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Joined 11 months ago

Hello! Some info about me is up on my website: https://wreckedcarzz.com

Just gotta push it, push it real good

It's almost like it was a debate, and not a clown show

Just grab em by the... oh my

I was sitting here like "I didn't know Italy was part of the US" because the title sucks ass, so here's the bit you are looking for

sent wire transfers through US financial institutions to pay North Korea

Using YouTube? Absolutely proprietary.

Man, did you pick the wrong road to chill on...

Fart on me da- nope, nope, I can't

I was going to write a long series of events that grew in oddity and hilariousness until we all died a gruesome death, but that's a lot of effort, so I'll just put this here.

Hey now let's not kinkshame the scat enthusiasts...

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there is just one

Well it's cloudflare, not cloudsflare. Maybe overcasthosting, or sunblockservers...


Ooh, my favorite

"send nodes"

last 20 years


Oh boy, guy is over here outing himself in broad daylight...

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The bastards that control the hdmi standard: yeah!

Roku: 💰

Bastards: actually no

Imagine only having one copy of the system so when a situation like this occurs, you lack the ability to automatically switch to a working one, re-download and retry, without danger of this occurring.

This was fixed a decade ago with Android. They could have literally taken the source code from aosp and added it, or at least converted it (if in different programming language), and never had this issue. It would cost $0 and minimal time. But no. That won't ever happen. It's built ford tough.

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I don't care how

grabs your phone, throws it on the ground and blasts it with a shotgun

There you go! =)

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Awww, poor little YouTube/Google/Alphabet, helpless and basically living on the streets, barely able to make ends meet.

literally laughs my fucking ass off

If it is so dire for the poor conglomerate, it could shutdown YouTube to cut costs.


That's what I thought.

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Thank you for offering up the funds so this person can purchase a new car. Truly the best people like you.


If the sarcasm didn't stick: you're a fucking dumbass.

Tl;dr obvious issues already addressed in testing patch, wanted to get game out on stated release date to let players enjoy it regardless

I just got in bed after playing for 12h straight, and it has some minor issues, but I don't regret my purchase at all.

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That's why I only fill my bookshelf with bad dragon toys

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Well considering that I'm a "millennial" and literally not a single person I know has ever visited, requested, or mentioned Red Lobster as a restaurant choice... they might have deeper trouble than some shitty shrimp. Can't run a business forever when your largest potential market is 65+...

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"Facebook is dead mom. You're the last boomer left so they closed up shop. Sorry."

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Might I direct you to the huge flaming catastrophe of bullshit known as "the police don't give a fuck lol". All they need to do is make it difficult, costly and time consuming to win and fuck you once you get hit with charges. And would you look at that, the US legal system specializes in all 3 of those! How convenient.

I don't care what distro

ChromeOS it is!

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And shareholders were originally happy with their profits

"has a link"

doesn't link to it for others to bypass the awful website



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RedReader gets a barely-glance in a single sentence. A single dev (and with users providing PRs) has one of the best, and most unknown, apps for over a decade now. Really? QuantumBadger also put up quite a fight in favor of other developers, was openly critical about the changes and the handling of the situation, and was smart enough to record calls to prove that what reddit was saying was 180 from what they were doing. And all this could be gleaned from 15 minutes on their subreddit. Cmon, if you're going to do 'investigative journalism', investigate each equally, fucks sake.

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Lmfao Applebee's isn't classy at all, it's like a step above Denny's. Nobody with money is like 'you know what I want tonight? some shitty microwaved food in a 90s setting where the service is meh and the cost is 3x what it's actually worth'. People who think it's high-class, are not actually high-income. Maybe to the social media influences, not people with real jobs.

Or has the joint turned itself around massively in the last decade?

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I do love me some femboys (and twinks) but sure as fuck not enough to become a slave to the country I was born in because of arbitrary lines that deem "you belong to here" because "your parents fucked here" and thus "you should feel an equally-arbitrary sense of pride and drive to become one of many brainwashed individuals who we supply with weapons and ammunition to send to places and do our bidding".

Or more simply, "I'll happily suck cock, just not the government's".

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I'd totally rock a minivan with all options checked. Captain's chairs? 12 speaker audio system? Wireless Android Auto support? Double sunroof? Towing package? The plug-in hybrid powertrain with the eco i4 turbo? 8-way power seats with lumbar and massage? Rear seating entertainment with 4 screens (of course I got the 3-row seating)? Power doors and hatch? Integrated vacuum? Fuck yeah, give it to me. All of it.

Then when the teenagers roll up in daddy's Camaro, I disable eco mode, engage AWD, crank the turbo psi with my Cobb AccessPort, and when we are in 4th gear I fire the nitrous hidden under the second row. Badass do-it-all sleeper minivan.

Oh and the stick figure family? All lies. Say hello to the polyamourous gay relationship, and our dog Spot. No white-picket fence American dream here. See you at Costco, loser. 😎

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released 10 weeks ago

Linux kernel any%

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Yes, I complain about both.

Next stupid question.

lights molotov cocktail


"are we not going to do that, or....? asking for a friend, of course"

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What about men that want to hear men moan? 🥺

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Mmmmm, yeah, I'm going to need you to come in on Sunday, too... we kinda lost some people and we need to do a little catch-up also fine the bitches that handle the political bullshit, too, thaaaanks.

Like 4 years ago I started replying to these (political) unwanted messages with pretty hardcore yiff. The replies I get are great, and I don't think I've had the same campaign try twice since, but I'd rather just not see the shit at all. Add a 0 or three to that figure.

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I stopped dating normies after my first... unofficial? boyfriend. (we never called it dating but we cuddled, fucked, and cried like hell when we found out his family was moving away)

Immediately stop pretending to be normal. Dating pic? Your fursona. Your kinks? Of course, knots are a given. Future dating plans? You need a barq account. Your response to an unexpected lewd statement? "oh murr". You were made for this. Accent it, embrace it.

Seriously when I limited the dating pool to furries, the quality of the applicants skyrocketed. Being yourself, unabashed (release your inhibitions 🎶 FEEL THE RAIN ON YOUR SKIN FUR 🎶) is fucking phenomenal. Currently I'm a pet to the sweetest dragon there is, and by extension his boyfriend, but the dragon is normally a subby boy, and before this all my partners were switches that were actually subs, so my experience is as a dommy top. It was his idea to be my Master, and it's super fun to experience; and we've known each other for 15+ years, so expectations are clear with everything from the get-go, so there's no awkwardness, the cards are on the table. He craves being vored, I need orgasm denial, our kink lists are largely incompatable, but we are making it work and enjoying it. (... and fuck it, if this awoke something in you, I am an open pet, so...)

I've been a fur now for 20 years, and I implemented this policy in... 2007? Fuck the haters (no no not like that) and just be yourself, always.

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Lmfao the parenthesized text makes this absolute gold

Stop, stop. I can only get so erect.

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