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Joined 12 months ago

They're presumably going to be doing this live. If someone manages to hack into the component that feeds text in...

Me, ignoring my problems

Calling this a startup is being excessively generous. Startups are meant to eventually be viable.

This is a scam. The product just feeds your queries into ChatGPT and spits out the response. The backend tech they've described flat out does not exist. It's all smoke and mirrors.

Ironically, my favorite story from that collection is a hundred word horror story about Santa.

Huh... Maybe OP is just really offended on St Nick's behalf?

Is this a question?

For the people who don't know the answer? Yes.

Not everything you see is intended for your consumption. Let people enjoy learning things.

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More importantly, why is the gay room so small? You can barely get any gay in there.

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Quantity of recalls combined with the quantity of quality control issues, combined with the price-tag.

For that kind of money, you generally expect something that went through some road testing. And it's not like these are issues that took years to develop. Stuff like the problems with the foot pedals should have come up during their testing... Assuming they did any.

Jesus Christ, this is I getting nsane. When did it become unacceptable to say that genocide is bad?

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We not only have to stop ignoring the problem, we need to be absolutely clear about what the problem is.

LLMs don't hallucinate wrong answers. They hallucinate all answers. Some of those answers will happen to be right.

If this sounds like nitpicking or quibbling over verbiage, it's not. This is really, really important to understand. LLMs exist within a hallucinatory false reality. They do not have any comprehension of the truth or untruth of what they are saying, and this means that when they say things that are true, they do not understand why those things are true.

That is the part that's crucial to understand. A really simple test of this problem is to ask ChatGPT to back up an answer with sources. It fundamentally cannot do it, because it has no ability to actually comprehend and correlate factual information in that way. This means, for example, that AI is incapable of assessing the potential veracity of the information it gives you. A human can say "That's a little outside of my area of expertise," but an LLM cannot. It can only be coded with hard blocks in response to certain keywords to cut it from answering and insert a stock response.

This distinction, that AI is always hallucinating, is important because of stuff like this:

But notice how Reid said there was a balance? That’s because a lot of AI researchers don’t actually think hallucinations can be solved. A study out of the National University of Singapore suggested that hallucinations are an inevitable outcome of all large language models. **Just as no person is 100 percent right all the time, neither are these computers. **

That is some fucking toxic shit right there. Treating the fallibility of LLMs as analogous to the fallibility of humans is a huge, huge false equivalence. Humans can be wrong, but we're wrong in ways that allow us the capacity to grow and learn. Even when we are wrong about things, we can often learn from how we are wrong. There's a structure to how humans learn and process information that allows us to interrogate our failures and adjust for them.

When an LLM is wrong, we just have to force it to keep rolling the dice until it's right. It cannot explain its reasoning. It cannot provide proof of work. I work in a field where I often have to direct the efforts of people who know more about specific subjects than I do, and part of how you do that is you get people to explain their reasoning, and you go back and forth testing propositions and arguments with them. You say "I want this, what are the specific challenges involved in doing it?" They tell you it's really hard, you ask them why. They break things down for you, and together you find solutions. With an LLM, if you ask it why something works the way it does, it will commit to the bit and proceed to hallucinate false facts and false premises to support its false answer, because it's not operating in the same reality you are, nor does it have any conception of reality in the first place.

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"Should workers be subjected to pointless and dehumanizing drudgery that serves no practical purpose? Find out what this panel of five overpaid CEOs think, after the break."

Never in all of human history has there been a more appropriate time for the Surprised Pikachu Face meme.

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Literally the opposite of this is true. Not having kids is one of the single best things you can do for the planet.

(Still want to raise a child? Adopt! There are so many kids out there looking for good homes and people who will love and care for them)

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People should be uninstalling Chrome instead.

Adblocking still works fine on Firefox. Just update your UBO filters.

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There’s also going to be an obstacle course based on ‘Squid Game.’

They could not have missed the point harder if they'd tried.

This literally reads like something out of Black Mirror.

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For the same God damn reason as all the other things they're not doing that everyone used to do; they're flat fucking broke.

It's not designed with any common sense in mind. They just figured they could a) cut costs and b) make the vehicle look "cleaner", because Musk and the people who work for him are intellectually incurious morons who refuse to learn why things are designed the way they are before trying to reinvent them.

