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Joined 1 years ago

Where is it tho, can't seem to find it.

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Jokes on them tho, they lack common understanding.

I watch a video about someone modding a shitbox and they think i can afford this new spyker sports car or any other 80k e car.

Obviously that shit is a swing and a miss. You want to give me advertising that suits me? Start by advertising stickers about cars because that's something i could afford...not something i would buy tho.

Can we complain more about subscription paywalled car functions then?

The audio isn't all that clear but i heard a returning: "what is going on?" And a lack of an answer followed by excessive firearm usage.

I have a feeling this person, same as the black guy from another video that refused to stop as he was convinced cops came to execute him and decided to pull into a gas station first...kinda knew what was going on by the energy the cops give off.

If you want someone to co-operate you pull them over, explain the situation and there would be no need for firearms. But if you charge someone like wild bulls wanting to make a kill, people are gonna's instinct.

I'e also seen this in a video where a guy got shot in his own house where two cops were yelling opposite commands and killed him for not co-operating, the worst part was when he knew he was fucked because they didn't have their shit together. He was asking for clarity and bang bang bang...definitely cleared it up tho, but that shit ain't right.

Stop murdering people, please.

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Just block shorts alltogether, it's a win win.

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Put the value back into my income then, ye cunts.

I make the same number as my dad used to. His was a different currency but the number was the same which makes it awfully simple to put everything into perspective.

His house: 350 Mine: a little under half the size: 900

I'm already down 550 in comparison.

His insurance: 90 Mine: 160

I'm down 620.

His medicine cost and doctor visits: basically zero. Mine: 385 and half the medicine comes out of pocket nowadays.

This difference is hard to put into perspectice as the 385 is once a year and medicine depends on the situation.

Him: unemployed wife, groceries cost about 200 for a full month, owns a car and has 4 children.

Me: wife works and has a hobby that makes money, no car because no money left. Groceries: we eat about 2/3rd of what they did and pay 200 a week. No children.

We are down 1220 if we forget about insurance and medicine. I don't make 1220 more than he did.

Fuck this hellhole, you stole our life and i hope there is a hell for you scumbags.

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Mine turned into that when it stopped paying enough to provide me with basic needs.

If it's fuck me, then it's fuck all y'all too.

My young coworkers seem to believe that 250k refugees of which 100k got a house are the reason we have a housing shortage of well over 400k.

These kids are worse off than i am when it comes to housing, so how surprising is it that they vote far right.

One of them asked me: "so, you're not racist?" Nah "shame, really". Motherfucker forgot my family isn't from here and i've often been treated like subhuman trash for being a foreigner despite being born here and speaking the language like it is my own (because it is).

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This is why everyone should pirate everything that can be pirated.

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I think he needs to fall on his face first, to lose the entitlement and degrading behaviour towards his (up until this point) friends.

Then when he learns he can have another attempt.

I would, but i'm not allowed by the HOA the hang shit on my balcony.

Fuck'n HOA assholes.

My balcony is also on the right side of the building too, it would be perfect.

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I too come from a time where company's had to sell functional products or go bankrupt, but alas those days are long gone.

I can't be arsed to modify a gravestone with youtube logo on it, but that's what it would look like to me if they pulled that off.

Just bye, good luck.

I'm already surprised how people fell into the short content trap/addiction loop. That in itself was a eye opener for me to take a step back.

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I'm so done with companies claiming my house for their ads.

It's my house i decide what makes it in as i pay the rent and i bought these devices, so fuck off.

I'm probably leaving for the fact it's just ads.

Actual paid for ads, sponsorship ads, giveaway ads to grow, influencer ads, comment ads to grow their reach.

It's just one big advertisement.

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I got a big pack of milka cookies, it was huge...triple the size of their regular...turns out it only came with 2 extra cookies.

It had a huge plastic tray, remind me again why i'm being told to use a paper straw once every 2 years i actually get a straw when manufacturers keep pulling shit like that.

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A point could be made that it hurts the planet and they should be held responsible for their shenanigans.

As with that spotify car thing.

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I have a solution: stop using their search engine to begin with and slowly replace everything else google you use.

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Oohh nice, even tho i'm not really the right person for such a game.

I keep losing track and starting over, then realizing i want it to look cooler...start rebuilding and lose interest and drop the game fir quite a time until i find out i lost track and start the cycle over again.

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People really took "video game name genrator" to the real world.

Anything better than listening 3 songs and getting 5 ads.

Stop being trash youtube. Be normal like you once were and i would actually consider a paid subscription IF i get to fully exclude shorts on my side of the platform.

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I was 20 and my father took all my savings a little before that year, gone was my future.

