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Joined 12 months ago

Do NOT use battery electric busses when you could use trolleybusses. Or even better, just use trams

That being said, anything is better than diesel busses

I want my fucking foreskin back

Doom music starts playing

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Never trust a default username

[adjective] [noun] [3-4 digits] is always a sign of bad news, on social media and Xbox Live

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Next step for Republicans: Ban sterilization. I mean plenty of doctors already refuse to agree for a patient to have a vasectomy/get their tubes tied, especially young (and white) patients, because of shitty personal beliefs. Why not go a step further? These working class heathens need to be forced to stay in line.

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Yeah this isn't Reddit but more than 80% (>4/5) of Twitter is bots. It's to the point where you can find any blue checkmark account, reply to them with a prompt, and more likely than not they'll have a wacky and clearly autogenerated response. Sometimes they just reply things like "sorry, I can't generate content that depicts violence" to random posts too.

Dead internet theory is almost a reality and I hate it. It's already happened to Google search results / blogs.

I, too, only do monetary transfers by the tenth-penny

English phonology, American English dialects' (and other dialects') /r/ is usually pronounced retracted, post-alveolar/pre-palatal (usually bunched/molar), transcribed something like [ɹ̠ᶹ], so it causes alveolar consonants in the same cluster to retract/palatalize, usually into a post-alveolar affricate ([d͡ʒ] – the "j" sound for voiced stop /d/, [t͡ʃ] – the "ch" sound for voiceless stop /t/, [ʃ] – the "sh" sound for voiceless fricative /s/). The term would be assimilation (of place of articulation).

"Dragon" /dræ.gən/ -> [dɹ̠æ.ɡɪ̈n] -> [d̠ʒɹ̠æ.ɡ(ɪ̈)n]

You can see the same thing with words like "tree" /tri/ -> [t̠ʃɹ̠i] or even "street" /strit/ -> [ʃt̠ɹ̠it]

Would explain simpler but can't, break ends now, just know its because consonant pronounced in different place in mouth is conforming to being pronounced in the same place in mouth as other consonant that is right beside it (like with "in-" vs "im-", "impractical", which notably isn't "inpractical", or "incandescent" which notably isn't "imcandascent", or "indecisive" etc. etc.)

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trusting leftists to do whats right

i can't trust leftists because leftists are stupid. look how they lost italy, the leftists splintered and refused to work together because of petty shit which allowed the right including literal fascists to take over the government. this is the same type of dumb stuff that happens everywhere with leftists, because of their "holier than thou" attitude.

i will not leave the election's outcome in the leftists' hands because they always fuck it up when that's the case. they always refuse to cooperate with the enemies of their enemy because they don't see them as left enough, despite it being the only option to not have their long-term goals permanently blocked off, and the country always devolves into diet fascism afterwards. it has lost us many nations throughout history, so no thanks.

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Louisiana and Mississippi, no doubt. Florida is just shit, it has no redeeming qualities and everything is expensive, so that's pretty bad too

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Finland, Switzerland, Austria, and Greece. These are the European countries with conscription. On paper, Norway and Sweden have conscription, but in all actuality there's basically no way you get conscripted involuntarily.

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Solodarity strikes are illegal in the US, the UK, Australia, and the Netherlands

Truman vetoed it and railed against it hard, but of course a corrupt and fiercly communist-paranoid congress overrode his veto.

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It's especially common among people with Autism/ASD and ADHD to hear noises other people often don't hear. Like those LED light bars, or coffee pot crackling, or electricity from appliances. For ADHD I've seen a few people claim that those sounds are just as audible for everyone else, but everybody just subconsciously filters it out and doesn't notice it, while people with ADHD are easily caught by it. I assume for ASD it would be somewhat similar – plus Autistic people are a lot more susceptible to sensory issues, although people with ADHD also often have fucked up senses, which can make noises like that a LOT more noticeable (and even problematic/headache-inducing/stressful/painful).

