1 Post – 1893 Comments
Joined 10 months ago

Do they still make Kix?

In many cities in the US, not only is it illegal, they will charge you with DUI if you appear at all intoxicated, and the keys to the car were at all available to you. Available in this case can mean that you were in the back seat sleeping and the keys were in the front console, or one of the front seats. Don't even think about running your car to stay warm/cool.

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Capitalism doesn't even work in the US. Prices are kept high.

It's real, and it's totally based on the officer's gut feelings. Hell breathalyzers over analyze over 70% of the time. The entirety of the war on drugs and the tools to combat drunk driving are not entirely based in science

Liberals are just conservatives that haven't taken their mask off yet. We are progressives, and leftists, and I'm older than you think

We called that area Pennsyltucky

They aren't, but they are much more reliable than breathalyzer. Take the ride to the station or the hospital. A cab ride back to your car is cheaper than a DUI

Heck go completely green and remove the tobacco and replace with marijuana

Shame the assassin didn't have better aim. Kremlin supporters should be fearful for their lives.

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Next year. They are temporarily closed to expand the operation.

The Naughties?

There is absolutely no possible way I will become an oligarch.

TIL that France is uncivilized.

Not so fun fact: They aren't even paying attention to their book. The Bible mentions abortion exactly once in its pages. Numbers 5: 11-21 tells you how to perform a questionable and dangerous abortion. Their stupid book is technically pro choice on this issue.

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Considering that they didn't use the universal /s tag, I would take it at face value. It's a good comment.

He accidentally hit the suggested word "his" while trying to type the word "what," would be my guess.

The sentence should read: ...swear to what he saw....

AI is already doing enough to make things worse. LLMs don't need their own PAC

I have armored medical bee stickers. FAX pilot. All four.

I think my Samsung Galaxy S10 did it right. Glass back for the feel, attached to a removable and replaceable plastic back panel.

I didn't read it that way the first time, but yep. J. K. Simmons energy all over that comment.

Too early. Just spent a good 30 seconds trying to figure out what ick was an abbreviation for.

Your third sentence invalidates your second sentence. One cannot uphold the fat blue line without being a piece of shit criminal.

We use our words, not pubbie shit



Mittens was the "God Emperor" of Goonswarm. He was also a totally different person, though he is a lawyer.

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Not a tourist, but a girlfriend that grew up in Long Beach, and moved to the East Coast, stopped me dead on the street one day, and asked, "what in the world is THAT‽‽‽" I looked where she was looking and, seeing nothing out of the ordinary, said, "what is what?"

"The furry thing with the tail!"

"You mean the squirrel?"

"That's what they look like in real life‽‽‽"

I got passed a fake $100 as a pizza delivery driver one time. Some secret service agents came to my store a few days later, and asked me about where I got it. They took the information I had, and continued their investigation to get to the person that made the thing. It was easy to tell them where I got it. That was the only $100 bill I had been handed in weeks.

Rights have never been gained through peaceful protest. There has always had to be enough blood spilled to scare the ever living shit out of those in power for us to gain anything at all.

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True, but as the two positions there are (laughably) "pro-life," or "pro-choice," I was lumping it in with the latter.

The term homeless people puts the emphasis on homeless, and allows NIMBYs to forget that these people are, in fact, people.

The term "people experiencing homelessness," frames the situation much better. They are people who didn't make a choice to be homeless, they are just experiencing homelessness because the system has said that is ok for anyone to experience the warzone that is homelessness.

IB is a 4sq mile town that's next to San Diego, and Tijuana. Admittedly my house is almost twice your size, and cost $800,000. I'm also less than a mile from the ocean, so I can bike there with my surfboard, and less than a six hour train and taxi ride from several different climate types.

I loved my 1986 SAAb 900 SPG. I refuse to buy a SAAb that was made after GM bought them.

You made the best cars too. Shame it's so damn cold there much of the year. I have chosen to live in Imperial Beach, because I can't afford Hawaii, and IB has my definition of perfect weather. Never gets above 85°F/30°C never drops below 40°F/5°C. There's also frequently a steady breeze coming off the ocean. I don't need an air conditioner, an only use my space heater for a couple months overnight each year.

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And we only play half the game. Public Housing is supposed to be on Free Parking, the same way Just Visiting is on the Jail space. Once you're bankrupt you go to public housing until all but one player is there. Then you start the Prosperity portion of the game, and everyone wins. Just like communism done properly.

There was also a much less popular version of the game called Finance! Basically the same rules as Monopoly, but with a completely different skin on the board.

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Hit Mecca, Medina, and Haifa as well to really piss off all the Abrahamic religions.

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Drowsy Defunded Donny

Drowsy Defunded Donny

Hemp is a complete protein. Corn is not. Remember the gruel that Scrooge was eating? That's hempseed. Hemp can be used for food, clothing, shelter, paper, biofuel, and a fuckton of other uses.

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Ironically The War of Independence, The French and Indian War, and The War of 1812 were all fought, in part, over hemp production or taxes.

Not only does it do everything, it captures carbon better than any other plant. It's so effective at it, that one harvest of one acre of hemp removes almost 10 times the carbon that one acre of trees would capture. Thing is that hemp does that in 3 months allowing 4 harvests per year, while trees take 150 years on average to grow. It also stores 85% of that carbon in the roots of the plant, the "waste" part as far as we are concerned, so we could produce biofuel, paper, clothing, food, and housing from the stuff without harming the effectiveness of the carbon capture. All we would need to do is collect the roots, compress them into a density that will not float, and dump them into the Marianas Trench. That way that carbon will be trapped down there for a few hundred million years.