3 Post – 125 Comments
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One of my links shows AOC has opposed the genocide of Palestinians since 2021. How far back do we need to go?

It's pretty apparent you have no evidence to support any of your claims and are trying to move your own goal posts.

At this point you're just spreading misinformation and poorly trying to push some kind of weird narrative.

Have a good day.

Why do you think that is?

My opinion and all the evidence I've seen is that It's because AOC wasn't vulnerable.

Polls from March show Bowman was already in trouble as far back as March. Bowman's campaign (the Upswing research poll) showed Latimer and Bowman were essentially tied. That's bad for an incumbant. The AIPAC poll from the Melman group around the same time showed an overwhelming preference for Latimer over Bowman. That's when the AIPAC started pouring money in to the campaign to exploit that weakness.

The AIPAC research showed Bowman was vulnerable, similar to why the AIPAC is spending big to replace Cori Bush but they are essentially leaving Ilhan Omar (so far).

The AIPAC analysts are highly skilled at collecting and analyzing data. This allows them to know how and where to spend their money to get the maximum return on their investment. They aren't going to waste money trying to defeat a candidate like AOC who is still largely popular with their constituents.

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Why didn't the AIPAC spend $15 million to buy AOCs seat as well if that's all there is to it?

I think something you may not be taking into account is that Bowman's district was redrawn since he first got elected, drastically changing his constituency:

The congressional district’s boundaries have shifted since Bowman first won office in 2020, losing most of its sections in the Bronx and adding more of Westchester County’s suburbs. Today, 21% of its voting-age population is Black and 42% is non-Hispanic white, according to U.S. Census figures, compared to 30% Black and 34% white in the district as it existed through 2022. Bowman is Black. Latimer is white.

This change made him particularly susceptible to a primary challenge, regardless of PAC spending.

This article shows the AIPAC has contributed almost $900 thousand to Wesley Bell's campaign as of April 30th. This isn't total spending in the race, just direct campaign contributions. Still less than they contributed to the Latimer's campaign for sure, but not insignificant. We're still almost 6 weeks until the Missouri primary election which is when the spending usually ramps up. To do an apples to apples comparison at this point in time would take more time than I care to invest but I'd love to see the results if you want to do it. Regardless of the exact figures, it's clear the AIPAC is targeting only specific progressive Democratic candidates, and it seems to me the reason they're doing so is because the candidates are already politically vulnerable.

Also Latimer beat Bowman by nearly 17% per NBC news.

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I know it's hard to provide a source for a negative, but do you have any showing she is friendly to Israel and the AIPAC?

These suggest she is harshly critical of Israel, the AIPAC, and the invasion of Gaza: CNN, March 2024

NY Times, September 2021 This article shows a history of being critical of supporting Israel

Times of Israel, November 2023 This is a biased source, but it contains the tweets where AOC directly condemned the AIPAC

NY Times, November 2023 MSNBC, June 2024

The last article seems to be about the "Zionist lobbyist on her live-stream", where AOC said:

Criticism of the Israeli government is not inherently antisemitic and criticism of zionism is not automatically antisemitic. That being true does not mean that we should not recognize criticism and when that criticism crosses a line into real harms against our Jewish community.

Do you have the quote where she said "criticism is Israel is antisemitism"?

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I respect sticking to his principles, but sometimes in politics you have to do something you find distasteful for the greater good.

We have no idea what would have happened had Bowman kept his head down about Israel, but we do know that speaking out against the invasion of Gaza and calling for a ceasefire didn't really move the needle on actually achieving a ceasefire. It did make him unpopular with his constituents and made him vulnerable to a primary challenger.

Now Bowman is probably going to lose his seat in congress and there's one less progressive voice and vote in congress.

I don't know what the full outcome of this will be, but sometimes doing the right thing causes more harm than good in the very morally gray area of politics.

To be fair it's a pretty terrible dataset. The AI is just going to say "this" to every question you ask

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This is really unfortunate. Bowman had a choice between doing what he thought was right and oppose Israel's invasion of Gaza or keep his head down and probably get reelected.

I feel this is a great example of the Overton window in action, and AOC easily winning her primary shows how broadly the window can vary even in adjacent districts.

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Writ of mandamus from Wikipedia

A writ of mandamus (/mænˈdeɪməs/; lit. ''we command'') is a judicial remedy in the English and American common law system consisting of a court order that commands a government official or entity to perform an act it is legally required to perform as part of its official duties, or to refrain from performing an act the law forbids it from doing. Writs of mandamus are usually used in situations where a government official has failed to act as legally required or has taken a legally prohibited action.[1] They cannot be issued to compel an authority to do something against the law. For example, it cannot be used to force a lower court to take a specific action on applications that have been made, but if the court refuses to rule one way or the other then a mandamus can be used to order the court to rule on the applications.