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"If I found out a woman I dated was trans i'd probably kill her"

What the fuck is wrong with you? People like you need to be put in a mental asylum. You are not fit to be in society and your mental instability is a threat to the public. Your kind are the type that shoot up a mall when your crush rejects you.

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What made me and I imagine a large chunk of other people convert to revanced/similar apps is the super aggressive advertising, it's impossible to use youtube when you get a double ad before and after every 5 second video and get 30 second midrolls every like 3 minutes. You can't skip through a video to find the part you want to see because you'll just get an ad. It's extremely infuriating and time-consuming, it used to be where I was willing to deal with it but they fucked it up. Now I can never go back to ad-riddled YouTube, even if it has a "reasonable" amount of advertising (I am now in the belief that no amount of advertising is reasonable anymore though).

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There are a lot of things illegal in Ukraine that are weird. One is dual citizenship; I guess it was specifically targetting Russia, to make it so you can't be a Ukrainian citizen if you're a Russian citizen, which makes sense. But it's been making matters complicated for Ukraine (especially recently with all the Ukrainian refugees in Europe who may have children with EU citizens or gain EU citizenship)

I have an Italian friend who has Ukrainian citizenship from their mother, right now they (and their mother) technically hold citizenship illegally according to Ukrainian law. They had been spending a lot of time trying to sort that stuff out with the Ukrainian embassy until the latest invasion started (the embassies became a bit occupied with more urgent matters)

Argentinian leaders use nationalism as a distraction for their economic woes – it's why the Falkland war started in the first place, the president wanted something to make citizens focus on other than the declining state of the country, and grabbing some land from a greater power to get a bunch of glory seemed like a great option, especially considering they didn't think the UK would actually retaliate or even care. The reason they went for it is they thought the British didn't give a damn about the Falklands, seeing as how they constantly denied giving the island economic support. Oh boy, were they wrong.

Because of the war, Argentinians now see not having the Falkland islands as a detriment to their national pride, they think it's soveirgn Argentinian territory... even though everyone living on the island has always been and still is almost entirely Anglo-Franco-descendent, and not once did Argentina actually have claim to the islands until recently in history...

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Lmao no they ain't. You ever seen Marjorie Taylor Greene? I'm pretty sure she's so vehemently anti-trans because people always mistake her for being trans, and that pisses her off. She doesn't even look trans, she looks far far more like a man than any MTF could even if they tried, she's just... a hairless gorilla.

I'm not even trying to body shame, I'm just saying she is definitely not aligned with societal standards for how women should look (not even close), and that's something I see with a large amount of conservative women. There's this one popular-with-conservatives woman on Twitter who's name I forgot who just goes around saying how women should be in the kitchen and how we should genocide fat women, and it's so clearly because she's annorexic and extremely conventionally unattractive so she feels the only way to appease to men and seem attractive to them is to give up her dignity + shame others for not having the only "good" quality she sees in herself (being skinny). It's kind of sad but this is probably the most common shtick you see with popular conservative women.

Seeing one person or even a few people that have a certain quality that are from a certain group doesn't mean every person from that group has that quality. There's a lot of ugly Republicans and a few attractive ones.

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I'm not sure what you mean by "the Liberals" but I'm not referring to pre-WW2. I'm referring to right now. The current state of Italy. The one where leftists had the government, and then completely screwed up in the face of a rising right-wing threat because they decided they don't agree with some of the things the other leftists were doing.

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lol with how the last few centuries of politics have turned out imagine unironically still being a rightie in 2024, that's pretty embarrassing

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There is a massive difference between never existing and taking existence away from someone that already has it

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Ah, so if my kid gets made fun of for having odd-brand shoes, or harassed by a friend group for not banging one of the guys in it, that's not bullying. I see, you've solved all my parental challenges

HDDs are your best option for long-term storage. Every storage mechanism fails eventually but HDDs are convenient, last long, and have excellent data recovery.


as if those are mutually exclusive things to have lol

Wow, that's so much! That's like if I got fined $0.20 for that, since this is like 1/23,000 of their net worth...

