does not own the art a lot of the time, they simply show it. The art is owned by the artist. If they want to take it down they can. The same thing applies here. Your data, you get to choose what happens to it in the eyes of the law.

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Every time you call a product “malware” with absolutely no facts to back it up, you make yourself (and the movement) look idiotic. Please just stop.

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0 or 1. 2+ is incredibly bad for your neck and sleep. Or you just have paper thin very old pillows and you should replace them with a high quality pillow. I use a Coop brand pillow and it’s customizable to whatever thickness works best for you. Get a good pillow and use 1. Don’t use more.


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Jeep. All of them. Rickety. Not built well. Terrible gas mileage. Bad on highways. Bad on city streets. I literally got bruises on my butt on an off road trail in one of them. Just absolute shit cars.

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Install a pi.hole and you won’t have any patience for ads anymore either.

Didn’t another company just release this exact same type of tool a few weeks ago?

Edit: yes they did. https://methane-map.ghgsat.com/

Wonder if Google rushed this after they were beaten to market.

They said they know about that, but it’s ridiculous.


Agile was designed for contractors to deliver contract work. It’s a terrible design for any sort of sustainable business plan, hence “working software over comprehensive documentation”. That line right there causes the majority of outages you as a consumer encounter.

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I don’t think he was mentally ill! The judge thought he was because he wouldn’t stop claiming he was who he actually was. They literally put a dude in jail for claiming he was himself! Like what else is he supposed to do? Go steal someone else’s identity?

Influenza B and MRSA? I’m not sure I’m convinced… but yeah. A bit different than the last death.

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Thankfully some states in the US have made this illegal, like Colorado.

The same dude that was CEO of Alamo is now new head of the division that Sony is creating for this so we can only be hopeful…

The goal of the bill was to get something with teeth passed. Fighting every lobby at once would be impossible, so they leave those devices out of it and will now be able to work on different laws for those things. At least that’s what I read they’re doing for the John Deere stuff at least. The legislators know it’s going to be a difficult battle, so they segmented the law to make it so that a failure in one spot wouldn’t cause a loss everywhere.

Yeah. It’s well past my bedtime. I shouldn’t be online

Oh boy, you’re luckier than I. I’ve contributed to hundreds of oss software for over a decade and I’d say maybe 50% of PRs get merged, sometimes taking years. 50 is probably generous.

You’re not gonna believe it, but a large portion, if not all, of those fax machines simply use email on the backend. I’m not joking. You fax something to a phone number and it actually gets sent via email to the other end. Or, alternatively, companies will literally require faxing between each other and it’s literally just all email.