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We want teachers to be teaching and not having to waste time measuring a girl’s shirt or making a girl feel uncomfortable,” Shultz said.

Good because policing what girls wear stems from this fucked idea that boys have no sexual self control or responsibility for same and that women thus have to take responsibility for it via modesty.

So with those idiotic notions, rape victims get blamed for appearance, consent doesn't enter the conversation, rapey boys are "boys being boys", and similar awful shit.

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I mean, he was old...people die—

It said the 62-year-old had died from a "self-inflicted" wound on 9 March and police were investigating.

oh shit they totally fucking killed him

I will keep saying this like a broken record:

"Law and order" is a dogwhistle that means "oppress minorities"

“I do not believe we have to choose between law and order and racial justice in America,” Biden said in a speech this week. “We can have both.”

At the apex of the civil rights movement, ... “Law and order” was “a strategy for reaching suburban voters without having to say the ugly part [talking about race] out loud,” says Leah Wright-Rigueur, a political historian and public policy professor at Harvard University. Source

Trump Declared Himself the ‘President of Law and Order.’ Here’s What People Get Wrong About the Origins of That Idea

Except from above:

“Law and order” might sound simple, a 1968 TIME cover story on the campaign pointed out, but to some it was “a shorthand message promising repression of the black community”—and to that community, it was “a bleak warning that worse times may be coming.”

From "law and order" to MAGA - why dog whistles may be even more powerful than overt appeals to racism.

Pass it on.

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An annual Pentagon report on extremism within the ranks reveals that 78 service members were suspected of advocating for the overthrow of the U.S. government and another 44 were suspected of engaging or supporting terrorism.

I wonder how many they don't know about?

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Again for the chuds and shills in the back:

“Not enough people are sounding the alarm, that based on his behavior, and in my opinion, Donald Trump is dangerously demented. In fact, we are seeing the opposite among too many in the news media, the political leaders and among the public. There is also this focus on Biden's gaffes or other things that are well within the normal limits of aging. By comparison, Trump appears to be showing gross signs of dementia. This is a tale of two brains. Biden's brain is aging. Trump's brain is dementing.

And let's be honest, Trump has shown signs of dementia since the beginning of his first term. It was obvious when hearing his communication when he was younger.

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She said he told her that he picked up four bananas, one of which he ate on the way to the register, and that he told the cashier that he needed to pay for four bananas even though she scanned only three. Anjelica Lee said her father told her he was followed closely while he was shopping by a white female employee, who, she said, accused him of stealing the banana he ate.


“At first, I was trying to ask her what happened, and she was like, ‘People like you and him shouldn’t come into the store if you don’t have money to pay for things,’” Anjelica Lee said. “My mom is white, and my dad is Black. So I’m mixed. So I think she meant Black people. And it just escalated from that, and she went to cussing me out.”

JFC. Racist piece of shit.

Fuck the cops. Fuck this piece of garbage cashier.

Fuck all this.

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Ha that's just my regular code.

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I can't imagine -- don't want to imagine losing a child. I had no idea until I had a kid but... Nothing in the universe matters more to me than my kid and I would be destroyed forever if anything ever happened.

To lose a kid (very likely) due to bullying? I can't imagine the blind rage mixed in with the universe shattering grief.

What sick fucked world do we live in where school bullying turns into violence that turns into death? Just for being different from most? Jesus Christ. These psychopaths should be in jail getting intensive therapy to try to unfuck their twisted minds.

This child could have lived a full life but instead because of fearful, hateful monsters, the kid is dead.

Fuck Oklahoma and fuck this school and the parents of the murderers.

It's only going to get worse if Trump gets back in power. As if it isn't bad enough now.

Boy, girl, non binary, whatever WHO GIVES A FUCKING SHIT?! Mind your own goddamn business and don't be a fucking evil piece of shit. Let people fucking exist as they are.

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Which is one reason this anti WFH campaign pisses me off so much. We could cut emissions quite a bit just from that but we can't even do that little because: greedy assholes.

Was I the only one who, during covid lockdowns, was amazed at how fucking clear the air was? Did everyone just forget? Idk why most humans can't look at that and go "we all need to make this permanent" and then do it. But we evolved to prefer the worst of us in charge.