The thing about breaking the rules is that if you want to really do it well, you have to understand why those rules exist in the first place. That's hard to do when you start from the position of just assuming that you're smarter than everyone else.

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You're actually making some valid points here, in regard to the trend of companies losing money as a strategy to obtain market dominance and then turning to monetization after. It's exactly how Uber and AirBNB got where they are, and it's a strategy that people need to get more wise to. You're right, and you should say it.

But for the love of God, say it better than this. The "users only have themselves to blame because they got hoodwinked by a pack of liars and thieves who are very good at being liars and thieves" angle kills any chance of anyone listening to the actual point you're making because you went and wrapped it up in a giant dose of victim blaming.

If you cook an absolutely perfect hamburger and then spit in it right before serving, you can't act surprised when no one wants to even try a bite.

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Listen, if your SO doesn't want to hear you infodump about shit that means absolutely nothing to them, just because it is intensely sexy to watch someone being passionate about something, dump their ass.

I love it when my wife goes off on weird ass fucking tangents about what some member of the Hapsburgs got up to, or the particulars of Czechoslovakian military uniforms in the 1980s or whatever, because it's just so cool watching her be so invested in this stuff.

Find someone who appreciates passion, and appreciate theirs in kind.

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(and other browsers)

... that aren't Firefox.

If you're using UBlock Origin do the following:

Go to settings. Go to Filter Lists. Click purge all caches. Click update now.

That's it, this message should disappear entirely.

16 more...

No, it's not obvious to most people, because it's a theory that makes absolutely no goddamn sense.

  1. When you factor in the incredible damage done to the Tesla share price by the amount of stock he had to liquidate to finance the deal, and the almost billion a year in interest and operating costs the company is pulling out of him, the deal has, altogether, cost Musk about half of his net worth. No amount of petty childishness is worth that.
  2. He literally went to court to try to get out of the deal. What was his play here? To sue with the intention of failing? For what possible reason?
  3. If his plan was to kill Twitter, why would he attach his beloved X name to it? Musk has spent his entire life trying to make X happen. It is dearer to him than his own children. Why would he attach that brand to a company he's intentionally sabotaging?
  4. If his goal is to kill Twitter, why is it still here? He owns the company outright. He took it private. There's no board. There's no shareholders. He doesn't have a fiduciary responsibility. If he wanted Twitter dead, all he had to do was shut the doors, turn off the lights, and send everyone home.

Anyone who buys into this "He's trying to kill Twitter" nonsense, please, I am begging you, try to get your head around the fact that Elon Musk is not a smart man. This isn't some incredible 4D chess play. Twitter isn't failing because of intentional sabotage; it's failing because Musk is genuinely trying his best, and his best absolutely sucks. He's a bad businessman who lucked into a fortune he never deserved.

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This has nothing to do with physical locality.

It's because he lost a shareholder lawsuit over his exorbitant compensation package, and he's being a whiny salty baby about it.

To be clear, Tesla is currently incorporated in Delaware, which is already well known for being extremely hostile to shareholder lawsuits like this. He picked the most favourable ground possible and still lost. He's not going to get better treatment from Texas.

He's just throwing his toys out of the pram because he's mad, and forcing the entirety of Tesla to join in his tantrum.

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The headline is alarmist nonsense that is absolutely not supported by the facts presented. There are no numbers given for how many rentals are being listed on alternate sources. The numbers for listings marked as exempt on AirBNB certainly suggest that the ban is working exactly as intended. Yes, hotel prices will go up, obviously. That's not something that anyone is surprised to hear. The rest is just anecdote presented as data. There's no "chaos" here, just life being life.

Tesla’s website says that Autopilot and more sophisticated “Full Self Driving” software cannot drive themselves

Full self driving

Cannot drive themselves

Christ I can smell the bullshit all the way from Canada.

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Common Firefox W


Weird way to spell "people who aren't totally cool with genocide", but OK

Are you kidding? Healers are the ultimate in big dom(me) energy. We hold all the power. You will beg us on your knees for just a taste. What's that baby? You got yourself all beat up and now you need some hit points do you? Just a few little hit points to keep you going? You little slut. You little hp whore. Say you want it slut. Say you want that healing so bad. Say you'll do anything for it.