The US doesn't have dissolution of congress, no

Yeah part of it is the fact that ADHD meds are severely over-restricted, but also ADHD med manufacturers & patent holders are just pieces of shit

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to be ""fair"" i'm pretty sure most (first world) countries actually don't restrict sex between first cousins. or same-sex incest for that matter. could be misremembering though

what is extremely sickening about it is the age the bill wants which makes it not at all comparable to most other countries (well except like France until recently maybe)

i mean it's still pretty incestuous so trying to separate it from other forms of incest as if it's so much different doesn't make much sense

edit: here's a map

lmao i like italy's stance. "yea bro u can fuck ur dad if the news doesn't find out"

Not gonna be active on Discord tonight. I'm meeting a girl (a real one) in half an hour (wouldn't expect a lot of you to understand anyway) so please don't DM me asking me where I am (im with the girl, ok) you'll most likely get aired because ill be with the girl (again I don't expect you to understand) shes actually really interested in me and its not a situation i can pass up for some meaningless Discord degenerates (because ill be meeting a girl, not that you really are going to understand) this is my life now. Meeting women and not wasting my precious time online, I have to move on from such simple things and branch out (you wouldnt understand) @everyone

In this context it's heavily implied "built" is used as "engineered/designed", in the same way I "build" a shitty engine for an app

west virginia, mississippi, alabama, and louisiana are completely irredeemable, there is no reason to live there. probably idaho and now florida and texas too

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Man Biden is really trying to lose the upcoming election isn't he. A year ago I would not have predicted that he would fuck up such an easy reelection this badly, but here we are. Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory I guess.

Apparently Biden has always been this shitty when it comes to Palestine. Some things children just never grow out of it seems.

man your bones must be turning into dust. shouldn't you be chatting with your friends at the retirement home by now instead of being on lemmy, grandpa? smh geezers

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Well yeah, the problem is a large portion of tradesmen are often misguided or just wrong on like every topic in the first place. My experience with welders and specific types of electricians, for example, is mostly filled with extremely misogynist people who take pride in ignorance. They aren't very reliable for opinions on education or even common sense. Of course, this doesn't apply to all tradesmen by any means, but those who aren't like this are likely to get strongarmed into acting the same or just get bullied out of the field. Like these are professions where employers will decide to not hire you based on the vehicle you drive, you have to conform to this "culture" of theirs in order to be taken seriously.

Something which doesn't really apply to "lower" skill welders, but I've heard from some "higher" skill (pipe/aerospace) welders, is complaints about not being able to do basic arithmetic&algebra or understand trigonometry... I'm not ripping on them, but they've seemingly had a lot of annoying situations and wasted a lot of time because they don't know multiplication well, and don't understand the logic behind the mathematics that they frequently encounter in their job. Sure, a lot of times the mathematics in trades can just be measuring and reading schematics and nothing else, but some work needs that kind of education and most tradesmen just seem to not have it.

Other types of education involved with communication, psychology, sociology, etc. can be extremely important for these professions, even if they don't affect the manual labour itself. A job is usually a lot more than just doing the work you were tasked to do, you have to actually discuss with people, and a lot of tradesmen completely lack skills in that department to the point it frequently causes issues...

I would like to clarify that Chaucer is Late Middle English, and English standards were in large part based on his writing, so his writing is generally understandable for most English readers. Early & Middle Middle English, though, not so much... Here's a poem written at the start of the Early Middle English period by a very conservative writer, showing a transition betwen Old English and Early Middle English, called Durham (written in the early 12th century):

Is ðeos burch breome geond Breotenrice, steppa gestaðolad, stanas ymbutan wundrum gewæxen. Weor ymbeornad, ea yðum stronge, and ðer inne wunað feola fisca kyn on floda gemonge. And ðær gewexen is wudafæstern micel; wuniad in ðem wycum wilda deor monige, in deope dalum deora ungerim. Is in ðere byri eac bearnum gecyðed ðe arfesta eadig Cudberch and ðes clene cyninges heafud, Osuualdes, Engle leo, and Aidan biscop, Eadberch and Eadfrið, æðele geferes. Is ðer inne midd heom Æðelwold biscop and breoma bocera Beda, and Boisil abbot, ðe clene Cudberte on gecheðe lerde lustum, and he his lara wel genom. Eardiæð æt ðem eadige in in ðem minstre unarimeda reliquia, ðær monia wundrum gewurðað, ðes ðe writ seggeð, midd ðene drihnes wer domes bideð.

