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Joined 5 months ago

She’s gotten teachers confused with priests.

Good to see a good Samaritan not get fucked over in China.

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Do it right and do it once, don’t half-arse it and pretend you’ll get around to finishing it off later.

Momentum is hard to get, be careful aiming for the lesser option because you may not be able to ever get the public to care enough again to push for the better option.

tl;dr: 1 change is easier to pull off than 2

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Don’t American school kids all have to like salute their flag and pledge themselves or some shit each morning?

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Eh it’s not a harmless little fantasy.

Haha fuck yeah kinda see that aspect.

I was referring more to the states response to her great act.

Only cyberpunk and SolarPunk are punk.

The others follow the suffix, like a watergategate. They’re inspired by what Cyberpunk did and use the name as a reflection of the similarities in being a style.

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Why does this guy look like Hitler wearing fake tan?

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Where are the problems?

All I see is typical MBFC bias. The opinion of some rando (MBFC being the opinion of one person mind you) rating them on the internet is not signs of a problem with them.

Each shit music industry. One of the greediest predatory industries around.

So what it’s really like is only having to do half the work?

Sounds good, reduced workload without some unrealistic expectation of computers doing everything for you.

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I have snap on my 64.

Remember to vote blue.

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What is that, an armoured baby warthog?

Didn't know China was so fluent in sarcasm.

You know what’s mildly infuriating? That OP mentions the box issue and that it could be solved by putting less nuggets in a larger sized box, yet people still comment saying they ran out of boxes.

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Nah Cyberpunk the TTRPG is from 88, it came out 6 years after the word was first coined. Hardly tarnishing it.

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Oh fuck off with that nonsense.

It’s so obviously a load of shit trying to make bank on legal fees. We’ve all seen and dismissed it by now.

Because he put his friend of decades, Blinken, as secretary of state for his presidency. The same state department who is blindly repeating Israeli lies and refusing to do any investigation into these war crimes thus further protecting and enabling Israel and it's genocide.

Why aren't you?

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The map scale AI is brain dead. It’s not fun, it’s boring.

It becomes a chore to clean up the map from the enemy, but the enemy isn’t hard or challenging, only numerous and time consuming.

Battle AI is tolerable.

They’re joking about the sneeze meaning it shot out his mouth from inside his lungs.

No, I talk as if Biden has time and time again defended and supplied Israel.

Biden is the biggest enabler in the world of what Israel is doing.

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Late 80s/Early 90s computer. Not the architecture we use today, but a competitor to what we use.

These devices are when PCs looked more like something you would recognise today, a bulky beige box with a big monitor.

Really the Israeli occupation of Palestine which long predates Oct 7th would be over if the hostages were released?

Could obliterate a hot dog eating contest though.

Ahh yes the secret tunnels under every convenient bombing target.

The magical tunnels that rarely ever exist, and when they do the IDF plants guns in them as witnessed by the press.


Nah pommy fucks still act like the Empire exists all the time.

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That whole article talks more about protestors pushing for returning hostages and other dislikes of Netanyahu far more than it does generic 'anti-war' protestors.

So thanks for that really, just further solidifies my point.

Likewise life is not a fucking wheel, it doesn't travel in some predetermined path you've created. Let me tell you something, no matter how hard you centrist "don't do anything at all" approach it, you will never arrive at a world that is peaceful or just.

This is what it looks like when the government doesn’t work for the people.

Usenet is getting worse and worse these days, I'm learning the ancient art of Sneakernet.

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Sounds useful for firefighters.

Kinda like how the drone with a flamethrower was used to clear powerlines.

They’ve delayed it so long if they ever do release it on our shores the hardware won’t be justifiable as a purchase.

Who’s going to watch them in this day and age?

They could do both.

Because Israel is committing genocide?

Israel doesn’t mean Jewish.

Note: keikaku means plan.

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It’s from the 20th century, and of the guy directly responsible for the mess in Palestine today as well as his shit in Ireland.

I’m about as outraged about this as I would be a Jew slashing a “historical” painting of Hitler.

I wonder if in a hundred years people will be upset over Trumps portrait getting ruined?

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Terrorist state Israel threatens violence to enact political goals.

If Epic could actually provide a better service, they would be seeing customers and developers actually want to use their platform.

Instead they try to lock games behind exclusivity deals and bribe customers with free games and they still fail.

So what do they do instead of fixing their own problems? They go after everyone else who’s actually successful.

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