Angry Republican hangs anti-IVF posters outside congressional office to politics – 161 points –
Angry Republican hangs anti-IVF posters outside congressional office - LGBTQ Nation

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To some extent I guess I can understand the anti-abortion stance, but an anti-IVF stance along with it is wild. It's adding people. You're literally proclaiming an anti-life stance while you claim to be pro-life.

It makes sense if you see their views as being about controlling women rather than being pro-life. The common thread of conservatism is removing agency and power from everyone but themselves.

Exactly. Conservatives are the “us” that the law protects but does not restrict, and everyone else is “them” who the law restricts but does not protect.

They've backed themselves into an ideological corner.

For years the right has campaigned against abortion on the premise that "life begins at conception". Because of this stance IVF puts them into a tricky situation: continue to maintain their extreme view that life begins at conception and oppose IVF, or accept IVF and concede that life doesn't begin at conception.

If they accept IVF then that undermines their entire argument against abortion, which is obviously not a choice you make if your goal is to make all abortions illegal. So conservstives take the ridiculous stance that IVF embryos are babies, and since some embryos are lost during the IVF process, IVF must be murder.

I wonder how they reconcile that with eggs that get fertilized naturally through sex yet don’t implant on the uterine wall? Wouldn’t that also be murder according to their definition?

Honestly I think they're just to pretend like that doesn't exist. I would be interested to hear their stance on it though.

There isn't a lot of self consistency with the conservative logic around abortion. Abortion is murder to them, but they drive by abortion clinics every day and do nothing. You'd think a building dedicated to murdering children would demand a stronger response.

Abortion is murder, but it's okay to murder the child if it wasn't conceived under the right conditions.

Abortion is murder, but we can leave it up to the states to decide when it's murder and when it's okay.

Just a lot of mental gymnastics.

They're upset about all the unused embryos that the IVF process usually creates.

Someone should sit em down & teach em about how inefficient sex is at it too... but then again that'd require them to listen/learn.

Someone should tell them that Muslims are happy to use IVF and Catholics that oppose it mean less Christian kids. See how quickly they make a 180 on that!

Same thing with people who are 2a obsessed and claim to be pro life at the same time. Ya can’t have fantasies about killing somebody and then turn around and claim you are worried about the sanctity of life.