Videos show Chicago police fired nearly 100 shots over 41 seconds during fatal traffic stop to – 515 points –
Videos show Chicago police fired nearly 100 shots over 41 seconds during fatal traffic stop

Plainclothes Chicago police officers fired nearly 100 gunshots over 41 seconds during a traffic stop that left one man dead and one officer injured, according to graphic video footage a police oversight agency released Tuesday.

Five officers from a tactical unit who were in an unmarked police vehicle surrounded an SUV last month driven by Dexter Reed, allegedly for failing to wear a seatbelt. Video shows the 26-year-old Black man briefly lowering a window and then raising it and refusing to exit the vehicle as more officers arrived, yelled commands and drew weapons.


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The audio isn't all that clear but i heard a returning: "what is going on?" And a lack of an answer followed by excessive firearm usage.

I have a feeling this person, same as the black guy from another video that refused to stop as he was convinced cops came to execute him and decided to pull into a gas station first...kinda knew what was going on by the energy the cops give off.

If you want someone to co-operate you pull them over, explain the situation and there would be no need for firearms. But if you charge someone like wild bulls wanting to make a kill, people are gonna's instinct.

I'e also seen this in a video where a guy got shot in his own house where two cops were yelling opposite commands and killed him for not co-operating, the worst part was when he knew he was fucked because they didn't have their shit together. He was asking for clarity and bang bang bang...definitely cleared it up tho, but that shit ain't right.

Stop murdering people, please.

It's... Instinct... To shoot at police? I'm sorry but I'd honestly want anyone who's instinct is to shoot at law enforcement to be executed on the spot.

These weren't uniformed police.

If a bunch of plain clothes people charge at me with guns I'm not going to assume they're police and cooperate.

Call a cop to your house to help your disabled kid? Theyre dead. Call a cop to do anything and some innocent person or dog is going to end up dead. Cops are criminals.

Makes sense people are going to defend themselves against legal execution gangs.

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