Yeah, that's what I thought.

4 more...

Fellas, is it gay to think women are hot?

We developed a very effective strategy for this at a furniture store I used to work at; the moment the customer makes any suggestion of legal action, all our employees were trained to immediately say "I understand. Have a good day" and end the conversation on the spot. The unhappy customer immediately tries to press the issue, because what they want is for us to magically teleport a couch here from China or whatever, and at that point the employee says "I'm sorry but as you've notified us that this issue is now the subject of a pending legal action any further communication will have to go though our legal team."

Repeating this a couple more times would inevitably lead to the customer admitting that they were bluffing.

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Any IT worker who has ever updated a remote system, knowing that if something goes wrong you're facing a 12 hour drive to fix it, fully understands the sheer butt clenching terror that those NASA engineers experienced for the almost full day they had to wait between deploying the update and finding out if they broke anything.

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I was just going to ignore this obvious bootlicking, but this part, right here, needs to be called out;

Do you really think he's just making emotional decisions? Someone who's been described as being on the autism spectrum by some folks?

Let me be absolutely clear about something; you do not have the slightest fucking clue how autism works. I don't even care if you personally are autistic; that just means you're an autistic person who doesn't have any fucking clue how autism works.

Autistic people are highly emotionally responsive. In fact most of what we struggle with is the sheer fucking intensity with which we feel things. The idea that we're emotionless hyper logical robots is a bullshit fantasy pushed by badly written fictional stories that use autism as some kind of superpower (and usually as an excuse for a male protagonist to get away with being a total asshole towards everyone around them; especially women).

Your comment entire comment is basically a shrine to "reasons why this person should shut up forever", but in particular I'm going to recommend that you never breathe another word about autism for as long as you live.

And if, somehow, you are an autistic person who believes this shit; get therapy.

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Fun fact, in case you weren't aware; Texas pays bitcoin mining companies to shut off their rigs during peak demand.

Miners love this; in effect they can just threaten to mine bitcoin and get paid as much as they would have made actually mining bitcoin, but without the wear and tear on their expensive hardware. It's a legalized extortion racket being enacted on the public purse.

Apologies if I just gave you even more reason to be angry.

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Reddit has multiple repeat communities too, they just have different names. Just to take one example, there's /r/Canada, which got taken over by right wing assholes, /r/metacanada for those same right wing assholes to go full mask off, /r/onguardforthee for the people who didn't want to put up with the right wing assholes... You get the picture.

The fact that there are multiple overlapping communities with similar purposes can be frustrating, but it also provides layers of redundancy, which is what the fediverse is all about. We've been learning a lot of object lessons recently about the problems of putting all your eggs in one basket.

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This is very smart. You'll never win over Republicans by asking them to be good people, but getting them to choose between a law they want and protecting the 2nd amendment is a very tough trap to put them in.

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Only this motherfucker could make a blockchain based product in 2023 and think he's still ahead of the curve (and not, y'know, turning up to buy tickets on the Titanic after it hit the iceberg).

  1. Use Firefox
  2. Use UBlock Origin - Don't add any other adblockers, turn off any adblocking features on other plugins.
  3. Any time you see this message, go to the UBO settings, under filter lists click "Purge All Caches" and then "Update all."
  4. Refresh the page.
  5. If that doesn't work give it a few hours and try again. So far the UBO guys are updating a lot faster than Google can catch them.

This is the one method that has been consistently working for everyone.


Hard pass. Anyone who decided that the shithead reactionary bigots were the side of gamergate they wanted to support isn't getting views from me, thanks.

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Seriously, I wish more people understood the futility of trying to block ads on a browser made by a company whose main business is ads.

This is basically the issue of almost every hypothetical use of the blockchain that advocates throw around.

"You could move all your skins from Counterstrike to Valorant?"

OK. Putting aside the unbelievably complex technical and practical issues, why would either Valve or Riot want this? In this scenario Valve is making it easier for their customers to leave, and Riot is effectively giving you a bunch of cool skins for free.

These people watched Ready Player One, totally ignored the part where the entire premise was "One single corporation controls basically all interactive media and that's really bad" and decided that this sounded like a cool idea.

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