KeriKitty (They(/It))

@KeriKitty (They(/It))
0 Post – 174 Comments
Joined 7 months ago

Meep :3
They/Them, also "It" when the critter calling me that is being cute ior affectionate :3 Very cute, but also weird and sometimes kinda sharp
Has been rescued...? ominous music plays bites life for being a butt >:(

Ohey, that's better than I'd expected. Kinda cried a lot during the attachment style descriptions part. Good to know a bunch of people think I'm an evil monster who likes hurting people :3

Now when immediate-ancestors cause unhealthy attachment styles because of their unwellnesses, what do? I'm still really salty about how much of my life I've lost 'cause there was neither fairness nor proper care in my early life. Almost died (arguably several times) because She Who Must Never Be Questioned couldn't handle the thought of anyone else "helping" me. Ungood situation. Plus ungood! Can barely-if-at-all attach any more and it only gets worse.

Two+ decades with little to no recourse or support in case of bad parenting seems like a bad way. Some (many?) won't even know how to spot problems, then it's like "Okay but they were having their own problems too" "Okay so what was I supposed to do? And what do I do now, living in somebody's attic halfway across the country hoping I can get medicaid sorted out and get some kind of care ever and everything's worse because my beginning gave me problems instead of solutions" :-\

... I'm just whinging into the wind I guess. Hard to not blame, I guess is what I'm saying. Need more help going around, and the armchair psychologists labelling and broad-brushing categories of people aren't helping, I think. wobbles, having confused itself; flops over, has a nap

Wow, you're fluffing adorable :O 😻

Throwing together a service, telling no one, then promptly cancelling it (often because no one used it) is truly the Googlest thing.

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I feel like corps have gotten bored with "you will own nothing and you will be happy" and moved on to "you will be owned and you will be happy." Like, damn, people are absolute livestock in a freaky fucked-up way. You "buy" something and it sits there extracting value from you. You "rent" something and it gets to enjoy the utility you provide, for a time.

Just seems like "ownership" is totally screwed-up wrong, y'know? One can't have anything any more, it's all corporate property they let us pay to install into our own lives for them. grumblegrumblegrumble!

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Isn't that just a hate site? Idunno what kinda reason anyone's expecting but if one comes I doubt it'll even be amusing.

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"It's not my code" "It is now!"

Signed up for stress, got stress 🀷 Does exactly what it says on the tin πŸ˜…

But seriously this world's fucked :| :(

Did you enjoy humans spouting bullshit faster than humans can debunk it? Well, brace for impact because here comes machine-generated bullshit! Wooooeee'refucked! πŸ₯³

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Versus how many fatal man attacks? Not even gonna look it up 🀷

Dunno how this is conclusiv- ohhhh right, confirmation bias. Forgot about that. grumbles noisily

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Anyone who didn't expect BG3 to win Game of the Year has been under a rock since it launched O.o Anyone who expected Starfield to win Most Innovative Gameplay, are you offering divination services to the public?

Damn, I know some people are dead-set on insisting that Starfield isn't that bad but... innovative?? Really??? Most innovative?!?? Baffling!

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This really isn't the article it wishes it were :-\ It kinda reeks of "I've picked a thing I want to argue and now I'm going to make up an argument for it" down to admitting that good sources aren't available (which makes me wonder whether there are no good sources at all or just no good sources that support the author's argument).

Bonus unpoints for the BDSM reference, just because I hate seeing that term held up as a negative or scary kind of thing and I feel like and/or choose to believe that's the point in such an unprofessional article, rather than simply meaning "Look, it means sex stuff and that's unprofessional." So there. Nyeh! 😝

Also, I don't think I've ever heard anyone who actually used or contributed to the GIMP (or intended to) complain about the name. I'm interested in seeing some actual data on that, if there is any. Personally I wouldn't particularly mind a name change but I can't say whether it'd get more attention and interest than it'd lose to irritating people accustomed to the current one.

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Isn't that what sca- uhh, I mean super legit game devs normally do? Suddenly the scope was neeeever that big! You just think you remember all' those claims that are still visible! No one actually said things you can prove they did!

I feel like this has happened numerous times already and somehow it surprises people every time. Like, there are channels on YouTube that only cover this sort of thing and have days of content.

19 more...

Oh, it's weird ugly Haskell!

... I can write weird, ugly Haskell in Haskell, though.

Weird headlines for days around here O.o I had to come see what was going on because "Trump caught paying taxes" just sounds like a joke πŸ˜…

The only really surprising thing I see is that he's paying taxes at all. Also, what's the difference between quietly and loudly moving $40 million around? I honestly have no idea what kind of sound that makes.

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If you have an account, just go to one of their channels one time. Twitch will never recommend anything else again.

...Okay, it will sometimes recommend other stuff but you're never gonna be free of "thirst"-related content. Also, here's the category you want to avoid :P

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I don't hate you, I just hate your one-indexed table-shaped horror language ;P

But actually would anyone really hate someone for liking Lua? I hope not. That's weird, even as someone who finds the language kinda obnoxious. Maybe I'm reading too much into the "hate" part and it wasn't meant so severely πŸ˜…

Sometimes my mom says I'm a good girl when I help her out and it kinda icks me out <.<; I'm like "uuucchh you're my mom, not my dom! Stop calling me that!" but I don't wanna actually say that to her because that seems like it'll just make the matter even more awkward.

Anyway, hi, Lemmy Shitpost, how are you :D πŸ˜…πŸ€£

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Kinda hard to consider them poor if they can afford the $10k it costs to whale out $48k more :-\

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Oh hey, I heard the funding for that dried up. ... Because I went looking for ways to not spend $50/mo for a working phone while I'm sleeping in somebody's closet and have no income πŸ™ƒ Happen to know people who don't even have the closet, but I'm sure they don't need phone service either.