Anyway. Yeah. I WFH and drive about 5000 miles a year. And we tend to keep our cars 10-15 years. It's way more affordable than a new car every few years, assuming you get a car that has low maintenance costs. More people oughta do that.

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Enshittification of "enshittification"


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Miller couldn't comment specifically on Cure's death but said he has represented dozens of people convicted of crimes who were later exonerated.

"Even when they're free, they always struggled with the concern, the fear that they'll be convicted and incarcerated again for something they didn't do," he said.

Totally understandable. I would imagine that's kind of traumatic.

(He was incarcerated in FL and killed in GA btw)

Assuming this wasn't execution...

Cops are taught Killilogy. I gather they're trained to protect their own life at all costs and that the public is out to kill them. Also deep seated racism^1 means they fear black men more. So they shoot at the drop of a hat (or for no reason at all).

We really need to disarm the goddamn cops if they can't be trained to de-escalate and control a situation without murdering civilians all the time.

  1. Did you know that early 1900s crime "statistics" were heavily biased against black people? These "statistics" established a bullshit racist narrative that black people are more prone to commit crime, which persists to this day, influencing government policies, more than a century later? (Source: The Condemnation of Blackness: Race, Crime and the Making of Modern Urban America by Khalil Gibran Muhammad)
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The GOP leadership consists of extremely manipulative sociopaths; they will say literally anything to benefit themselves or hurt others. They will weaponize anything with no shame and no hesitation. Everything they do is in bad faith.

Equality? They understand it but don't want it. Equality and fairness is the opposite of what they aspire to. They view themselves as better and therefore rules should benefit them and hurt others, to paraphrase the well known quote.

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Dude is a right wing psychochristian

David Barton has built an entire career out of misusing, misrepresenting, and outright falsifying history, the Bible, and current events and doing so to promote his Christian nationalist political agenda. He has been highly influential not only within Republican politics, where he has many fans among current and former GOP legislators, but also internationally. On top of that, Barton’s Christian nationalist pseudo-history is shaping both Christian and secular educational institutions across the country.

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That was Internet Explorer 20 years ago and look where we are now.

I personally can't remember the last time I had issues with a site on Firefox in the last few years since I switched.

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If only the US lacked the corruption...

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bored ape conference

Monumentally stupid.


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🙄 No it would be like Ford owning gas stations and pumping faster for Ford vehicles than Chevy.

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American workers: scribbles notes furiously

Right wingers say stupid shit that makes no fucking sense. News at 11.

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Religious institutions that use government power in support of themselves and force their views on persons of other faiths, or of no faith, undermine all our civil rights. Moreover, state support of an established religion tends to make the clergy unresponsive to their own people, and leads to corruption within religion itself. Erecting the 'wall of separation between church and state,' therefore, is absolutely essential in a free society.

—Thomas Jefferson

When a religion is good, conceive it will support itself; and when it does not support itself, and God does not take care to support it so that its professors are obliged to call for help of the civil power, 'tis a sign, apprehend, of its being a bad one.

—Benjamin Franklin

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We are in the hype cycle so everyone is going bananas and there's money to be made prior to the trough of disillusionment.

I don't think it is simply "huh this place looks sketch". Not sure if you read the article.

The thing is, the criminals knew that Google routes rental cars along a typical route and so they ambush tourists violently along that route. For all I know the route may look fine.

Anyway, you don't have to label neighborhoods. Just have the app route them differently.......

....But wouldn't the criminals catch onto that before long so that the new route becomes the ambush zone?

Maybe there is a solution like randomly choosing a particular path at different hours but the fewer alternate routes the less effective that will be. Criminals could simply stake out one route and wait a little longer before a victim passes by.

But is this really a mapping company's problem to solve? Is the map app responsible for traveler security? What if you ask to be routed into or through a war zone (e.g. somewhere in Ukraine). Does the map app refuse? Warn you? Or what?

What if someone gets a paper map? Is the map maker responsible? How about the rental car employees?

Where does the responsibility of the tourist begin and end here?