Here's part of the opening of Layamon's Brut, from around 1200 CE (notice the simplified grammar / less inflection, and more familiar spelling):

An preost wes on leoden; Laȝamon wes ihoten. he wes Leouenaðes sone; liðe him beo Drihten. He wonede at Ernleȝe; at æðelen are chirechen. vppen Seuarne staþe; sel þar him þuhte. on-fest Radestone; þer he bock radde. Hit com him on mode; & on his mern þonke. þet he wolde of Engle; þa æðelæn tellen. wat heo ihoten weoren; & wonene heo comen. þa Englene londe; ærest ahten. æfter þan flode; þe from Drihtene com. þe al her a-quelde; quic þat he funde. buten Noe.& Sem; Iaphet & Cham. & heore four wiues; þe mid heom weren on archen. Laȝamon gon liðen; wide ȝond þas leode. & bi-won þa æðela boc; þa he to bisne nom. He nom þa Englisca boc; þa makede Seint Beda. An-oþer he nom on Latin; þe makede Seinte Albin. & þe feire Austin; pe fulluht broute hider in. Boc he nom þe þridde; leide þer amidden. þa makede a Frenchis clerc; Wace wes ihoten; þe wel couþe writen. & he hoe ȝef þare æðelen; Ælienor þe wes Henries quene; þes heȝes kinges. Laȝamon leide þeos boc; & þa leaf wende. he heom leofliche bi-heold. liþe him beo Drihten. Feþeren he nom mid fingren; & fiede on boc-felle. & þa soþere word; sette to-gadere. & þa þre boc; þrumde to are. Nu bidde[ð] Laȝamon alcne æðele mon; for þene almiten Godd. þet þeos boc rede; & leornia þeos runan. þat he þeos soðfeste word; segge to-sumne.

Here's part of The Owl and the Nightingale, 12th or 13th century:

ICH was in one sumere dale, in one suþe diȝele hale, iherde ich holde grete tale an hule and one niȝtingale. Þat plait was stif & starc & strong, sum wile softe & lud among; an aiþer aȝen oþer sval, & let þat [vue]le mod ut al. & eiþer seide of oþeres custe þat alre-worste þat hi wuste: & hure & hure of oþere[s] songe hi holde plaiding suþe stronge. Þe niȝtingale bigon þe speche, in one hurne of one breche, & sat up one vaire boȝe, - þar were abute blosme inoȝe,- in ore waste þicke hegge imeind mid spire & grene segge. Ho was þe gladur uor þe rise, & song auele cunne wise: [b]et þuȝte þe dreim þat he were of harpe & pipe þan he nere: bet þuȝte þat he were ishote of harpe & pipe þan of þrote. [Þ]o stod on old stoc þar biside, þar þo vle song hire tide, & was mid iui al bigrowe; hit was þare hule earding-stowe. [Þ]e niȝtingale hi iseȝ, & hi bihold & ouerseȝ, & þuȝte wel [vu]l of þare hule, for me hi halt lodlich & fule. "Vnwiȝt," ho sede, "awei þu flo! me is þe w[u]rs þat ich þe so. [folio 233r.2] Iwis for þine [vu]le lete, wel [oft ich] mine song forlete;

Some text from Ormulum by Orm, who attempted to reform & regularize English spelling, 13th century:

