Mr. Forager

58 Post – 549 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Rooting for a Firefox focused 2024! 🦊

There's discussions about stopping the teaching of Unity in Universities too.

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Fuck this guy.

doubt she'll get any more from stepping down... but yeah it's ridiculous how much some of these CEOs think they need. Especially in a company that is supposed to be better...

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Does Privacy count? I always I try to encourage people to treat themselves to better privacy, to step away from big corpo platforms and use more Foss services. Doesn't stick with a lot of em. πŸ˜”

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Care to elaborate why exactly he's wrong? What's your opinion?

If there is one thing you shouldn't cheap out on imo it's the storage.

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Don't forget we have to get comfortable not owning our games guys... This is Ubisoft showing us how that works..

Tbf; You're paying less, for a better experience.

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This user seems to obsessed.. All his/her previous post has been about how kbin is dying and that there now is a new fork of it. 7 days is nothing. As far as I know there are very few developers on kbin, cut them some slack will yah.

although a good mentality, its not always correct. Also, this isn't just about "asking", it's fighting big corps/tech to be more transparent about their policies.

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I personally got hired recently, and did ask this in one of the interviews, and luckily we can choose which OS we get to run on the machines. However only those with Windows get IT support if needed. Which I guess is fair.. Hope you get your wishes fulfilled!

I recently switched to KDE and got sooo confused by this not being default. Good they're making the change, small but important.

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Ha! I deleted my own account before they could, jokes on you Ubi!! Jokes aside, fuck ubisoft. I primarily buy games from GOG. Recommended everyone to do the same πŸ–

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Believe that most people here on this platform would agree with you on that, consider your rant redeemed :)

Could look into using exiftool, qpdf or pdftk, if you are comfortable with the terminal ✨

Saw someone on lemmy calling it 'Ten', thought that was quite funny.

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The most recent Samsung TV we got has built in adds on the home screen, i do not want to see ads when ive used hundreds of euros to buy the TV already. Not much I can do to avoid that.

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More authentic posts, and much nicer interaction between people

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Never heard of this one before, looks like a really neat project!

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Room to give a shout out to Podverse, free and open source!

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Don't have kids, but one important tip to keep in mind for the name is, does the name work on an international basis? So many names in my country does not work at all for when they travel abroad.

For example, a very common name here is Simen. Although an alright name, as soon as pronounced in English it does not sound great...

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Recommend checking sales over at GOG, only DRM free games πŸ‘

I vouch for Newpipe πŸ‘

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This is really twisted thinking.. Grow up.

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I hate how the is no common theme for the new icons.. They're all good, dont get me wrong, but the icon theme should be the same across all of their distros, not a random mix-mash... Just feels like an unprofessional move..

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This in freetube would be amazing!

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Agreed, this should be banned..

True DΓ©tective Seasone one !

Each season is a completely different story, so they're not related. But season one of this show absolutely killed it, starring both Matthew McConaughey and Woody Harrelson. TD is a must watch show for anyone into the crime genre as this, dare I say it, is the king of all crime.

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This totally made my week! So glad to have Infinity back 😌 Thanks a lot for the effort gone into this Mr. Dev 😘

Holy shit, was never aware of this. Will stay far away from this brand!

Refund the game while you still can, if you were silly enough to buy it... Don't let these scammers get away with such nonsense.

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Ive used both, Bitwarden feels more mature plus it's open source. But 1Password is probably more user friendly for less tech savvy people.

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Didn't OpenAI themselves state some time ago that it isn't possible to detect it?

Ventoy!!! Such an amazing tool 🌻

Hell yeah, love to see it!

Was actually listening to stardew music on Spotify the other day, and was surprised when I saw ConcernApe currently on tour, didn't expect him of all to be touring. But good on him, his music is great!

Obsidian sadly isn't open source though.

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Just sad it's Ubisofts that's behind this game... Means I'll never purchase it..

You must be living under a rock

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