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I don't know why Biden would cause so much inflation in Canada, England, France, Germany, and just about every other country on earth, but he did. What a dick.

Obama is also at least 10% to blame. Vote Trump 2024 to teach the Dems a lesson.

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Pretty much every Trump debate has been like this. This one was actually an improvement from 2020 and 2016 because his microphone was turned off so he wasn't able to just yell over the other person and constantly interrupt.

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Biden's sanctions on solar panels from China has resulted in protected monopolies jacking up costs.

This claim is not supported by the article in any fashion.

Summary from the article:

Clean Energy Associates released a summary of the seven solar module trade policies and solar panel import tariffs currently in place, including AD/CVD rulings, Section 201/302, and the Uyghur Protection Act. These tariffs have significantly increased, or will increase, the cost of hardware imports into the United states – predominantly from China, but not exclusively – by 91% to 286%

The article addresses how the tariffs are expected to increase the prices of solar panels imported from various countries.

This seems like yet another blatant misrepresentation of facts as part of OPs aggressive voter suppression campaign to make Joe Biden look bad in order to help Donald Trump get elected.

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Every thing you google is just going to direct you to a link to let me google that for you

Newsome would have to resign as Governor and I'm not sure he wants to do that for a long shot presidential campaign.

Newsome polls very poorly against Trump and he also isn't very popular in his home state as Governor.

I don't think this is a fascist power grab. Benny Gantz is a centrist and a one of the main opposition leaders to Netanyahu.

This part is pretty well documented and agreed upon by political experts:

He's been loudly advocating for a "day after plan" for the War in Gaza, i.e. what is the actual plan for Israels invasion and what are we going to do when it's done? The day after plan is something Netanyahu has refused to provide. Many speculate that he hasn't provided it because his plan is full occupation of Gaza and making it fully part of the Israeli state.

This part is conjecture and maybe wishful thinking on my part:

Netanyahu refuses to end the war so that he can stay in power. I think that Gantz recognizes the great international harm that the invasion of Gaza has done to Israel, which will only get worse until the invasion is over and Israel withdraws from Gaza. Gantz sees this as an opportunity make himself prime minister, end the invasion, and start some sort of peace process. This would allow him to start rebuilding Israels reputation and finding ways to establish a more stable peace.

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It's amazing that Putin has managed to transform Russia from one of the worlds most powerful countries into a vassal state to China in such a short time.

I like to imagine this was thought up by some ambitious product manager who enthusiastically pitched this idea during their first week on the job.

Then they carefully and meticulously implemented their plan over 3 years, always promising the executives it would be a huge pay off. Then the product manager saw the writing on the wall that this project was gonna fail. Then they bailed while they could and got a better position at a different company.

The new product manager overseeing this project didn't care about it at all. New PM said fuck it and shipped the exploit before it was ready so the team could focus their work on a new project that would make new PM look good.

The new project will be ready in just 6-12 months, and it is totally going to disrupt the industry!

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Some more context from a BBC article

But Yair Lapid, one of Israel's most influential opposition politicians, was quick to offer his backing to the embattled prime minister. His Yesh Atid (There is a future) party hold 24 seats. He said the prime minister "has our safety net for a hostage deal if Ben-Gvir and Smotrich leave the government".

Lol, yeah I'm going to organize an armed rebellion against a country that can shoot me in the chest with a fucking rocket covered in swords from the other side of the world while I'm chilling on my deck with my family.

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If they're not a voter suppressionist trying to get Trump elected they're doing a great pretending to be one.

Eventually everyone has to go full Battlestar Galactica

Excellent. Which 3rd party candidate do you expect will appeal to about 50% of voters in enough states to get 270 electoral college votes?

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You seem to be JAQing off here, but your straw man is pretty weak.

Let's say instead the abused woman is safely away from her husband and he can't harm her any more. Then she illegally obtains a firearm, drives 2 hours to the husband's place of work, starts a fight with him, and when he starts to get violent with her she the shoots him.

Do you think this woman is justified in the shooting?

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Which Trump policy's do you expect to cause deflation significant enough to reduce your grocery bill?

Which Trump policy's do you expect to reduce your dependcy on owning a car so that you won't be at the mercy of oil companies, car manufacturers, and insurance companies in order to survive?

I think the major difference is now everyone can get their tailor made brand of misinformation based on their own biases.

For example Cambridge Analytica had about 200 personality profiles that they used for targeted disinformation during the 2016 political campaign. So before people spreading misinformation had one or two stories to try and convince everyone. Now they know just about everything about you and can bombard you with misinformation until they find something that sticks.