I saved up and tried again but with the prices we needed help of some dear friends, who turned out to just be after our money and we ended up trusting then too much.

Now should be attempt 3, but i can't summon half a million for a house that cost 100k when i saved up for my first attempt at buying a house.

Oppertunities have gone, life is over as far as i give a damn. It was...something...while it lasted alright.

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I just pirate that porn, heck many of them charge for their OF while they post the same shit that's on their insta and when they do release something worthwhile you gotta dunk another 50 to get it.

While already spending 8 bucks a month just to see a mirror of their instagram.

Just sell the damn video for 58 bucks and leave out the bullshit part of the deal. They're just playing into addiction related habits to get you to spend more.

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So is it removed from the appatore yet? Or does it need some motivation?

Can it be flagged or something? That could get it removed.

This shit is pretty fucked up.

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Good, Tiktok has tiktokified enough brains by now.

Let the brains restore and get used to longer form content.

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I never had any real issues with taxes back when groceries, rent and insurance were affordable.

The issues came to light when life started to cost 1.5 times our income, while still having to pay 40% on income and an extra 20% on expenses. I'd rather pay less taxes and eat, when taxes don't do anything. I also learned that our safety nets are a scam, they set up so many bullshit rules that when i needed it they literally went: "you have the right to receive €800 but you won't get it, no matter how hard you try". I tried for a year until i realised our money is just being stolen under the cover of "taxes".

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How about everyone who has zero skills with these problems, do they count is 0% spent on them as they outsource it or do they count as 100% since the smallest problem incapacitates their computer usage?

Canon understands that selling a printer with a maintenance contract is a viable way to do business.

That's a place where the option is very much appreciated.

I'm dissapointed by the lack of commitment, it seems the owner never made it past the second smallest one 🤣

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I remeber when it was all about the YOU part of tubin'. Real people making real content because they wanted to show it to you.

When they first started getting paid they just made more of that same stuff, heck plenty of reviewers could even be trusted as they made the reviews on their own accord.

It was my go to place for entertainment, information and to help me decide to get brand x or y for the product i need.

Nowadays i just have it on as it's less annoying than cable but nothing is actually interesting anymore. Mature youtubers who have turned into adhd 9yo olds just to try and stay relevant, people messing with annoying sounds effects just because they read it catches the viewers's nowadays are an attack on my home space, constantly triggering me with noise or ads just to be annoying. It's become exhausting to consume content.

Same goes for instagram which i very much liked, it's on constant mute for me and the only reason i'm still around is because it's become a habit and titties.

I just turned it off as it kept bitching about the storage being full.

I don't need you bish, fuck off.

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My mind went: "omg is there a stealth archer sim...oh wait"

I hope they are and the world will be forced to either make a law against it or goodbye windows because fu.

Imagine having to pay employees to watch ads that make microsoft money, what a fucking joke that would be.

What do you want from me?

I already gave up everything, life is just work eat(if lucky i get to eat enough) sleep.

You ate up the value of my income and keep making everything more expensive while not adjusting my wage AND telling me to work harder. Fuck no.

You fix it, i don't have the means.

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People themselves have turned into ads since ads themselves don't do their job.

Look at influencers.

Instagram used to be fun for someone to share their journey, now it's ad...influencer...double ad...Triple influencer...Another ad...a real person sharing their journey...55 more influencer ads mixed with 29 actual ads.

Oh and the occasional OF girl who managed to flash some puss without it getting taken down.

I love when i bought something...(i assume) google thinks it's a great idea to advertise that exact combination of products from the exact webshop on the next website i visit.

How much did tiktok ruin google's brain to make them think that is going to be effective marketing?

Mankind truly is on the way down.

Can't afford 'm anyway.

Not anymore it isn't. I remember my parents getting a weeks worth of meats and cheese for €15 making the same wage as i do now.

I would now pay roughly 50€ for a similar selection, so no more meats and cheese because i also pay triple the rent they did for a house half the size.

No i'll never stop complaining about it because my wage 10 years ago paid for a lovely house and allowed me to enjoy life by working out like the beast i enjoy being and now i'm left empty handed beside a load of skills that my employer deems worthless but a requirement nonetheless.

Make it make sense, because i'm certain we deserve more than what we currently get.

I always said: "just put me out with the trash".

The cost of anything death related is so immensly high, even the cheap options are too much imo.

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I have a different look on this, but it's just the way i see it: if a manufacturer puts a function in your car that requires them to run a server then that server is on them, they put the function in there not me.

I buy the car, it's mine in all it's functionality. If they don't want that, then don't put it in.

Let 'm pirate. Teach them how to do it better even.