Forrþi þatt Sannt Johaness word Sprang wide & side o lande, Forr þatt he wass u¯¯tnumenn mann I laress & i dedess, & forr þatt he bigann himm sellf, Þær þær he wass i wesste, To fullhtnenn baldeliȝ þe follc Þatt nass næfrær bigunnenn; Hiss word sprang inntill Ȝerrsalæm & inntill all þatt ende, & all þatt follc toc niþ wiþþ himm Þatt læredd wass o boke, Off þatt he toc swa baldeliȝ To spellenn & to fullhtnenn,Page  2, vol. 2 Alls iff he wære Drihhtin Crist Þatt tanne cumenn wære. & teȝȝ þa tokenn sanderrmenn Off preostess & off dæcness & senndenn u¯¯t off Ȝerrsalæm Till himm inntill þe wesste, Forr þatt teȝȝ sholldenn fraȝȝnenn himm, & asskenn whatt he wære. & swa þeȝȝ didenn, & he þeȝȝm Ȝaff sware onnȝæn, & seȝȝde; Namm I nohht Godess Sune, Crist, Þatt cumenn amm to manne. & teȝȝ onnȝæn till himm; arrt tu Helyas efft o life? & he till hemm; naȝȝ, namm I nohht Helyas efft o life. & ȝe¯¯ teȝȝ seȝȝdenn þuss till himm; Seȝȝ uss, arrt tu profete? & he þa seȝȝde þuss till hemm; Naȝȝ, namm I nohht profete.

Taken from Robert Mannyng's Handlyng Synne, he was from Northern England and lived near Cambridge, 14th century (this one is pretty readable for English speakers, other than the words no longer used in Modern English):

Þe fyrst poynt of þy shryfte oweþ to be, 'with þy gode wyl and hertë fre, whan þou art yn þy lyfë best, Awey þou shalt þy synnë kest;' For þan wurschepest þou God aboue, And forsakest þy synne for hys loue. Dauyd seyþ, yn wurde to fulfyl, God shrofe hym with hys gode wyl; Abyde nat tyl þou most nedly, For þan hyt ys with fors and maystry; Þou shryuest þe þan for drede, Nat for loue, but more for nede; Þan semeþ hyt þat hyt shulde be Þat þy synne forsakeþ þe. Swyche shryftë made Acor þe þefe: whan he shulde go to pynë grefe, He shrof hys synne, how he hadde stole Þre þyngës þat he hade forhole, A mantle of skarlet, a rolle of golde, And syluer, he hydde vndyr molde; Yn þe byble men mow hyt se, Yn þe story of Iosue.

Chaucher's The Book of the Duchess, Chaucer is important for reviving English as a language used for art (ever since the Norman conquests, English usage was stigmatized and the prestige languages were French and Latin, so there's very little Middle English literature up until Chaucer), he introduced a lot of now commonly used vocabulary and was the example for English poetry for a long time.

William Caxton's Blanchardine, a less-than-ideal translator who was the first person to introduce the printing press into England and the first English retailer of printed books, late 15th century, around when Late Middle English started to transition into Early Modern English (and also right around the time period that English-speakers, including literate people, started colonizing the Americas):