I got you

From [Wikipedia] ('_prison) about debtors prison:

In 1963, members of the Council of Europe, an intergovernmental human rights organization based in Strasbourg, adopted the Protocol No. 4 to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. Article 1 of the protocol states that "no one shall be deprived of his liberty merely on the ground of inability to fulfil a contractual obligation." Currently, 42 states have ratified the protocol.[74]

Article about cash bail reform

I'm not sure if either of these apply to international flight risks.

Maybe a better option would be to seize British passports and place offenders on a no fly list.

Several desperate Gazans intercepted trucks delivering aid from the pier over the weekend, leading the UN to suspend the delivery operations until the logistical challenges are resolved.

41% is the number of executives that think AI will reduce their work force, not the number of jobs they expect to replace.

Your point stands though.

Is this some kind of weird market research?

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They've backed themselves into an ideological corner.

For years the right has campaigned against abortion on the premise that "life begins at conception". Because of this stance IVF puts them into a tricky situation: continue to maintain their extreme view that life begins at conception and oppose IVF, or accept IVF and concede that life doesn't begin at conception.

If they accept IVF then that undermines their entire argument against abortion, which is obviously not a choice you make if your goal is to make all abortions illegal. So conservstives take the ridiculous stance that IVF embryos are babies, and since some embryos are lost during the IVF process, IVF must be murder.

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I think this is a sarcastic post so I'm going to up vote it.

It does however seem like something a tankie would believe without questioning and then spread like gospel, so I'm conflicted.

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I really love the abortion is murder argument. It makes absolutely no logical sense to me.

You think an abortion is murdering a child. But instead of storming the place where they murder child and stopping the murder you just post shitty memes on Facebook.

Abortion is murder, but let's leave it up to the states to decide if and when you can murder a child.

There are a lot of ridiculous stances out there, but this is definitely one of the most bizarre to me.

I don't want to come across as supporting the NYT, but this sounds like the memo is a style guide against biased language which is pretty common.

News is supposed to give you information, not persuade you to take an opinion and normally a style guide helps do that in a consistent voice. I'd be interested in seeing the entire memo.

That being said it seems like the NYT does a poor job of following its own guidelines in presenting unbiased news.

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Since a lot of people seem to be jumping to extreme conclusions about this based on specious assumptions, here's how the process works according to the article:

Magrathea — named after a planet in the hit novel The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy — buys waste brines, often from desalination plants, and allows the water to evaporate, leaving behind magnesium chloride salts. Next, it passes an electrical current through the salts to separate them from the molten magnesium, which is then cast into ingots or machine components.

A wise person once told me don't commit misdemeanors while you're committing felonies.

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I'm not sure about what's off screen, but everything that I can see is defined at n=0

You genocide lovers just can't get enough genocide. The invasion in Gaza isn't enough for you, you guys just have to get Trump into the Oval office so you guys can really ramp things up.

Your EV experience was significantly different from mine.

I recently did a 5 day trip from London to Scotland in a non-Tesla ev and we frequently had trouble with charging. Finding charging stations that worked was a challenge, they were often offline or just wouldn't charge our car for some reason, or were the slowest chargers that took hours.

We were pretty caution with our range so it usually wasn't a problem to find another one within 20 minutes or so, but it was definitely a little stress inducing and was pretty painful overall.

A bonus is that we stayed a little longer in places we wouldn't have while the car charged and saw some neat things.

I'm not sure how this is gas lighting.

Here's the Wikipedia article so we can make sure we're using the same vocabulary.

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I thinking Bowman might have missed the Overton window in his district:

Bowman’s troubles started last fall, when he began speaking out in the days after Oct. 7 as one of Congress’s leading critics of Israel’s war with Hamas. His stand — for a cease-fire and against American military aid — galvanized younger Democrats and the party’s left flank. But in a heavily Jewish district, it also helped foment a backlash that led Jewish leaders to recruit a formidable primary challenger, George Latimer; prompted a pro-Israel lobby to pump a record-shattering $15 million into the race; and eventually lit a match under old tensions over race, class and ideology.


Link to donate to Bowman's campaign

Edit: After thinking about this some more I feel like this is a great example of what makes being a politician so hard and why sometimes taking the stand on right side of history can make things worse.

Bowman obviously wants to do the right thing and end the Gaza invasion, so he spoke out publicly against it. He doesn't seem to understand his constituency though, and as a result there's a good chance he's going to lose his seat at the table.

Unfortunately his speaking out publucly doesn't really seem to have moved the needle towards improving the situation in Gaza.

So by speaking out without understanding his constituents he might be losing his seat, we citizens of the United States are potentially losing one vote for progressive issues, we're potentially gaining a vote for aggressive pro-Isreali causes, and the invasion of Gaza rolls on without even noticing.

So was Bowman's sacrifice worth it? I guess we'll see in November.