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Yep. Just compare how they defended Henry Cuellar against Jessica Cisneros vs how they left Jamaal Bowman hanging.

Honest question to anyone possibly paying more attention. Was there any act from the DNC to defend Bowman? I might've missed it but it wouldn't surprise me to learn they felt differently about supporting one incumbent vs the other

*puts stone back in pocket*

Automatic transmissions for the L

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I'm sorry if this is a bit too unrelated but would you say the same about Snowden?

I'm not as well informed on Assange but I tend to find the "espionage" criticism lacking, personally, since it seems to mainly favor the generally terrible foreign policy actions of the US empire and not so much the people of the US who are for the most part against those actions but have little recourse what with the 2 party system and having a plutocratic system of government

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While yes, what about rock and roll, or hip hop or the ability to criticize politicians you disagree with? That was all cool. Shit, having trouble coming up with more. I'd put the new deal in there too. That shit was gold and created a strong working class. Just sucks how dumb we've always been because of the racism and greed (can't fund good schools for everyone or have public pools or whatever)

10 more...

I never said Jim Crow was cool or anything. lol

I consider Black Americans Americans so... America gets the credit

I don't think we're understanding each other here. Wasn't really trying to argue. Sometimes, two things can be true. No?

Idk, it's usually faster for both, no?

You can just answer your friend and say hello. lol

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I was referring moreso to the cultural impact. (Though from your later replies I think you're just making a joke I'm not getting)

When I think of things I respect about the US and the positive impact its had, I tend to think of how most governments at the time (50s-70s and 70s-90s) seemed to be cracking down on personal free expression (granted that was happening in the US for nonwhite people) and yet Americans (specifically those in counter-culture movements) were able to resist and come out on top. Hell, I'd even throw in comic book creators as having made their mark on moving the needle towards free expression despite loud criticism from conservative mobs.

Ok, that's totally fair. I would absolutely hate to get a work call from an unknown number. Tha didn't even cross my mind!

I was interpreting it as simply hearing your phone ring and thinking it could be a spam caller (I really need to set up custom ringtones at some point)

Could you expand on what Snowden did that you disagree with?

Oh weird, that was not the impression I got from the many comments you made criticizing them for their brave actions.

I would tend to blame any negative fallout on the US government, personally. If they weren't committing atrocities regular people wouldn't have had to take the huge risk/be put at risk.

It's like getting upset at a victim of police brutality for not working with the police

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It certainly could mean something, but unfortunately it seems like it's mostly just used for advertising things to... certain people

You're saying they should've just resigned? How would we have learned about PRISM without evidence?

I don't know what you're referring to about info suppression. Did we learn anything or just that we don't know everything? How is that more helpful? Or, for who is it more helpful?

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Do you think they could've done that and chose not to?

It seems like you're saying they shouldn't have done what they did because it wasn't executed perfectly which feels awfully like what MLK was criticizing in his letter from a Birmingham jail, people that support things in theory but never in reality and that always seem to solely criticize the actions/methods of those fighting for justice

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Lost revenue from switching up the tax plan to cut taxes for the rich seems like a very predictable outcome.

I wonder if anyone has thought to ask the people that proposed/passed it what they expected to happen. Better yet, I wonder if the people that voted for them have given it any thought whatsoever

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That's fuckin insane. I had no idea it couldn't even do that. The crazier thing is looking it up and seeing all the fanboys defending this as actually a good thing

We've been doing it for decades. Why stop now?

Ok, I'll bite. What exactly is fascist about this post?

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Seriously, what a shit article. The only thing interesting was the history about mothers rioting. That's super badass

Nah, those are just so we can shoot nonwhite people and say we thought they had a gun

I'm with you in spirit, but keep in mind the US is still making tons of income overall as a nation - GDP is, and has been, trending up for a long time. That money's going somewhere.

It's like if we all ran/worked in a business and saw we're making tons in profit but we were then being asked (regularly) to take a pay cut. It ain't right.

That said, yes we all need to learn to live with less because it ain't getting fixed for at least another generation or two, if ever

3 more...

No, you don't understand.

First, you act like a moron

Then, you piss some people off

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Americans like you are the absolute worst. So damn irresponsible. All that undeserved extra voting power you have, and you choose to squander it and use it for an act of shameful self-righteousness, with no regard for the consequences of your actions. You clearly have zero respect for progressive politics, progressive movements, and even progressive leaders.

Ignorant liberal voters: as useful for destroying democracy as ignorant fascists

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Yeah, I've actually been looking into trying Linux as my entire personality as well

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Biden is not fuckin Hitler, you enlightened genius!

Keep voting for Ralph Nader Gary Johnson ... err I mean Jill Stein instead of doing something useful.

Seriously, what's the worse that could happen? It's not like Bush will get us into a massive war and end any hope at fighting climate change err I mean, it's not like Trump will enflame the ongoing war in the Middle East and decimate any chance the Supreme Court will side with minorities for an entire generation no wait, I mean, surely Trump won't imprison his political enemies and dismantle the electoral process.

Ignore what I crossed out; it's just American history. You probably wouldn't be interested

I honestly care about high income inequality and campaign finance reform. Can we talk about those instead of what you care about?

No, this is actually a really effective way of communicating with other people and convincing them what I have to say is worth listening to. This absolutely does not alienate people or make me come off as an insensitive bot that doesn't know hot treat people like humans before I unload my personal interests on them

Free Palestine, btw! 🍉

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To be clear he's not even really a Republican, he's just a rich, racist, white man - and that's a popular brand

Can't you just hide the paid movies/tv tab? Or is it a principle thing

Is jellyfin better? I'd never heard of it 'til now

43 more...

Is a verse switch a thing? Do people like them? Asking for a friend

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The IRA and the CHIPS Act were pretty legit - granted, I think trump might've passed some version of the CHIPS act as well. Seems like a no-brainer, imo, but the one that did it gets the credit!

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K, and how is that relevant?

In your mind, all these students were "Palestine protestsers" that hate Biden? Can you help us out here? Do you have a full thought you'd like to complete, or are you just scared and angry?

To everyone else, how did people learn absolutely nothing about politics, or even basic communication during the last 8 damn years? Yelling and nagging at people, even if you're right, will always come off as being an insufferable, annoying asshole to anyone that doesn't already agree with you and isn't interested in something you've immediately felt the need to put down because you think you already know what's important

There's plenty of good books out there for anyone interested in learning how to communicate with others, especially those you disagree with - I recommend You're Not Listening or I'm Just Saying as good starting points

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What a fuckin clown! A very mentally ill, and demonstrably stupid clown

That said, I love that his last name is White. You really can't make this shit up

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Literally the only game I'm playing rn. It's so fucking good

Vasquez was endorsed by several police groups. He won Tuesday’s nonpartisan primary election after returns showed him receiving more than 50% of the vote.

Wow. Most Americans are legit fuckin stupid

It kinda seems like you're saying it's a bad thing to report on things he does that are bad simply because there's an audience that's interested. But, that'd be kind of a weird take

Well I'm not going to now!

Thanks, btw

Don't forget the last bit, "and taxpayers continue not to care and blindly support the cops"

You know this is something that's super easy to research, right? Like the top answer literally just quoted wikipedia for you.

Just saying in case you're interested in becoming more "resourceful" some day

Sucks on gun for comfort while Stars and Stripes Forever plays loudly in the background