Far-right extremism is thriving in rural areas. Here's what it looks like in Upstate NY

gAlienLifeform@lemmy.world to News@lemmy.world – 489 points –
Far-right extremism is thriving in rural areas. Here's what it looks like in Upstate NY

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I will keep saying this like a broken record:

"Law and order" is a dogwhistle that means "oppress minorities"

“I do not believe we have to choose between law and order and racial justice in America,” Biden said in a speech this week. “We can have both.”

At the apex of the civil rights movement, ... “Law and order” was “a strategy for reaching suburban voters without having to say the ugly part [talking about race] out loud,” says Leah Wright-Rigueur, a political historian and public policy professor at Harvard University. Source

Trump Declared Himself the ‘President of Law and Order.’ Here’s What People Get Wrong About the Origins of That Idea

Except from above:

“Law and order” might sound simple, a 1968 TIME cover story on the campaign pointed out, but to some it was “a shorthand message promising repression of the black community”—and to that community, it was “a bleak warning that worse times may be coming.”

From "law and order" to MAGA - why dog whistles may be even more powerful than overt appeals to racism.

Pass it on.

Sounds about right.

Just like States Rights meaning "WE get to decide how to oppress our minorities, not the government."

Yep. Laws can be un just. And the order corrupt. That's why they like them. Fuck yer law and order. Give me justice and peace.