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Losing $69M last year I don't see how they turn things around without massive changes. I think they missed the peak of their societal relevance and growth and traded invaluable user goodwill for short term profits. Maybe if they hadn't consistently supported hate speech, radicalization pipelines, astroturfing campaigns, and so forth, and instead focused on better mod tools they could've gained more free mod labor (and now just a few feudal lords), grown faster, leaned their org, gained more relevance and significantly increased advertising revenue. They frittered away time and resources on bullshit the platform didn't want or need, missing the point that it is about creating a welcoming community not turning the site into a mashup of all the other socials.

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Of course. That's been true since the dawn of humanity.

Russia has a certain flavor of lying that I don't see elsewhere. They make claims that are so utterly ridiculous that everyone knows it is complete bullshit. It's like some weird gaslighting / dominance thing. Lavrov and Putin are pros at this.

Purely by coincidence, you see a similar technique employed by one of the two major US presidential candidates. Only his approach is to repeat the ridiculous lie enough times that some people believe it.

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Now if only they'd pay the musicians worth a shit. Maybe they should strike next.

Full disclosure I am on Spotify family plan and I love it because

It would be nice if companies didn't slash features and would offer music for free with features beyond that of broadcast radio.

It would be nice if we didn't have the mechanisms demanding infinite growth from companies because sometimes that's just not possible or even necessary.

Imagine if Spotify could just be like ok, yeah we're good no need to make major changes, everyone is happy, life is good thanks. Versus: oh shit we need to boost the quarterly numbers who can we fuck over to get there? I know, customers and musicians both! Yay!

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It reads to me like: "this app does the same thing as our app therefore they must have copied our code; there is no other possible explanation". Cool story, bro. I hope the developers will fight back but that takes lots of money.

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Political violence has been perpetrated by the right wing extremists far, far more often than the left, yes. Totally agree with your point.

But I have to speak up: The FBI has tracked and harassed leftists and black activists in the past and I don't want anyone to think otherwise.

I guess a lot of people lost sight of the ball.

Antisemitism --- or any bigotry --- is bad. We dare not tolerate it because it can lead to persecution and genocide.

Somewhere along the way people took that to mean that any criticism of the actions of the Israeli government, including accusations of genocide, was anti-semitism and had to be quashed.

And yes, Hamas leadership is also awful, bigoted, and wanting to genocide, just like the Israeli government.

But the everyday Gaza inhabitant doesn't deserve to be killed. Nor does the everyday rest-of-Israel inhabitant deserve to be killed.

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A crowd of Arab Americans protested Wednesday night inside a Dearborn high school against President Joe Biden's scheduled Thursday visit to Michigan, urging people not to vote for him because of his support for Israel's attacks in Gaza.

I get it. It's disgusting that this nation is supporting genocide of Palestinians. They have a right to be angry and I hope this and what everyone else is doing moves the needle for Biden.

But I'll be fucked if I allow Trump back in office. Republicans will waste no time swinging the wrecking ball.

Knowing what women go through silently and how much more they go though when they try to speak up... Yeah... Nobody would volunteer to be harassed by women-hating techbros unless they had a very compelling reason.

Speak up; The Republicans can't hear you over the sound of them licking Putin's boots.

And by the way, the Colorado judge who first heard the case also interpreted the 14th "as it would have been in the era it was written" and found that Trump, based on that and the evidence presented, had indeed participated in insurrection.

Hm. So I'm guessing they are going to say that disqualification can only happen at the federal level by a law defined by Congress. They don't seem too concerned about an insurrectionist becoming president, not surprisingly.

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Sounds like a job for our counter intelligence services....right? Or do they just sit on their thumbs and do fuckall like they have since 2016 while this worthless gasbag mobster sells the country out from under us?

Theoretically that is illegal.

Penalties for this should be severe. Like, impounding company assets and destroying them.

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If only someone had figured that out in the last 120 years. Oh wait...

These wounds appear to be self-inflicted.

Nobody knows anything but the people directly involved.

However the allegations sound too much like what other women deal with in shitty, toxic techbro spaces, and it sounds too much like the kind of corporate culture that would put out bullshit "test" numbers, wave off conflicts of interest, and callously torpedo a startup to chase dollars and ego.