The first Chapter entreateth of the byrth of Blanchardine, his nurssing and his bringing vp. AMongst many antient Chronicles importing the haughtie exploites of sundry nations, Lords and Princes: this story of the valorous Blanchardine deserueth greatest commendation of true and perfect magnanimitie. At the time when a generall peace concluded throughout the most part of Christēdome, when gentlemen and Noble Péeres made their returne from armes and applyed them selues to domesticall and cuntrie pastimes: There reigned a King in the Realme of Frize redoubted for manhood and prowes, abounding in goodes and possessions, reuerenced and beloued both of his subiect•… and equalls, and most happie in all his attempts [sauing in ye want of issue] to succéed him in his king dōe, wherof, bothe he and the Queene his wife were most pensiue and discontented: and by mutuall complaints greatly bewailed this misfortune. But the Queene desirous to frustrate the scandal that might aryse by reason of her ba•…ēnes: day by day, (in moste deuout and humble manner) solicited the Gods to send her a sonne, whose dayly and deuout prayers penetrating the heauens, by the permision and fauour of the Gods she conceiued and bare a sonne, whome at the christning they named Blanchardine. This vnexpected ioy bred such a content∣ment to the King and Quéene, and a comfort to all the Realm•…, that after humble thankes giuen to the Gods: feasts, banquets and all triumphes were proclaimed throughout the Realme of Friz And least the Childe (should by absence from the Pa∣rents through negligence of the Nursse) miscarie: the Queene her self vndertooke his nurssing and bringing vp. The Childe grew in beautie, proportion, wit and manners, beyond the expectation of all men. And when he was arriued to the age of discretion, he was committed to the tuition of a graue and learned Tutor to be instructed in Philosophie, by whose in∣dustrie and painful labour he soone attained to perfection: his exercises and disportes at idle times were hawking, hunting, and playing at Chesse, and in such pastimes he spent some part of his youth til his maturitie and riper age, made him desirous to follow armes and feates of chiualrie, as heerafter you shall heer.

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Isn't that like... most guns people actually use other than some shotguns and some handguns? And even then, why you would use a pump action over a semi-automatic shotgun is beyond me...

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it sucked. i don't even know how you could get it wrong, but they sure as hell went above and beyond to do it

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Have an actually functioning legal and economic system so people like this can't be created nor have this sort of power in the first place? When you have criminals running businesses making bank, multi-millionaires even, while not giving his victims the compensation that they're supposed to be getting, you've fucked up. Seize his assets and distribute them to the people who he defamed, take all of his earnings except for the bare minimum he needs to survive until this debt is paid off (which it won't be since it's far more than he could ever pay anyways). That's what he should expect if he disobeys legal orders and refuses to do the bare minimum in paying victims out.

Game devs are overworked and underpaid af, so all those layers upon layers of abstractions just handed to you by game engines, at the cost of a ton of performance in order to save brainpower and time, look VERY enticing. Sure, you could spend more time and also spend more money in order to keep devs from leaving your company (because if you don't keep giving your devs lucrative deals, they WILL jump ship as soon as they can get a better deal, that's every job in tech) so you can maintain modular, decoupled, high-performance low-level code, but why do that when it's just as profitable, even more profitable actually, not to?

But Nintendo, despite treating their consumers like shit, is EXTREMELY good with workers (especially in the context of Japan which is probably one of the worst countries on this planet for workers). They make good games because their employees aren't overworked and underpaid as hell. They don't have high turnover, they keep their employees over decades because they keep enough funding and effort into their current employees, rather than pumping all of that into hiring like most companies do. That's why they can even exist despite the Switch being kind of garbage, why they can succeed where Sony and Microsoft are failing, because they attract and keep experienced, quality employees, so they can make quality games.

Game development & design can be one of the hardest jobs in the software engineering industry, and it's the biggest entertainment industry on Earth by far, yet game devs have some of the worst conditions of any software engineers, dare I say the worst... So by buying shit games from shit companies, people are just affirming their shit practices.

The easiest (although not best) example for Italy is the PM. The previous center-left politicians in office were by no means perfect PMs, but the left's infighting and the ensuing breakup of the coalition of various left and center-left parties caused Draghi to resign, and the next (and current) PM is Giorgia Meloni who is an actual fascist who has on multiple occasions reminisced of the good old days with Mussolini in charge and a good economy. Nowadays with hindsight people miss the preceding leftist PMs and think they were actually pretty good after all, but it's too late for that. The country has already started a tumble towards the right and it'd be extremely hard to get it out, especially considering that the left still is refusing to work together.

There were other factors, such as the left in Italy generally tending anti-Ukraine and the population's concerns about immigration, as well as the right focusing a lot on anti-LGBTQ rhetoric/paranoia (Italy is a very catholic nation so this was an effective strategy), but the most important factor and the ultimate killing blow was the left breaking apart.

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