[Maximum Sarcasm] I'm sure the money's going somewhere more important, though.

Hey, how many gig workers are barely scraping by and need programs like this or everybody's Uber Eats orders are gonna uber eat dirt? Just a thought. Maybe taking a little care of the people at the bottom who prop up everything else is kinda asinine to not do. Grr, I say.

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Holy fuck why.

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"could lead to faster, more efficient"

Ooh, ooh, game engines? No. Physics models? Nope, not that. Cryptography, maybe useful against the coming Quantum Cryptodoomβ„’ ? No, not that either. DSP? Image compression? Something? Hmmmm, what could benefit from faster matrix maths? What one singular thing could be so important that- it's a meme, of course it's a freaking meme. Ayyy Aaaiiiiyyyeeee must be the only possible thing of interest because that's the latest meme fad thing >:( grumble grumble grouch bite et cetera

Yes, I will hate every single meme-fad-thing as it happens unless it involves kittens. Or maybe one of a few other things, but NOT THAT. Hmph! Grr! And so on!

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Did startup Flow Computing just make CPUs 100x faster?


I swear all' the exposed hide and fur in this movie I had to watch six thousand times as a kid is not why I'm a furry.

"We know we're the baddies. Sit down, shut up, and get back to work!"

Uuugghhh noooo! Ess Kyoo Ell!! ESS KYOO ELL!!! brandishes flaming pitchfork!

I never imagined 196 being such a nasty place until I started looking through this thread. How many posts need to be made, each with dozens or hundreds of upvotes, all just saying "Then your food's shit [you moron]!"

Like, damn, I'm pretty sure Stamets isn't gonna beam into these people's houses and force-feed them food cooked in a non-preheated oven. Maybe, I guess, but just stun him with a phaser if he tries it? This really seems like a non-issue of one person's preference that doesn't need a whole community piling onto it.

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Aaahhh, this is horrifying! You've ruined my breakfast πŸ™€

runs around in circles flailing and fancrittering about Wayland, which is (finally) (pretty) good now (for many users and usecases) :3 \ΓΆ/ πŸ₯³

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[Sarcasm] See, they really do care about us! They care so much they're unhiring everyone whose job it was to pretend they care about us! Twitch is a great company and not an evil ball of shit! I respect Amazon and its owned companies and subsidiaries and whatnot because I know they respect me!

He's still being a dick about this?? Thought he'd chilled out a bit but now he's lost all damn sense about the matter. Maybe he's at least gotten past insulting all Linux users in his videos and will be keeping this crap to a somewhat more appropriate environment.

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Have you seen us?! We're dangerously adorable!

[Very joke] Bovinoscatological research (which also invented that term) suggests that 89-96% of trans people are cuter than should be possible or sustainable, based on previously established science. What will happen when the dorbs exceed this planet's ability to support them?!?

Also our flag frickin' rocks. πŸ³οΈβ€βš§οΈ

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But it iiiisssss 😭

(I do actually use Arch, by the way 🀣)

Am loving the energy in this post! It's so tiring that this shit is what passes for politics around here. Like half' the fucking country seriously thinks kicking us is a worthy focus for the whole damn government? Really? REALLY? Let's just stop and have a vote on how much we all hate those people for existing! That'll make something better, won't it? ... Now here I am getting worked up too. Bleh. Of course those people have no concept of "better," only hurting people they hate.

"I hate his voice" tacked onto the end there is kinda hilarious though 🀣

Also the initialism for the act's name is SHSA which reminds me that "SHSR" is the IBM->HAL thing (letter-position-decrement?) for "TITS." So I guess this bill is about TITB? ... Nevermind, I'll show myself out :P

No sad? I have extra sad! Here, have some ^.^ 🫴 😭

...Wait, maybe should've thought about that one a little more πŸ€” But then more sad? Hmmmmm @.@

I tried but ended up in some guy's attic instead :-\ At least there's free weed 🀷 πŸ˜…

Wow, this is absolutely fucking horrific. I assume they've imported everything from Kiwi Farms incarnation too? Bunch of evil fucks.

I'm kinda sick of all' the evil, actually. I get that it's very popular but maybe it shouldn't be? I'll just live in my own mind until people pull their heads out, I guess 🀷 What could possibly go wrong.

(Sarcasm warning)
It's almost as if capitalism gives us the least of everything at the greatest cost, rather than the opposite!

Nawh, people keep saying it's the best system so it must be.

Wait, crap! I'm already on 6.7.0-rc4 v.v Not gonna accept a lower number just to hail Satan a little extra πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ

Besides, 6.7 might have something neat in it. I'm not weird, you're weird!

~...~ ~I~ ~use~ ~Arch~ ~and/or~ ~Gentoo~ ~bytheway~ <.<

I continue to exist @.@ In apparently one of the trans-safest places evar, which is good. Forward progress looms like doom, threatening to cause me to have some kind of life or something. There are many good critters around here! I've touched some of them so I'm pretty sure they're real too @.@

Maybe not a significant thing for anycritter else but my brain is a tasty snack so I'm kinda terrified of going anywhere even when I'm not in a totally new place doing it a totally new way <.< Anyway, I'm thinking about doing a tiny lil bus trip just to the nearest Taco Bell tomorrow πŸ˜… Just to help get myself a lil more familiar with the buses and riding them and pathing about the city and going out at all. Big adventure @.@ Tons of fun?

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Oh joy, more cramming "AI" into absolutely every damn thing. Maybe we can get some kinda scalable AI blockchain synergy going on so we can buzz whilst we buzz.

Good thing I use Sprint! ... Wait, crap. Oh well, I need to get my own carrier/account anyway. Which one's actually good? (... Ha ha ha!)