Global fertility rates to plunge in decades ahead, new report says to – 206 points –
Global fertility rates to plunge in decades ahead, new report says | CNN

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There is a massive difference between never existing and taking existence away from someone that already has it

From subjective experience theres no difference. The moment you cease to exists you could just as well have never existed.

Also not existing is not something you do. Choosing to prevent something for existing that otherwise would have is. We're however getting quite far from my original argument here which is that not making children because you think the world is an awful place and life is not worth living is, in my opinion, a bad reason.

Have you considered practicing how to convey your thoughts and opinions in a less arrogant and off-putting way?

I think it's mostly up to the reader at what tone they're going to intrepret my writing. I don't notice such color in that. Then again I'm probably autistic so what do I know.